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Casey Research Summit Special Report: Surviving the Death of Money

Posted on October 15, 2011

When the currency system as we know it dies, some people will become very wealthy.

China: continued boom or bursting bubble?

Posted on October 12, 2011

In a recent article, How China Ate America’s Lunch, Clif Carothers described what China has accomplished in the last thirty years: In thirty short years, China was able to accelerate her GDP from $216 billion to $6 trillion. She amassed …

Silvercorp goes on the offensive

Posted on September 30, 2011

I’m writing from China, where I’m attending Silvercorp Metals’ (SVM) mine tour with other analysts and reporters.

Glowing prospects for Uranium

Posted on September 23, 2011

On September 22, 2011, Karen Roche and JT Long of The Energy Report interviewed renowned speculator and financial author Doug Casey on his views about uranium

Is the US monetary system on the verge of collapse?

Posted on September 20, 2011

Tune into CNBC or click onto any of the dozens of mainstream financial news sites, and you’ll find an endless array of opinions on the latest wiggle in equity, bond and commodities markets. As often as not, you’ll find those opinions nestled side by side with authoritative analysis on the outlook for the economy, complete with the author’s carefully studied judgment on the best way forward.

Falling oil prices: Worrying trend or saving grace?

Posted on September 15, 2011

When oil prices start to decline, investors and economists get worried.

Tracking Gold

Posted on September 1, 2011

Recently, we’ve received a number of emails from readers asking why the primary gold ETF, SPDR Gold Trust (NYSE:GLD), doesn’t more closely track the price of gold, and other related questions. For those readers who aren’t already familiar with the workings of this innovative way to “own gold,” it’s worth going over a few of the details, because there are some common misunderstandings regarding the ETF.

‘The Zen of resource speculation’

Posted on August 19, 2011

Whenever gold and silver hit a correction, those are the times that try men’s souls. But they are also a classic case of making volatility our friend.

Recent gold hedging activity – a warning sign?

Posted on August 16, 2011

A gold mining company may hedge its production on expectations of falling gold prices in order to lock in high prices and possibly avoid losses. As gold hits one nominal high after another, is such behavior a sign that the bull market in gold is over?

Too much of a good thing is not a good thing

Posted on August 12, 2011

I am beginning to feel a bit like one of the French unfortunates stumbling through the fog in the Ardennes, circa 1914. Except that, instead of Germans full of deadly intent coming at me in the gloomy forest, it is a flock of black swans.

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