
Brazil's remote Amazon heartlands are currently threatened by intensive industrial development plans that include the creation of massive hydroelectric dams, natural gas and petroleum extraction projects, and industrial waterways to transport natural resources.

Opponents argue that this development model is unsustainable and incompatible with the region's needs, and many forest communities oppose the detrimental impacts of industrial projects on their lands, livelihoods and health. Yet, powerful political and economic interests are pushing infrastructure expansion ahead without heeding the enormous social and environmental costs that will burden forest peoples and disrupt the local and regional ecologies upon which these people depend.

Amazon Watch is currently monitoring industrial mega-projects in the Brazilian Amazon, paying particular attention to the Belo Monte Dam and the Madeira River Complex, two hydroelectric projects that threaten to cause direct social and environmental impacts for indigenous people, forest communities, and riverine families.

Active Campaigns:

Stop the Belo Monte Dam

The Brazilian government is moving ahead "at any cost" with plans to build the third-largest dam in the world and one of the Amazon's most controversial development projects – the Belo Monte dam on the Xingu River. Learn more »

The Madeira River Complex

The Madeira River Complex - an enormous mega-project including the construction of four hydroelectric dams, extensive river dredging and opening of channels - threatens the ecological stability of the entire Madeira River and the livelihood of local communities. Learn more »

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