Building a BF3 PC

PC components for Battlefiled 3.

Preview: ME3's Multiplayer

Bioware's take on horde mode.

Exclusive: Otherland Trailer

Check out this beautiful F2P MMO.

Are games afraid to explore sexual themes?
Chatting about Dark Alliance and Tolkien.
GameSpy's top 5 obscure horror titles.
An exceptionally fun and challenging game.

Blizzard Apologizes for BlizzCon's Homophobic Rant

By Nick Winter | PC News | Oct 29, 2011 4:34 AM | Comment

Blizzard's president Mike Morhaime has issued an official apology for the "shortsighted" and "insensitive" language used at this year's BlizzCon. In case you missed the story, some gamers took offense to a video that was shown at the annual Blizzard convention, in which World of Warcraft Alliance players were slandered with homophobic slurs and generally distasteful language. Read More »

Blizzard Apologizes for BlizzCon's Homophobic Rant

Report: MW3 Disc Stolen, Available Online

By Nick Winter | PC News | Oct 29, 2011 3:40 AM | Comment

It happened with Modern Warfare 2. It happened with Black Ops. And now, it seems, it has happened with Modern Warfare 3. VentureBeat is reporting that some nefarious person has got their thieving hands on one of the PC discs for MW3, and the game is now circulating among pirate websites, a full 10 days before its official release. Read More »

Report: MW3 Disc Stolen, Available Online

New Darkness II Trailer is the Most Violent Yet

By Nick Winter | PC News | Oct 29, 2011 2:55 AM | Comment

If you're unlucky enough to be working this Saturday, and, trust me, I feel your pain, then you probably shouldn't watch this new trailer for The Darkness II, as it's NSFW. Also, please don't watch this video if you are squeamish, under the age of 18, or happen to be perusing this website with your lovely, innocent grandmother sitting right next to you. Actually, you know what? Don't watch this trailer at all, because it's absolutely, utterly, downright disgusting. Read More »

New Darkness II Trailer is the Most Violent Yet

EA Responds to BF3 Launch Issues, Says Won't Happen With SWTOR

By Nick Winter | PC News | Oct 29, 2011 2:24 AM | Comment

Battlefield 3 is here. It's awesome. And we all want to play it non-stop, day and night, until we are literally malnourished, starving and almost dead from lack of sunlight. At least, that's what we want to do. But some of us are finding it hard to throw our lives away so easily, because both EA's BF3 servers and Origin network have been experiencing some problems. EA says it's working on fixing the issues, and claims the bugs won't reappear when the company launches its next big ticket item: Star Wars: The Old Republic. Read More »

EA Responds to BF3 Launch Issues, Says Won't Happen With SWTOR

Lord of the Rings: War in the North Interview

By Mike Nelson | PC Previews | Oct 28, 2011 3:08 PM | Comment

Next week Lord of the Rings: War in the North will be arriving to kick off the month of November alongside a number of other high profile games. We had a chance to chat with Andre Maguire, lead game designer on War in the North about the competition of the holiday season, the game's mature rating, and ask if this game is the spiritual sequel to the Dark Alliance series. Read More »

Lord of the Rings: War in the North Interview

FileSpy: The Week's Best Demos, Mods, and More

By Mike Sharkey | PC News | Oct 28, 2011 12:10 PM | Comment

Welcome, PC gamers, to GameSpy's weekly rundown on the best content our sister site, FilePlanet, has to offer. We serve as the Knights of New, sorting through all of the demos, mods, patches and promos FilePlanet posts each week and pick out the best of the best for you to download right here every Friday. Looking to put a little horror in your favorite games for the Halloween weekend? Inquire within. Read More »

FileSpy: The Week's Best Demos, Mods, and More

From Concept to Game World in Skyrim

By Mike Sharkey | PC News | Oct 28, 2011 11:40 AM | Comment

Before Bethesda rendered the 3D world of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the studio's artists created 2D concept images of the RPG's majestic fantasy world. And as we can see in the latest Skyrim trailer, the original visions for the game are still very much intact in the final product. See for yourself within. Read More »

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Concept Trailer

Third Annual Team Fortress 2 Scream Fortress Halloween Event Underway

By Mike Sharkey | PC News | Oct 28, 2011 9:59 AM | Comment

A new map, boss fight, achievements, secret loot, and nine hilarious class-specific costume packs are all up for grabs in Valve's third annual Scream Fortress Halloween event for Team Fortress 2. Trick or treat the jump for details. Read More »

Valve Launches Third Annual Scream Fortress

GameSpy is Hiring

By GameSpy Staff | PC News | Oct 28, 2011 9:00 AM | Comment

GameSpy is going back to its roots as a dedicated PC gaming website, and we're looking for a new Editor-in-Chief to help lead us there. Are you a rig-building, PC gaming enthusiast that doubles as a wordsmith? Can you lead a team and represent the GS brand with its community, game publishers, and PR? Do you have what it takes to be GameSpy's next EIC? Inquire within. Read More »

GameSpy is Hiring

StarCraft Fan Cinematic Final Metamorphosis is a Lore-Filled Beauty

By Mike Sharkey | PC News | Oct 28, 2011 8:57 AM | Comment

The CGI cutscenes in StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty are worth the price of admission. If you're yearning for even more cinematic StarCraft action in anticipation of Heart of the Swarm, the fans at StarCraft Legacy have done their best Blizzard impersonation to dazzle and delight. Get your Brood War on with StarCraft: Final Metamorphosis. Read More »

StarCraft Fan Cinematic Final Metamorphosis

Ubisoft Puts RTS in Assassin's Creed: Revelations

By Mike Sharkey | PC News | Oct 28, 2011 8:25 AM | Comment

Reach your secret society's den in Assassin's Creed: Revelations and Ezio can use his fellow assassins to defend territory in a very real-time-strategy addition to Ubisoft's action adventure franchise. See how you'll get a little RTS in your Assassin's Creed within. Read More »

Assassin's Creed: Revelations  RTS Trailer

The Top 5 Horror Games You've Never Played

By Fake Drs. David Wolinsky and Eric Neigher | PC Special Features | Oct 28, 2011 7:19 AM | Comment

Halloween approacheth, and by now you're probably putting the final touches on your super-conceptual costume -- what're the odds two people will think to go as a Chinese fire drill? That means you've got plenty of time to kick back and be scared silly by some horror games. But not just any horror games. The genre has been largely subsumed by so-called "survival horror" standouts like Resident Evil and Dead Space, but as any scare-lover will tell you: there's far more to it than that. That's why we, Transylvania University-accredited doctors of Thrill-and-Chillology dispense to you this list of the five greatest -- and obscurest -- horror games we guarantee you've never played. Oh, and while we're at it: Boo! Read More »

The Top 5 Horror Games You've Never Played

DC Universe Online is Free to Play on November 1st

By Mike Nelson | PC News | Oct 27, 2011 5:06 PM | Comment

Starting on November 1st, DC Universe Online will launch their "free-to-play" model alongside its standard subscription service and a "Premium" service (see: budget) giving a lot of options for existing and prospective players who want to run around the, er, DC Universe. The entire subscription plan is detailed on the official DCUO website. The free version of the game will limited player's inventory, number of characters, and how much money they're allowed to have at any given time among other features. Read More »

DC Universe Online is Free to Play on November 1st

The "S" Word: Sex in Games

By Nathan Grayson | PC Articles | Oct 27, 2011 3:56 PM | Comment

Sex is weird. Without it, you wouldn't exist. You probably think about it multiple times each day -- if not multiple times each hour. Entire nations have risen and fallen because of it. It may have just made you giggle at the phrase "risen and fallen." It is -- without a doubt -- a universal human experience. And yet, it may also be the most personal thing in the world. Is it any wonder that we can't figure out what the hell to do with it? Read More »


Level Up Your Weapon in Call of Duty: MW3

By Mike Sharkey | PC News | Oct 27, 2011 2:25 PM | Comment

In an effort to give players even more ways to customize their Call of Duty experience, Infinty Ward and Sledgehammer Games won't just allow you to level up your character in Modern Warfare 3, they'll allow you to level up your favorite gun. Learn all about Weapon Proficiency within. Read More »

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Weapon Proficiency Trailer


Battlefield 3 PC Review

Battlefield 3 PC Review

One game, two reviewers. GameSpy enlisted two of its finest to review BF3.


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We look at the evolution of id Tech over the years.

Preview: Mass Effect 3's Co-Op Multiplayer

The Galaxy is at war, and you'll team up with a few friends to fight the good fight.

Review: Dungeon Defenders

An exceptionally fun and challenging game to play online -- not so much by yourself.

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