ILLUME - Breaking News, U.S., World, Culture, Politics, Entertainment, Videos, Photo Essays & Podcasts - Muslim Magazine                           Shadowbox.init();         window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({ appId : '148639771824055', session : null, // don't refetch the session when PHP already has it status : true, // check login status cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access the session xfbml : true // parse XFBML }); // whenever the user logs in, we refresh the page FB.Event.subscribe('auth.login', function() { window.location.reload(); }); }; (function() { var e = document.createElement('script'); e.src = document.location.protocol + '//'; e.async = true; document.getElementById('fb-root').appendChild(e); }());     2010 SPECIAL CITATION - NPF JOURNALISTIC QUALITY, BALANCE & FAIRNESS OF WORK    SEND US STORY TIPS TIPS@ILLUMEMAG.COM                            HOME ABOUT ADVERTISE SUBMIT CONTACT DONATE              news . feature . column . video . photo essay . podcast . review  magazine preview              var CTRloadingTime = 500; var CTRslideInterval = 6000; var CTRtransitionDuration = 1000; var CTRtransitionText = 1000; var CTRrotateAction = 'click'; var CTRtext_effect = 1;                     Demise of the Dream Act Carma Hassan I do not believe that children are to blame for the decision of their parents Supporters of the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act suffered a major setback Saturday when the DREAM Act…

                  New Ads Promote Peace in a Region Fraught with Fear Carma Hassan If our fellow citizens know the facts, we are sure they will insist that the money is spent here at home. Now you can champion a cause on your way to work. Ads calling for an end to U.S. military aid…

                  Rizwan Manji: Taking Jobs From White America Irfan Rydhan I received many offers which portrayed Muslims in the stereotypical manner of just killing someone and yelling something in Arabic. I turned down many of these roles. ILLUME caught up with rising star Rizwan Manji on the set of his new show Outsourced. He talked about what…

                  Tariq Ramadan: What I Believe Amira Elghawaby We are witnessing the birth of a Western Islamic culture within which Muslims remain faithful to fundamental religious principles while owning up to their Western cultures.  When our book club decided to read this little treatise written by Tariq Ramadan, I cringed. Listening to him at…

                  Riz Khan: Life, Journalism and Politics Souheila Al-Jadda many of the people who set themselves up as journalists nowadays are not qualified for the job, and can end up being tools for misinformation A renowned and respected news anchor, Riz Khan has reported for BBC Radio and Television, and has been a news…

                01 Demise of the Dream Act I do not believe that children are to blame for the decision of their parents       02 New Ads Promote Peace in a Region Fraught with Fear If our fellow citizens know the facts, we are sure they will insist that the money is spent here at home.       03 Rizwan Manji: Taking Jobs From White America I received many offers which portrayed Muslims in the stereotypical manner of just killing someone and yelling something in Arabic. I turned down many of these roles.       04 Tariq Ramadan: What I Believe We are witnessing the birth of a Western Islamic culture within which Muslims remain faithful to fundamental religious principles while owning up to their Western cultures.        05 Riz Khan: Life, Journalism and Politics many of the people who set themselves up as journalists nowadays are not qualified for the job, and can end up being tools for misinformation     Pause        Frontpage Slideshow (version 1.7.2) - Copyright © 2006-2008 by JoomlaWorks           trends: ground zero mosque . abercrombie & fitch . rima fakih . pamela geller . arizona . new york         stories             Southern California Mosque Gets Approval Despite Controversy   Feature Audrey Wong  December 16, 2010 | 10:43 AM                    VIEW: Sadaf Syed Highlights Diversity of Muslim American Women   Photo Essay Sadaf Syed  December 15, 2010 | 9:00 AM                      VIEW: Imran Khan Raises Awareness of Pakistan Flood Victims   Photo Essay Ali Khan  December 12, 2010 | 11:15 AM                   WikiLeaks Release Secret Diplomatic Communications   Feature Audrey Wong  November 29, 2010 | 10:25 AM                    ''Green Deen'' Connects Environmentalism With Islam   Feature Zaufishan  November 24, 2010 | 1:51 PM                   Muslims Targeted In $30M Ponzi Scheme   News Carma Hassan  November 17, 2010 | 12:47 PM                     VIEW: Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear   Photo Essay Andrés Moral  November 16, 2010 | 11:19 PM                    VIEW: Hajj: The Annual Muslim Pilgrimage   Photo Essay Omar Chatriwala  November 16, 2010 | 11:05 PM                    Thilo Sarrazin Finds Muslims Inferior   News Mai El-Sadany  November 15, 2010 | 12:06 PM                   Facebook Announces New Email, Messaging System   News Carma Hassan  November 15, 2010 | 11:55 AM                    Oklahoma Sharia Law Ban on Hold Temporarily   News Davi Barker  November 11, 2010 | 1:40 AM                   Language Matters: Islam, a Definition   Column Ahmed Rehab  November 10, 2010 | 10:35 AM                    Songs of Blood and Sword: A Daughter’s Memoir   Review Zeenat Umar  November 10, 2010 | 10:17 AM                   Building Bridges With Graffiti Art   Column Mohammed Ali  November 8, 2010 | 8:52 AM                     US to Send New Cultural Ambassadors   News Mai El-Sadany  November 8, 2010 | 7:52 AM                   Mehserle Sentenced to 2 Years Prison in Oscar Grant Case   News Vanessa Gomez Brake  November 5, 2010 | 5:02 PM                    Community Clinic Gives Health Care to All   Feature Audrey Wong  November 3, 2010 | 9:45 AM                   UN Establishes World Interfaith Harmony Week   News Vanessa Gomez Brake  November 2, 2010 | 9:39 PM                     VIEW: Prayer on Capitol Hill   Photo Essay Taha Kazi  November 1, 2010 | 10:02 PM                   Alcohol ‘Most Harmful Drug’   News Mai El-Sadany  November 1, 2010 | 7:54 AM                    Wrigleyville Bomb Plot FBI Orchestrated, Not Jihad   News Davi Barker  October 31, 2010 | 11:43 AM                   Halal Food Hits The Shelves of Whole Foods   Feature Carma Hassan  October 30, 2010 | 3:23 AM                    Arizona Immigration Law Mostly Unconstitutional, Judge Says    News Sameea Kamal  October 30, 2010 | 1:41 AM                   Federal Findings Show Faulty Testing by BP Contractor, Halliburton   News Sameea Kamal  October 30, 2010 | 1:17 AM            more >>        featured      WATCH: ILLUME EXCLUSIVE: FLYING FREE - Soaring Past Stereotypes of Afghan Women   VIDEO  ANSER HASSAN   Sep 21, 2010 | 6:03               function getHTTPObject() { var http; 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However, a small but vocal...  December 27, 2010 | 11:09 AM       thana   Salam Alaykom, How can I subscribe to this magazine aside from viewing it online? Please advise....  December 27, 2010 | 12:11 AM       Patrick   We all need to slow down and get real. They should find out what tribe of Native Americans that land...  December 26, 2010 | 1:54 PM       Arturo Abel   We provide a complete range of internet marketing solutions to our clients. Our focus is to provide...  December 25, 2010 | 4:39 PM       Carlos Carney   We offer quality Search Engine Optimization / SEO Services and Internet Marketing Solutions. Our...  December 21, 2010 | 9:02 AM       Call Congress 2 Close Borders & Start Mass Deportation Now   Help Stop The Political Traitors In Congress & End Illegal Politics In The U.S We must organize a...  December 20, 2010 | 1:17 PM       ASDFDT   legal immigrants HAVE A RIGHT TO STAY but for all the illegals go home and do it the right way YOU...  December 20, 2010 | 12:44 PM                                   Donate . Contact . Submit . Adverise . About . Home                    Receive Updates & Stay Informed              var icpForm3976 = document.getElementById('icpsignup3976'); if (document.location.protocol === "https:") icpForm3976.action = ""; function verifyRequired3976() { if (icpForm3976["fields_email"].value == "") { icpForm3976["fields_email"].focus(); alert("The Email field is required."); return false; } return true; }   ILLUME is an award-winning, independent media organization that captures and articulates the Muslim-American experience. © ILLUME 2010. All Rights Reserved               var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? 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