
Albertopolis: the Development of South Kensington
Albertopolis: the Development of South Kensington
Welcome to Albertopolis: the Development of South Kensington and the Exhibition Road Cultural Quarter. This online exhibition will lead you on a tour of a unique area of London, devoted to the study, research and enjoyment of art and science. It looks at the very origins of the Cultural Quarter, how it grew and developed from its beginnings in the 1850s right up to the present day. Take a tour of the rest of the Albertopolis online exhibition, from the Royal Institute of British Architects, on www.architecture.com

Albertopolis: Exploring South Kensington
Albertopolis: Exploring South Kensington
Welcome to Albertopolis: Exploring South Kensington Exploring South Kensington allows you to explore the area by foot or by air. By foot, your most useful tool is a map. Discover historic maps and estate plans to chart the development of South Kensington. To fully understand an area an aerial photograph is also an invaluable tool. Both of these sources can be found here in Exploring South Kensington. To continue your exploration, why not try a walking tour around the area, or challenge yourself with a scavenger hunt, both of which can be downloaded from the exhibition website. Take a tour of the rest of the Albertopolis online exhibition, from the Royal Institute of British Architects, on www.architecture.com

Albertopolis: Victoria and Albert Museum
Albertopolis: Victoria and Albert Museum
Welcome to Albertopolis: Victoria and Albert Museum Through Albertopolis: Victoria and Albert Museum you will see how the buildings of this museum have developed, from the museum's origins as the South Kensington Museum up to the present day. Take a tour of the rest of the Albertopolis online exhibition, from the Royal Institute of British Architects, on www.architecture.com

Albertopolis: The Story of...
Albertopolis: The Story of...
Welcome to Albertopolis: The Story of.... South Kensington and the Exhibition Road Cultural Quarter serves today as a world class cultural and educational centre, containing many museums, archives, and educational institutions. How this all came about and the stories of each of the each of the main organisations involved are told here in The Story of...., using objects from the RIBA and V&A's own collections, as well as those of the institutions themselves. Take a tour of the rest of the Albertopolis online exhibition, from the Royal Institute of British Architects, on www.architecture.com

A short documentary on Prince Albert and the cultural centre he created in Kensington - Albertopolis. Presented and written by Pete Walter

The Albertopolis Wine King
The Albertopolis Wine King
BBC Radio 3's Christopher Cook speaks from the cellars of The Royal Albert Hall in London and interviews Ewan Murray of The Wine Society. They discuss how The Wine Society was born from the last of the Great Exhibitions in 1874, becoming the wine co-operative that it remains to be for wine lovers today. The discussion took place as part of the 'Twenty Minutes' series of programmes for BBC Radio 3, during the intervals of the BBC Proms. The programme was originally broadcast on 28th July 2010.

Albertopolis Disparu
Albertopolis Disparu
Tony White reads from 'Albertopolis Disparu' at Book Club Boutique, 18 5 09. Full text available at www.sciencemuseum.org.uk more info on Book Club Boutique at www.myspace.com

Rough cut of abandoned trailer from 1987 for proposed futuristic OFAH spin-off "Uncle Al-bot", set in Peckham, 2080.

Londres - Albertopolis - Masfotografias.com
Londres - Albertopolis - Masfotografias.com
Londres (en inglés, London) es la capital de Inglaterra y el Reino Unido. Situada en el sur de la isla de Gran Bretaña ya orillas del río Támesis, fue fundada alrededor del año 43 por los romanos con el nombre de Londinium. Originariamente ciudad céltica, fue fortificada por los romanos que la llamaron Londinium y la usaron como puerto alrededor del Támesis. Durante este período Londres fue erigida como la capital de Britania ya partir de que los romanos la abandonaron al inicio del Siglo V cuando las legiones dejaron la isla entera. En el período Medieval Londres acredita la importancia también de la abadía de Westminster. En esta abadía (no confundir con la Catedral de Westminster) vienen a coronarse todos los reyes de Inglaterra. La residencia de los reales de Inglaterra fue, hasta el fin del periodo normando, el castillo fortaleza de la Torre de Londres, donde hoy se custodian las joyas de la Corona. Con el pasar de los años sobre la Londres Romana se desarrolló aquello que hoy llamamos el distrito financiero (La City) Londres es engrandecida en cada dirección, anexando estepas, bosques, pueblos. Desde el Siglo XVIII hasta la primera mitad del siglo XX ha sido la capital del Imperio Británico. En el 1666 un gran incendio destruye gran parte de la Ciudad. La reconstrucción duró diez años y es obra del gran arquitecto Christopher Wren, quien reedificó muchas iglesias destruidas, entre ellas la Catedral de San Pablo, donde hoy reposan los héroes de la nación británica <b>...</b>

Siempre deseamos saltar de un avion en paracaidas y para el cumpleaños de mi hermano nuestros padres, nuestro hermano mayor, cuñada y sobrina nos hicieron realidad ese sueño. Este es un video de nuestra experiencia.

Cannons Estate Agents, Hammersmith, Fulham, Kensington and Chelsea, London
Cannons Estate Agents, Hammersmith, Fulham, Kensington and Chelsea, London
Please visit our website: www.cannonsestateagents.co.uk Cannons Estate Agents 26 Greyhound Road London W6 8NX We are independent estate agents based in London. If you are looking for property for sale in Hammermith and Fulham or Kensington and Chelsea then don't hesitate to contact us at www.cannonsestateagents.co.uk Hammersmith and Fulham: Hammersmith Hammersmith is an urban centre in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham in west London, England, in the United Kingdom, approximately 5 miles (8 km) west of Charing Cross on the north bank of the River Thames. One of west London's key transport hubs and commercial and employment centres, and home to several multinational company offices, it is focused on the two London Underground stations, bus station and road network node at Hammersmith Broadway. The area is identified in the London Plan as one of 35 major centres in Greater London.[1] It is bordered by Shepherds Bush to the north, West Kensington to the east, Fulham to the south and Chiswick to the west, and is linked by Hammersmith Bridge to Barnes in the southwest. Fulham Located on the southern border of Kensington and Chelsea, SW6 is a desirable area. To the south and the west it is demarcated by the River Thames, to the north the cut-off point in Lillie Road, and to the east, it is the train line slightly to the west of Warwick Road, Finborough Road and Gunter Grove. It was formerly part of the Diocese of Fulham and Gibraltar. This area is usually referred <b>...</b>

Jesus was a Buddhist Monk BBC Documentary
Jesus was a Buddhist Monk BBC Documentary
Click here to know TRUTH bit.ly This BBC 4 documentary examines the question "Did Jesus Die?". It looks at a bunch of ideas around this question until minute 25, where this examination of ideas takes a very logical and grounded turn with surprising conclusions that demonstrate... The three wise men were Buddhist monks who found Jesus and came back for him around puberty. After being trained in a Buddhist Monastery he spread the Buddhist philosophy, survived the crucifixion, and escaped to Kashmir, Afghanistan where he died an old man at the age of 80.