Sufism is a way of life, believed to be
 the essence and reality of all religious
and philosophical teachings. It leads to
the completion of mankind and womankind, through the institutions of discipleship, meditation, and practice.

  The latter is the  “living of reality.”
Wisdom or completion, according to the Sufis, is to be distinguished from intellectualism, scholasticism, and the like, which are merely tools. The Path teaches
to what extent these tools can be used,
and also how to amalgamate action with destiny.               
        The Way of the Sufi by Idries Shah
Upcoming Events
November 6 and 7, 2009

Islam, Sufism and the Heart of Compassion

Living the Teachings of Muhyiddin Ibn ’Arabi


Friday–Saturday, November 6 & 7

"The movement which is the existence of the universe is the movement of love."

— Ibn ’Arabi

For more information and detail schedule, please visit


Salman BashierSalman Bashier, PhD, Y. His latest book, The Story of Islamic Philosophy: Ibn Tufayl, Ibn al-Arabi and others On the Limit between Naturalism and Traditionalism, is due to be published by SUNY this year and will focus on Ibn al Arabi’s relevance to contemporary thought.
William C. ChittickWilliam C. Chittick, PhD, professor of Religious Studies in the Asian and Asian American Studies Dept. at Stony Brook, has spent forty years studying Ibn ’Arabi and the pre-modern Muslim intellectual tradition. Among his thirty books, five deal with Ibn ’Arabi’s thought: The Sufi Path of Knowledge, Imaginal Worlds, The Self-Disclosure of God, Ibn ’Arabi: Heir to the Prophets and (as co-author) The Meccan Revelations.
Stephen HirtensteinStephen Hirtenstein, MA, the editor of the Muhyiddin Ibn ’Arabi Society’s Journal since its inception in 1982 and co-founder of Anqa Publishing, is the author of The Unlimited Mercifier, a spiritual biography of Ibn ’Arabi, and co-translator of two treatises by Ibn ’Arabi, Divine Sayings and The Seven Days of the Heart.
Sachiko MurataSachiko Murata, PhD, completed a PhD in Persian literature at Tehran University in 1971 and was the first woman and the first non-Muslim to enroll in its theology department where she obtained a degree in Islamic jurisprudence. Since 1983 she has taught religious studies at Stony Brook and has published many scholarly articles as well as several books, including: The Tao of Islam: A Sourcebook on Gender Relationships in Islamic Thought and Chinese Gleams of Sufi Light.
Mohamed Haj YousefMohamed Haj Yousef, PhD, studied physics in Syria and at Cambridge has written several books including: Ibn ’Arabi: Time and Cosmology and Shams al-Magreb (in Arabic). In addition he runs a website about Ibn ’Arabi (, and teaches at United Arab Emirates University.

Musicians and Artists

Taoufiq Ben AmorTaoufiq Ben Amor is a Tunisian vocalist, percussionist and oud player.


Aaaron CassAaron Cass is an actor, musician, composer and co-founder of the Vastearth Orchestra.
Nacer KhemirNacer Khemir, the director of “Bab ’Aziz,”




Come, come,
 whoever you are.
 Unbeliever, fire worshiper, come.

 Our way is not of desperation.         

 Even if you break your wows a
 hundred times, come.
 Come again."                         
 Moulana Jalaluddin Molavi Rumi

  This site is dedicated to bring you the practical applications of the Sufism universal principles. Sufism, the mystical aspect of Islam, has been recognized as a great path to happiness and prosperity.

   Throughout the history Sufism has offered a practical path on which one can reach the point of self-realization to God-realization.

   We at Sufi Circle strive to provide you a practical
spiritual a
pproach for a successful and meaningful life.



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