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Wednesday, October 26, 2011   09:00 GMT    
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Mubarak Men Begin to Resurface

Cam McGrath

CAIRO - Members of the regime of ousted dictator Hosni Mubarak have demanded to be allowed to run in upcoming elections and warned of violence if legislation to prohibit their political ambitions is passed.
Israel Evicting the Indigenous
Jillian Kestler-D’Amours
JERUSALEM - As Israel moves ahead with a plan to forcibly displace tens of thousands of Palestinian Bedouins in the occupied West Bank, Mohammad Al-Korshan and his family are facing the real prospect of not only losing their home, but their traditional way of life.
Kashmir’s Media Miracle Feeds on Conflict
Athar Parvaiz
SRINAGAR - "If one were to search for a positive outcome to the ongoing armed conflict in Jammu and Kashmir state, it would be the growth of journalism," says Prof. Shams Imran at the department of journalism, Central University of Kashmir.
Women in the News: The Gender Wire
Afghan Divide
Global Issues
Citizens of Nowhere
When Mona Kareem, a member of the Bidoun population of Kuwait, was 11 years old, a neighbour Kuwaiti woman asked her where she was from. When Kareem answered, "I am Bidoun," the woman laughed at her. "There is no country called Bidoun. There is no Bidoun."
Hard Targets Needed to Halt Land Degradation Crisis
UNESCO Study Reveals Widening Secondary Education Gap
UNESCO Study Reveals Widening Secondary Education Gap
Arguing that an educated population is a country's greatest wealth, the U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) says there is no escape from poverty without a vast expansion of secondary education worldwide.
Civil Society Groups Call for Action to Curb Land Grabbing
SOUTH SUDAN: Protecting Cattle Saves People
Asia - Pacific
INDIA: Kashmir's Media Miracle Feeds on Conflict
"If one were to search for a positive outcome to the ongoing armed conflict in Jammu and Kashmir state, it would be the growth of journalism," says Prof. Shams Imran at the department of journalism, Central University of Kashmir.
THAILAND: Bangkok Braces for Month of Floods
U.S.-NORTH KOREA: Persistence Pays Off with "Rogue" Regimes
BALKANS: Serbs Turn From the State Towards Themselves
Dismayed by the lack of beer and chips at a football game three years ago, Dragan Stancic and Uros Petrovic, two young Belgradians, hatched a plan to take matters into their own hands.
EUROPE: Striking at the Heart of Healthcare
BELARUS: Trading Political Prisoners for Loans
Latin America
VENEZUELA: Government Distributes Land to Yukpa Indians
The Venezuelan government's decision to expropriate 25 ranches to distribute 15,800 hectares of land to communities of Yukpa Indians in the northwest of the country partially makes up a long-standing debt to the native group.
NICARAGUA: "We Women Want to Be Heard"
BOLIVIA: Native Protesters Celebrate Law Cancelling Rainforest Road
Middle East & Mediterranean
EGYPT: Mubarak Men Begin to Resurface
Members of the regime of ousted dictator Hosni Mubarak have demanded to be allowed to run in upcoming elections and warned of violence if legislation to prohibit their political ambitions is passed.
MIDEAST: Israel Evicting the Indigenous
Citizens of Nowhere
North America
U.S.-NORTH KOREA: Persistence Pays Off with "Rogue" Regimes
The United States and North Korea are resuming the joint search for U.S. soldiers still missing from the Korean War, one of the few positive areas of interaction between two countries estranged for more than 60 years.
Canada Blocks Torture Case Against Bush
Plot Allegations Stir Complex Nationalist Feelings in Iran
THAILAND: Bangkok Braces for Month of Floods
As the Thai Airways flight descends into Suvarnabhumi International Airport, passengers pull out cameras to snap pictures of flood waters rising inexorably and predicted to inundate the capital city by the end of the week.
Hard Targets Needed to Halt Land Degradation Crisis
BOLIVIA: Native Protesters Celebrate Law Cancelling Rainforest Road
Human Rights
EGYPT: Mubarak Men Begin to Resurface
Members of the regime of ousted dictator Hosni Mubarak have demanded to be allowed to run in upcoming elections and warned of violence if legislation to prohibit their political ambitions is passed.
MIDEAST: Israel Evicting the Indigenous
INDIA: Kashmir's Media Miracle Feeds on Conflict
Q&A;: "We Are Facing the Threat of a Social and Health Catastrophe"
For Brazilian pediatrician and public health expert Paulo Buss, the worst enemy of health is unemployment. And if unemployment continues to rise, the result will be a global "catastrophe", he told Tierramérica.
Gene Patents "Like Trying to Keep Water in a Sieve"
Reduce Inequalities to Boost Health, WHO Says
Civil Society
THAILAND: Bangkok Braces for Month of Floods
As the Thai Airways flight descends into Suvarnabhumi International Airport, passengers pull out cameras to snap pictures of flood waters rising inexorably and predicted to inundate the capital city by the end of the week.
Hard Targets Needed to Halt Land Degradation Crisis
NICARAGUA: "We Women Want to Be Heard"


News in RSS
THAILAND: Bangkok Braces for Month of Floods
Citizens of Nowhere
Hard Targets Needed to Halt Land Degradation Crisis
UNESCO Study Reveals Widening Secondary Education Gap
U.S.-NORTH KOREA: Persistence Pays Off with "Rogue" Regimes
VENEZUELA: Government Distributes Land to Yukpa Indians
NICARAGUA: "We Women Want to Be Heard"
BOLIVIA: Native Protesters Celebrate Law Cancelling Rainforest Road
U.N. Tally Excluded Most Afghan Civilian Deaths in Night Raids
Civil Society Groups Call for Action to Curb Land Grabbing
Q&A;: "We Are Facing the Threat of a Social and Health Catastrophe"
Permanent People's Tribunal Sets Up Shop in Mexico
All Headlines >>
LDCs: Least Developed, Most to Gain
IBSA - India, Brazil, South Africa
UNITED NATIONS: Inside the Glass House
Credible Future - Can Micor Loans Make a Macro Difference?
Tierramerica - Environment & Development
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