Native name | الخلافة العباسية |
Conventional long name | Abbasid Caliphate |
Common name | Abbasid Caliphate |
Continent | Afroasia |
Region | Middle East |
Status | Empire |
Government type | Caliphate |
Life span | 750–1258/1261–1513 |
Year start | 750 |
Year end | 1258 |
P1 | Umayyad Caliphate |
Flag p1 | Umayyad Flag.svg |
S1 | Mongol Empire |
Flag s1 | White Sulde of the Mongol Empire.jpg |
S2 | Fatimid Caliphate |
Flag s2 | Fatimid_flag.svg |
S3 | Ottoman Empire |
Flag s3 | Ottoman_Flag.svg |
Image map caption | Abbasid Caliphate (light and dark green) at its greatest extent, c. 850. Territories in dark green were lost early on. |
Capital | Baghdad |
Common languages | Arabic, Aramaic, Armenian, Berber languages, Georgian, Greek, Hebrew, Middle Persian, Oghuz Turkic, Kurdish |
Religion | Sunni Islam |
Currency | Abbasid Dinar |
Leader1 | As-Saffah |
Year leader1 | 721–754 |
Leader2 | Harun al-Rashid |
Year leader2 | 786–809 |
Leader3 | Al-Mustansir |
Year leader3 | 1261–1262 |
Leader4 | Al-Musta'sim |
Year leader4 | 1242–1258 |
Title leader | Amir al-Mu'minin¹ |
Stat area1 | 10000000 |
Stat pop1 | 50000000 |
Footnotes | ¹ Amir al-Mu'minin (أمير المؤمنين), Caliph (خليفة) |
Today |
The Abbasid Caliphate or, more simply, the Abbasids ( / ISO 233: ), was the third of the Islamic caliphates. It was ruled by the Abbasid dynasty of caliphs, who built their capital in Baghdad after overthrowing the Umayyad caliphs from all but the Al Andalus region.
The Abbasid caliphate was founded by the descendants of the Islamic prophet Muhammad's youngest uncle, Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib, in Harran in 750 CE and shifted its capital in 762 to Baghdad. It flourished for two centuries, but slowly went into decline with the rise to power of the Turkish army it had created, the Mamluks. Within 150 years of gaining control of Persia, the caliphs were forced to cede power to local dynastic emirs who only nominally acknowledged their authority. The caliphate also lost the Western provinces of Al Andalus, Maghreb and Ifriqiya to an Umayyad prince, the Aghlabids and the Fatimids, respectively.
The Abbasids' rule was briefly ended for three years in 1258, when Hulagu Khan, the Mongol khan, sacked Baghdad, resuming in Mamluk Egypt in 1261, from where they continued to claim authority in religious matters until 1519, when power was formally transferred to the Ottomans and the capital relocated to Constantinople.
, Iraq, 765.]] The Abbasids also distinguished themselves from the Umayyads by attacking their moral character and administration in general. According to Ira Lapidus, "The Abbasid revolt was supported largely by Arabs, mainly the aggrieved settlers of Marw with the addition of the Yemeni faction and their Mawali". The Abbasids also appealed to non-Arab Muslims, known as mawali, who remained outside the kinship-based society of the Arabs and were perceived as a lower class within the Umayyad empire. Muhammad ibn 'Ali, a great-grandson of Abbas, began to campaign for the return of power to the family of Muhammad, the Hashimites, in Persia during the reign of Umar II.
During the reign of Marwan II, this opposition culminated in the rebellion of Ibrahim the Imam, the fourth in descent from Abbas. Supported by the province of Khorasan, Iran, he achieved considerable success, but was captured in the year 747 and died in prison; some hold that he was assassinated. The quarrel was taken up by his brother Abdallah, known by the name of Abu al-'Abbas as-Saffah, who defeated the Umayyads in 750 in the Battle of the Zab near the Great Zab and was subsequently proclaimed caliph.
Immediately after their victory, Abu al-'Abbas as-Saffah sent his forces to North Africa and Central Asia, where his forces fought against Tang expansion during the Battle of Talas (the Abbasids were known to their opponents as the: "Black robed Tazi" ("Tazi", Chinese: 大食 is borrowed from Persian.) ). Barmakids, who were instrumental in building Baghdad; introduced the world's first recorded paper mill in Baghdad, thus beginning a new era of intellectual rebirth in the Abbasid domain. Within 10 years, the Abbasids built another renowned paper mill in the Umayyad capital of Córdoba in Spain.
The Abbasids had depended heavily on the support of Persians in their overthrow of the Umayyads. Abu al-'Abbas' successor, Al-Mansur, moved their capital from Damascus to the new city of Baghdad and welcomed non-Arab Muslims to their court. While this helped integrate Arab and Persian cultures, it alienated many of their Arab supporters, particularly the Khorasanian Arabs who had supported them in their battles against the Umayyads. 's reign]] These fissures in their support led to immediate problems. The Umayyads, while out of power, were not destroyed. The only surviving member of the Umayyad royal family, which had been all but annihilated, ultimately made his way to Spain where he established himself as an independent Emir (Abd ar-Rahman I, 756). In 929, Abd ar-Rahman III assumed the title of Caliph, establishing Al Andalus from Córdoba as a rival to Baghdad as the legitimate capital of the Islamic Empire.
The Islamic Golden Age was inaugurated by the middle of the 8th century by the ascension of the Abbasid Caliphate and the transfer of the capital from Damascus to Baghdad. The Abbassids were influenced by the Qur'anic injunctions and hadith such as "the ink of a scholar is more holy than the blood of a martyr" stressing the value of knowledge. Harun al-Rashid's son, Al-Ma'mun (whose mother was Persian), is even quoted as saying:
:"The Persians ruled for a thousand years and did not need us Arabs even for a day. We have been ruling them for one or two centuries and cannot do without them for an hour."
A number of medieval thinkers and scientists living under Islamic rule played a role in transmitting Islamic science to the Christian West. They contributed to making Aristotle known in Christian Europe. In addition, the period saw the recovery of much of the Alexandrian mathematical, geometric and astronomical knowledge, such as that of Euclid and Claudius Ptolemy. These recovered mathematical methods were later enhanced and developed by other Islamic scholars, notably by Persian scientists Al-Biruni and Abu Nasr Mansur.
Algebra was significantly developed by Persian Scientist Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī during this time in his landmark text, Kitab al-Jabr wa-l-Muqabala, from which the term algebra is derived. He is thus considered to be the father of algebra by some, although the Greek mathematician Diophantus has also been given this title. The terms algorism and algorithm are derived from the name of al-Khwarizmi, who was also responsible for introducing the Arabic numerals and Hindu-Arabic numeral system beyond the Indian subcontinent.
Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) developed an early scientific method in his Book of Optics (1021). The most important development of the scientific method was the use of experiments to distinguish between competing scientific theories set within a generally empirical orientation, which began among Muslim scientists. Ibn al-Haytham's empirical proof of the intromission theory of light (that is, that light rays entered the eyes rather than being emitted by them) was particularly important. Bradley Steffens described Ibn al-Haytham as the "first scientist" for his development of scientific method.
Medicine in medieval Islam was an area of science that advanced particularly during the Abbasids' reign. During the ninth century, Baghdad contained over 800 doctors, and great discoveries in the understanding of anatomy and diseases were made. The clinical distinction between measles and smallpox was described during this time. Famous Persian scientist Ibn Sina (known to the West as Avicenna) produced treatises and works that summarized the vast amount of knowledge that scientists had accumulated, and was very influential through his encyclopedias, The Canon of Medicine and The Book of Healing. The work of him and many others directly influenced the research of European scientists during the Renaissance.
Astronomy in medieval Islam was advanced by Al-Battani, who improved the precision of the measurement of the precession of the Earth's axis. The corrections made to the geocentric model by al-Battani, Averroes, Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, Mo'ayyeduddin Urdi and Ibn al-Shatir were later incorporated into the Copernican heliocentric model. The astrolabe, though originally developed by the Greeks, was developed further by Islamic astronomers and engineers, and subsequently brought to medieval Europe.
Muslim alchemists influenced medieval European alchemists, particularly the writings attributed to Jābir ibn Hayyān (Geber). A number of chemical processes such as distillation techniques were developed in the Muslim world and then spread to Europe.
The most well known fiction from the Islamic world was The Book of One Thousand and One Nights (Arabian Nights). The original concept is derived from pre-Islamic Iranian (Persian) prototype with reliance on Indian elements. It also includes stories from the rest of the Middle-Eastern and North African nations. The epic took form in the 10th century and reached its final form by the 14th century; the number and type of tales have varied from one manuscript to another. All Arabian fantasy tales were often called "Arabian Nights" when translated into English, regardless of whether they appeared in The Book of One Thousand and One Nights. Many imitations were written, especially in France. Various characters from this epic have themselves become cultural icons in Western culture, such as Aladdin, Sinbad and Ali Baba.
A famous example of Persian poetry on romance is Layla and Majnun, dating back to the Umayyad era in the 7th century. It is a tragic story of undying love much like the later Romeo and Juliet.
Arabic poetry reached its greatest heights in the Abbasid era, especially before the loss of central authority and the rise of the Persianate dynasties. Writers like Abu Tammam and Abu Nuwas were closely connected to the caliphal court in Baghdad during the early 9th century, while others such as al-Mutanabbi received their patronage from regional courts.
One of the common definitions for "Islamic philosophy" is "the style of philosophy produced within the framework of Islamic culture." Islamic philosophy, in this definition is neither necessarily concerned with religious issues, nor is exclusively produced by Muslims.
Advances were made in irrigation and farming, using new technology such as the windmill. Crops such as almonds and citrus fruit were brought to Europe through al-Andalus, and sugar cultivation was gradually adopted by the Europeans. Arab merchants dominated trade in the Indian Ocean until the arrival of the Portuguese in the 16th century. Hormuz was an important center for this trade. There was also a dense network of trade routes in the Mediterranean, along which Muslim countries traded with each other and with European powers such as Venice, Genoa and Catalonia. The Silk Road crossing Central Asia passed through Muslim states between China and Europe.
Muslim engineers in the Islamic world made a number of innovative industrial uses of hydropower, and early industrial uses of tidal power, wind power, and petroleum (notably by distillation into kerosene). The industrial uses of watermills in the Islamic world date back to the 7th century, while horizontal-wheeled and vertical-wheeled water mills were both in widespread use since at least the 9th century. By the time of the Crusades, every province throughout the Islamic world had mills in operation, from al-Andalus and North Africa to the Middle East and Central Asia. These mills performed a variety of agricultural and industrial tasks. Muslim engineers also developed machines (such as pumps) incorporating crankshafts, employed gears in mills and water-raising machines, and used dams to provide additional power to watermills and water-raising machines. Such advances made it possible for many industrial tasks that were previously driven by manual labour in ancient times to be mechanized and driven by machinery instead in the medieval Islamic world. It has been argued that the industrial use of waterpower had spread from Islamic to Christian Spain, where fulling mills, paper mills, and forge mills were recorded for the first time in Catalonia.
A number of industries were generated during the Arab Agricultural Revolution, including early industries for textiles, sugar, rope-making, matting, silk, and paper. Latin translations of the 12th century passed on knowledge of chemistry and instrument making in particular. The agricultural and handicraft industries also experienced high levels of growth during this period.
Abbasids found themselves at odds with the Shia Muslims, most of whom had supported their war against the Umayyads, since the Abbasids and the Shias claimed legitimacy by their familial connection to Muhammad. Once in power, the Abbasids embraced Sunni Islam and disavowed any support for Shi'a beliefs. That led to numerous conflicts, culminating in an uprising in Mecca in 786, followed by widespread bloodshed and the flight of many Shi'a to the Maghreb, where the survivors established the Idrisid kingdom. The Abbasids also executed the direct descendants of the Prophet Muhammad who were also the Shia Imams, which includes Imam Jafar Sadiq and other respected nobles. Shortly thereafter, Berber Kharijites set up an independent state in North Africa in 801. Within 50 years the Idrisids in the Maghreb and Aghlabids of Ifriqiya and a little later the Tulunids and Ikshidids of Misr were effectively independent in Africa.
of Khorasan Isma'il ibn Ahmad on the Tajikistani somoni who exercised independent authority from the Abassids]] Even by 820, the Samanids had begun the process of exercising independent authority in Transoxiana and Greater Khorasan, as had the Shia Hamdanids in Northern Syria, and the succeeding Tahirid and Saffarid dynasties of Iran. By the early 10th century, the Abbasids almost lost control of Iraq to various amirs, and the caliph al-Radi was forced to acknowledge their power by creating the position of "Prince of Princes" (amir al-umara). Shortly thereafter, the Persian faction known as the Buwayhids from Daylam swept into power and assumed control over the bureaucracy in Baghdad. According to the history of Miskawayh, they began distributing iqtas (fiefs in the form of tax farms) to their supporters.
Outside Iraq, all the autonomous provinces slowly took on the characteristic of de facto states with hereditary rulers, armies, and revenues and operated under only nominal caliph suzerainty, which may not necessarily be reflected by any contribution to the treasury, such as the Soomro Emirs that had gained control of Sindh and ruled the entire province from their capital of Mansura. and the last reigning Abbasid caliph in Baghdad, was spilled. The Learned Shiites of Persia stated that no such calamity had happened after the deaths of the Shiite Imam (leader) Hussein; nevertheless, as a precaution and in accordance with a Mongol taboo which forbade spilling royal blood, Hulagu had Al-Musta'sim wrapped in a carpet and trampled to death by horses on 20 February 1258. The Al-Musta'sim family was also executed, with the lone exceptions of his youngest son who was sent to Mongolia, and a daughter who became a slave in the harem of Hulagu. According to Mongolian historians, the surviving son married and fathered children.
The Mamluk army, though often viewed negatively, both helped and hurt the caliphate. Early on, it provided the government with a stable force to address domestic and foreign problems. However, creation of this foreign army and al-Mu'tasim's transfer of the capital from Baghdad to Samarra created a division between the caliphate and the peoples they claimed to rule. In addition, the power of the Mamluks steadily grew until al-Radi (934 – 941) was constrained to hand over most of the royal functions to Mahommed bin Raik.
The Abbasids continued to maintain the presence of authority, yet it was confined to religious matters in Egypt, under the Mamluks.
Ruler | Reign | |
align="center" | Caliphs of Baghdad | |
Abu'l Abbas As-Saffah | 750 – 754 | |
Al-Mansur | 754 – 775 | |
Al-Mahdi | 775 – 785 | |
Al-Hadi | 785 – 786 | |
Harun al-Rashid | 786 – 809 | |
Al-Amin | 809 – 813 | |
Al-Ma'mun | 813 – 833 | |
Al-Mu'tasim | 833 – 842 | |
Al-Wathiq | 842 – 847 | |
Al-Mutawakkil | 847 – 861 | |
Al-Muntasir | 861 – 862 | |
Al-Musta'in | 862 – 866 | |
Al-Mu'tazz | 866 – 869 | |
Al-Muhtadi | 869 – 870 | |
Al-Mu'tamid | 870 – 892 | |
Al-Mu'tadid | 892 – 902 | |
Al-Muktafi | 902 – 908 | |
Al-Muqtadir | 908 – 932 | |
Al-Qahir | 932 – 934 | |
Ar-Radi | 934 – 940 | |
Al-Muttaqi | 940 – 944 | |
Al-Mustakfi | 944 – 946 | |
Al-Muti | 946 – 974 | |
At-Ta'i | 974 – 991 | |
Al-Qadir | 991 – 1031 | |
Al-Qa'im (caliph) | Al-Qa'im | 1031–1075 |
Al-Muqtadi | 1075–1094 | |
Al-Mustazhir | 1094–1118 | |
Al-Mustarshid | 1118–1135 | |
Harun al-Rashid (1135) | Ar-Rashid | 1135–1136 |
Al-Muqtafi (Abbasid Caliph) | Al-Muqtafi | 1136–1160 |
Al-Mustanjid | 1160–1170 | |
Al-Mustadi | 1170–1180 | |
An-Nasir | 1180–1225 | |
Az-Zahir (caliph) | Az-Zahir | 1225–1226 |
Al-Mustansir | 1226–1242 | |
Al-Musta'sim | 1242–1258 | |
align="center" | Caliphs of Cairo | |
Al-Mustansir II of Cairo | Al-Mustansir | 1261–1262 |
Al-Hakim I (Cairo) | 1262–1302 | |
Al-Mustakfi I of Cairo | 1303–1340 | |
Al-Wathiq I | 1340–1341 | |
Al-Hakim II | 1341–1352 | |
Al-Mu'tadid I | 1352–1362 | |
Al-Mutawakkil I | 1362–1383 | |
Al-Wathiq II | 1383–1386 | |
Al-Mu'tasim (Cairo) | Al-Mu'tasim | 1386–1389 |
Al-Mutawakkil I (restored) | 1389–1406 | |
Al-Musta'in (Cairo) | Al-Musta'in | 1406–1414 |
Al-Mu'tadid II | 1414–1441 | |
Al-Mustakfi II | 1441–1451 | |
Al-Qa'im (Cairo) | Al-Qa'im | 1451–1455 |
Al-Mustanjid (Cairo) | Al-Mustanjid | 1455–1479 |
Al-Mutawakkil II | 1479–1497 | |
Al-Mustamsik | 1497–1508 | |
Al-Mutawakkil III | 1508–1517 |
Category:History of Iran Category:States and territories established in 750 Category:Arab dynasties Category:Muslim dynasties * Category:History of Iraq Category:States in medieval Anatolia
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