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Author: Elyse, PMP, CPHIMS
October 15, 2011

Remember the cavalier way of implementing a solution back in the good old days. In some manner, a request was approved for a new system. Instead of looking out for a canned commercial solution, there would be a meeting a gathering of business requirements. There would be an in depth understanding of the existing paper business process and a way to automate it. Afterwards, there would be the construction, testing, deployment and fine tuning. Oh the chaos, and oh the understanding of how the hospital business worked.

Perhaps we need to consider what we have lost as we have moved to implementers of packaged applications. Rare is it now that a solution Is built from scratch. We all know the reasons, it is costly to construct and maintain. However, as we strive to implemented canned commercial applications for achieving meaningful use, icd10, or some other supply chain initiative. We have to consider what we have at risk and take some of those key solution development practices over to implementation of commercial packages.

As IT, we need to still utilize those practices of requirements gathering and weighing the must haves with the nice to haves. We should be vigorous in understanding the existing business process and what needs to change to adopt the new solution. Most of all we should convent and understand what gives our hospital the competitive advantage of other facility up the road. We should assure the solution will give the opportunity for that competitive advantage to have an agility as it matures.

After all, with the growth of software as a service and cloud computing, the one thing which should not be standardized is that which gives us our competitive edge.