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Wednesday, 18 May, 2011 - Guild Wars Vault News

  Network Promotion: IGN's L.A. Noire Precinct Community Site Launches!  
Print News
We are excited to announce the launching of our latest Community site, L.A. Noire Precinct, that covers the newly released game by Rockstar. So please take a moment to drop by and see what is going on over at the Precinct. While there be sure to check out the L.A. Noire Wiki section for all your needs. There will also be extensive guides, screenshots and editorials. Check it out!

L.A. Noire Precinct

-- -1313-Evil_Homer @ 13:47 PST


Sunday, 13 March, 2011

  More Guild Wars 2 News - Catch the Thief!  [ 1 Comment ]
Print News
New profession information has be released on the Thief you can read about them here.

-- polemistis1 @ 15:54 PST

Guild Wars 2 News  [ 1 Comment ]
Print News

-- polemistis1 @ 6:22 PST


Tuesday, 1 March, 2011

  New Column - Deuces Wild - The Elementalist  [ 1 Comment ]
Print News

From Cydoc's Deuces Wild column :
Rather than swap weapons to adjust to new situations, the multi-faceted elementalist quickly adapts to new threats by attuning to different elements as needed. When the elementalist attunes to any of the four elements, she receives intrinsic bonuses that continually empower her.

Read the rest here!

-- polemistis1 @ 9:14 PST


Sunday, 27 February, 2011

  Guild Wars News  [ 1 Comment ]
Print News
New information on humans

New information on Norms

Gamespot has an updated FAQ for Guild Wars 2

Some Changes have been made at the Vn regarding locations of boards. The new location for the Guild Wars General Board is under MMO General Boards.

-- polemistis1 @ 6:56 PST


Monday, 14 February, 2011

  New Column - Deuces Wild - The Ranger  [ Comment ]
Print News

From Cydoc's Deuces Wild column :
One of the ranger’s main tools is their pet. These animals remain loyal to the ranger and help boost not only his potential DPS, but also his survivability. Instead of having 1 boring, never changing pet though, the rangers have a much wider choice of what pet they want to use. This is done via charming pets and then bonding with them. A ranger can have up to 3 pets charmed but may only use 1 at a time. A pet’s health, armor and damage is based on the level of the player it is bonded to, i.e. YOU.

Read the rest here!

-- polemistis1 @ 7:22 PST


Wednesday, 2 February, 2011

  Guild Wars 2 News - New Profession Guardian  [ 1 Comment ]
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From the Guild Wars 2 website.

Presenting the most recent Guild Wars 2 profession - the guardian! A versatile fighter who empowers his allies and crushes his enemies, the guardian is as dangerous with a staff as he is with a massive two- handed hammer. Discover the powerful offensive and defensive abilities of the guardian right here!

-- polemistis1 @ 4:24 PST


Saturday, 8 January, 2011

  Guild Wars 2 News: Two Videos  [ Comment ]
Print News
Two videos to share regarding Guild Wars 2 one is almost hour long video of game footage the other is a a presentation on the dynamic events in GW2

-- polemistis1 @ 18:34 PST


Thursday, 30 December, 2010

  New Column - Deuces Wild - The Warrior  [ Comment ]
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From Cydoc's Deuces Wild column :
The Warrior is quite possibly the coolest looking class thus far in Guild Wars 2. The mighty Warrior is a class that charges across the battle field, rallying and leading his allies to victory. Dressed in full plate and wielding a variety of weapons, the warrior is a God amongst men. With Guild Wars 2 rewarding strategy and tactics; what better way to display this than an interactive weapon system. The Warrior truly is the master of all arms. This means he knows which weapon is called for which situation. The warrior knows that sometimes bigger isn’t always better, and that each weapon has a boon and a flaw. Here is the current list of weapons available to the Warrior, as provided by ArenaNet, and what they offer to the class. Please remember that this list is subject to change as we draw every closer to beta and release.

Read the rest here!

-- polemistis1 @ 8:39 PST


Wednesday, 15 December, 2010

  New Sonya's Scribblings - Sarcasm  [ 1 Comment ]
Print News

From Sonya's Sonya's Scribblings:
In my turbulent youth, way back in 20 ought 7 (not to be confused with the Glen Beck article “19 ought 7”), when I was just a wee lad, starry eyed by the myriad of countless streets and buildings in the large urban sprawl of the Canthan biway’s, I wrote an article for this site called “I Be Monk” . It was meant as a satirical piece where I took on the persona of an egotistical, know it all monk, that would only ordain to join pugs that worshipped the grown I walked (the reality of course is that I actually played warrior tank but the rest of the description was/ is really quite spot on). What surprised me later, and much to the chagrin of the site manager at the time was the absolute venom that spewed from the comments the readers left. To say that the readers missed the over the top sarcasm is an understatement (to this day, I still wonder how many readers and advertisers this site lost because of that one article).

Read the rest here

-- polemistis1 @ 12:36 PST


Thursday, 2 December, 2010

  New Sonya's Scribblings - Finding a Guild  [ Comment ]
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From Sonya's Sonya's Scribblings:
As some of you may know, I recently came back to the lands of Guild Wars after a long absense (about four years). One of the topics I said I would write about was my experience coming back as basically a newb in an old game. Just to recap, in my previous Guild Wars incarnation, I was not in a guild, did almost no group stuff and never pvp’d. I was a social hermit. This time around I will do all of that and of course from time to time chronicle the highlights.

Read the rest here

-- polemistis1 @ 19:19 PST


Sunday, 28 November, 2010

  Guild Wars 2 News: Hall of Monuments  [ Comment ]
Print News
The Hall of Monuments FAQ has been update with some information about Guild Wars 2. You can read it here

-- polemistis1 @ 7:43 PST


Sunday, 21 November, 2010

  IGN Promotion: Check out IGN Answers  
Print News

Need an answer to your gaming question? Good! Head on over and check out IGN Answers for all your gaming Q&A; needs. Ask a game related question and get an answer quick.

IGN Answers

-- -1313-Evil_Homer @ 11:57 PST


Sunday, 14 November, 2010

  New Sonya's Scribblings - An MMO Education  [ Comment ]
Print News

From Sonya's Sonya's Scribblings:
n a recent article in the online news magazine “Slate” the author Linda Perlstein wrote a piece about the 21st – century classroom, and posed the following “American classrooms are outdated. Slate seeks your great ideas for how to modernize them (Slate ” While the intent of the article was more a focus on the physical buildings that make up a classroom/school my thoughts immediately went to gaming (ok, to be fair my thoughts are never that far astray from gaming but that’s a separate issue one I am dealing with in an online 12 step program).

Read the rest here

-- polemistis1 @ 3:34 PST


Wednesday, 27 October, 2010

  New Sonya's Scribblings - Halloween  [ Comment ]
Print News

From Sonya's Sonya's Scribblings:
If there is one aspect of Guild Wars that is implemented superbly, it's the in-game events such as this week's celebration of Halloween. Special yearly events are not unique to Guild Wars but the Guild Wars developers have captured the essence of what makes an in-game event successful.

These special occasions are so awesome in their ability to foster a sense of community and camaraderie amongst the player base. On the specific day of a special event, such as Halloween, certain locations, such as Lions Arch, are packed with revelers celebrating the day. These events are virtual parties that bring people together just as much as their counterparts in the real world do. In some ways, it could be argued, that in terms of celebrating special occasions they are more successful then their real world counterparts.

Read the rest here

-- polemistis1 @ 4:57 PST


Friday, 22 October, 2010

  New Column - Deuces Wild - Death and Cross-Profession Combos  [ Comment ]
Print News

From Cydoc's Deuces Wild column :
Guild Wars 2 is taking radical steps to give players a new and exciting way to fight enemies. One of the main factors in this new combat system is the lack of healers. That is right, there are no healers in Guild Wars 2. Instead, every class is given several support abilities. Only a handful of these support abilities, across the entire profession spectrum, will be healing. Buff type support skills will be your bread and butter for the most part. The idea behind this is simple. No one wants to wait…and wait…and wait for a healer to log on so they can start an instance. No one should fight carelessly and rely on powerful heals to aid their weak tactical maneuvers. Players must fight smart!

Read the rest here!

-- polemistis1 @ 12:40 PST


Monday, 11 October, 2010

  New Sonya's Scribblings - I'm Back  [ Comment ]
Print News

After several years away, Sonya has returned to continue writing her scribbles, you can read the latest one I'm Back here, for past work of Sonya Click here

-- polemistis1 @ 9:05 PST


Friday, 8 October, 2010

  New Player Interview with Chibup Nokia  [ Comment ]
Print News
A new Player Interview with Chibup Nokia has been posed you can read it here.

-- polemistis1 @ 5:04 PST


Tuesday, 4 May, 2010

  IGN's Halo Ring Launches  
Print News
We are excited in announcing the launching of our latest site, Halo Ring, for the mega-series by Bungie. So please take a moment to drop by and see what is going on over at the Ring. While there be sure to check out the Halo Ring Wiki section for all your needs and maybe add a bit of your knowledge while you are there. There will also be extensive beta coverage with guides, screenshots and editorials. Time to suit up!

Halo Ring Launches

-- -1313-Evil_Homer @ 8:47 PST


Sunday, 25 April, 2010

  New Wallapper: Paragon  [ Comment ]
Print News
A New wallpaper has been made by Polemistis:

-- polemistis1 @ 12:47 PST



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