• Editor
    Mary-Kay Wilmers
  • Deputy Editor
    Jean McNicol
  • Senior Editors
    Christian Lorentzen
    Paul Myerscough
    Daniel Soar
  • Assistant Editors
    Joanna Biggs
    Deborah Friedell
  • Editorial Assistant
    Nick Richardson
  • Editorial Intern
    Alice Spawls
  • Editorial Consultant
    Henry Day
  • Contributing Editors
    Jenny Diski
    Jeremy Harding
    Thomas Jones
    John Lanchester
    James Meek
    Andrew O’Hagan
    Adam Shatz
    Christopher Tayler
    Colm Tóibín
  • Consulting Editor
    John Sturrock
  • Publisher
    Nicholas Spice
  • Associate Publishers
    Margot Broderick
    David Rose
  • Advertising Director
    Tim Johnson
  • UK Advertising Manager
    Kate Parkinson
  • Advertising Executive
    Tim Hook
  • Circulation Manager
    Suzanne O’Brien
  • Subscriptions Manager
    Chris Larkin
  • Subscriptions Assistants
    Michael Coates
    Laura Givans
    Karen Horan
    Suzana Minarikova
  • Marketing Manager
    Reneé Doegar
  • UK Marketing Manager
    Jill Butcher
  • Office Managers
    Andy Georgiou
    Radka Webb
  • Rights
    Vanessa Coode
  • Finance Manager
    Taj Singh
  • Finance
    Maria Radonjić
    David Ridge
  • Cover
    Peter Campbell
  • Typesetting
    Sue Barrett
    Brenda Morris
    Anna Swan
  • Paste-Up
    Bryony Dalefield
  • Web
    Rachael Beale
    Jeremy Harris
    Helen Jeffrey
  • Production
    Ben Campbell
  • Editorial Board
    Linda Colley
    Rosemary Hill
    Michael Neve
    Steven Shapin
    Inigo Thomas
    Jenny Turner
    James Wood
    Michael Wood

About the LRB

Since 1979, the London Review of Books has stood up for the tradition of the literary and intellectual essay in English. Each issue contains up to 15 long reviews and essays by academics, writers and journalists. There are also shorter art and film reviews, as well as poems and a lively letters page.

A typical issue moves through political commentary to science or ancient history by way of literary criticism and social anthropology. So, for example, an issue can open with a piece on the rhetoric of war, move on to reassessing the reputation of Pythagoras, follow that with articles on the situation in Iraq, the 19th-century super-rich, Nabokov’s unpublished novel, how saints got to be saints, the life and work of William Empson, and an assessment of the poetry of Alice Oswald.


The London Review of Books was founded in 1979, during the year-long lock-out at the Times. For the first six months, it appeared marsupially in the New York Review of Books. In May 1980, the London Review of Books jumped out of the parental pouch and became a fully independent literary paper.


The special appeal of the London Review of Books lies in the way it combines topicality with depth and scholarship with good writing, and isn’t afraid to challenge received ideas. The generous space given to contributors means that, when they write for the LRB, they are not only giving valuable assessments of new work, but contributing new work themselves.


The London Review of Books has the largest circulation of any literary magazine in Europe (2010 ABC: 53,215). Its circulation outside the UK gives it worldwide reach and an unmatched international reputation.

London Review Bookshop

The London Review Bookshop opened in Bloomsbury in May 2003. It is now the most distinctive independent bookshop in London: an attractive space where an eclectic and well chosen selection of books and DVDs can be browsed in peace and quiet, and where the best author events in the city take place. The staff are very well informed, have a strong sense of their readers’ needs, and offer fast and efficient mail order delivery service wherever you are in the world.

London Review Cake Shop

In November 2007 the London Review Cake shop opened, connected to the bookshop by a passage in the history section. The Cake shop expresses the ethos of the London Review of Books: independent-minded, surprising and energetic. Specialist teas and coffee, freshly made sandwiches and salads, plus delicious cakes, with books and magazines all around, have contributed to making this the modern literary London coffee-house.

Arts Council England

The London Review of Books (ISSN 0260-9592) is published 24 times a year.

The journal is published with assistance from Arts Council England.

LRB Limited is registered in England as No.1485413 at the following address: 28 Little Russell Street, London WC1A 2HN, UK.