Showing newest posts with label green isle. Show older posts
Showing newest posts with label green isle. Show older posts

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Green isle despute resolved

Green Isle Foods Limited, a major employer in Co Kildare, and the TEEU (Technical Engineering and Electrical Union) are pleased to confirm that the mediation process to resolve the industrial dispute at the company's manufacturing site in Naas has been concluded, with both parties agreeing to be bound by the proposals put forward by the independent mediators.

The agreement will be implemented, and accordingly, all forms of industrial action and other activity will cease with immediate effect. Both parties will be bound by confidentiality under the terms of the mediation agreement.

Both parties acknowledge the efforts and assistance of all involved in reaching agreement, and in particular pay tribute to Mr Bernard Durkan TD and Mr Jack Wall TD who facilitated the independent mediation process.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 14 of Jim Wyse's Hunger strike diary at Green Isle

Day 14

Green Isle Hunger Strike Diary – Day Fourteen

I slept well last night and the health is holding up. Things were fairly good today. I’m beginning to get the few headaches and I find I can’t get up suddenly or I feel dizzy. Apart from that I’m feeling better in myself than I was a few days ago.

I didn’t have any calls this morning but I think John had one from Newstalk. We were over in the hotel for a meeting with the mediators and we met up with KFM, so we did a piece for local radio.

After that it was up to Dublin for the press conference, which seemed to go fairly well. Then we had to head back down here again for another meeting with the mediators at five o’clock.

They talked to us for about 15 minutes. The rest of the time we’ve been hanging about waiting for the company to come back. It is very tiring, very wearing. Whether or not that is the company’s intention I don’t know. We’ll have to see what comes out of tonight’s talks

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 12 and Day 13 of Jim Wyse's hunger strike diary

Day 12

Green Isle Hunger Strike Diary – Day Twelve

We managed to keep a lot warmer last night. I won’t say how we compensated for the cold.
It was bitterly cold last night outside. The temperature was minus five degrees when I went out to warm the car engine this morning.

We slept well, although there is always the odd truck arriving at the plant in the night and then there’s a shift change about 6am.

Despite the good night’s sleep I woke up no more refreshed than I went to bed. It’s not so much that I need to force myself to get up as I feel the need for more sleep during the day.

We went down to meet Green Isle management at 3pm but they are keeping us waiting again. It’s par for the course. They’ve had since 3am on Friday, all weekend and all this morning to consider the proposals.

Common decency and good manners would dictate you don’t leave the other side waiting around like this.

Is it arrogance or something worse? I don’t know.

It is encouraging to hear about all the support coming in. We need all the help we can get. I see the Northern Foods share price is continuing to slide so the bad publicity can’t be doing them any good.


Day 13

Green Isle Hunger Strike Diary – Day Thirteen

It was a good day today. The mini-depression I’ve had since Saturday has gone. I feel very good mentally as well as physically. I feel as well as I did when I started, although I don’t have the same energy.

I saw the Doctor for my weekly medical check up earlier. It was very good, very reassuring. Everything is 100 per cent and the Doctor said I should be good for another week.

The bad news is that the high cholesterol hasn’t gone down. The doctor said there was no reason that it should just because I am on hunger strike.

He is very interested in how I am getting. He hasn’t had a hunger striker before. I’m his guinea pig. He’ll be able to talk about me for years.

There is no downward trend in John Guinan at all. We slept well last night in the caravan. I woke up the odd time with passing trucks for a few minutes but you would do that at home.

I think I’ll skip the start of the talks today. They kept us waiting a couple of hours yesterday. It’s only done to wear us down. I’ll wait this evening until there is something to discuss.

There have been a lot more callers today. It was very busy, strangers a lot of them coming to offer their support. One was from Mandate and there were people up from Offaly . One of my brothers calls twice a day. Once on his way to work and once on the way home to see how I am. He is just pulling up now.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 10 and 11 of Jim Wyse's hunger strike diary

Day 10

Green Isle Hunger Strike Diary – Day Ten

We had a good night’s rest for a change. I slept from 11pm until about 7am. I freshened up and met with some people gathering for the march. John Guinan took me up. He’s the designated driver and minder now.

I met all the family and friends. My four sons and daughter Rebecca were there and all the grand children, brothers, sister, in-laws, nephews and nieces. There was a great crowd of supporters. I met people who came up from Cork, a group of Post Office workers and the crowd of supporters from Wyeth. It was a great march and we were blessed with great weather.

I didn’t feel well enough for walking. Declan Shannon brought me down to Green Isle in the Jeep at the head of the march. There was a security cordon. At that stage I got out and walked down to the gate and everyone else came down. It was peaceful and dignified and we went back for the rally to the main entrance at the gate.
When you see a lot of people like that it gives you a lift, although I was not well enough to speak. John spoke for both us and spoke very well.

We have had plenty of visitors afterwards but I managed to snatch a bit of a nap.

I am down about a stone and a quarter in weight. Everything is good except the energy levels are low all the time now. I don’t think they will get back up while I’m on hunger strike.

Day 11

Green Isle Hunger Strike Diary – Day Eleven

We were up late enough last night and didn’t get to bed until about 1am with visits and calls. Then John and me spent a lot of time chatting. The talk always seemed to get back to food for some reason.

We slept well but I woke up a number of times with the cold. My feet were very cold. That wasn’t a problem before, even though the temperatures were lower.

We found there was a bit of condensation forming and the bottom of the mattress is getting damp. There is a formica base that is trapping the moisture. We are going to have to air the mattress and the caravan today.

It was quiet this morning but we expect friends and family to visit in the afternoon.

Physically I still feel a bit down energy wise, much the same as yesterday. I think this is the way it’s going to be from now on.

I get a queasy feeling. It’s hard to describe but it isn’t normal.

I find I am more relaxed when it is quiet and I am just sitting here. I usually have a lot of things going on in my mind when I’m not active, but maybe this is part of my body adjusting.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Diary of Jim Wyse who is on hungerstrike at the Green Isle plant in Naas.

Jim Wyse is still on hunger strike at the Green Isle plant in Naas and he has now been joined by former Offaly All Ireland footballer John Guinan. As mentioned previously Jim feels he has not alternative but to take this action.

Jim has been keeping a diary of his experience and this is being posted on the TEEU website

Below are his entries to date and I will try to put up new ones as they appear.

Also there is a Rally in support of the Green Isle workers and the TEEU have issued this statement:
We are asking you to support the rally being organised by Kildare Council of Trade Unions on Saturday, February 27th to show solidarity with Jim and his colleagues in the Technical Engineering and Electrical Union. It starts at 12 noon in the Storm Cinema car park, Naas, and will be followed by a march to the Green Isle plant.

Day 9

Green Isle Hunger Strike Diary – Day Nine

I didn’t get much sleep last night. We were up until 3 am talking to the company and I had to get up early again to go to the doctor for my check up. He said everything was okay.

He took my blood pressure, checked my heart and took some blood samples for tests. He couldn’t see anything wrong with me but is sending them away to be on the safe side.

I am down about a stone. I haven’t lost much weight over the past day or so. I think whatever was going to go fast has gone and what’s left is going to go much slower from now on.

There was a lad in from the This Week programme on RTE this morning talking about doing something for Sunday. He was going off to see the company afterwards.

There was another lad from a group of An Post workers who want to do something and are planning to come to the march tomorrow. I think a Start Labour write-in campaign is getting underway for people to contact Northern Foods, the parent company.

I hope to get the head down this afternoon and catch up on a bit of sleep.

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Day 8

Green Isle Hunger Strike Diary – Day Eight

We went back up to the Caravan after the Press Conference in Maudlins and had some press photographs taken. There were the usual visitors, family and friends to see how we were getting on.

Two lads called from my native village Coilldubh to make a video for a local history project. I was asked where Coilldubh is. It’s between Celbridge and Edenderry, and it was a Bord na Mona village built in the late 1940s. They’re good lads and very interested in what’s going on.

This morning I was okay, but in the afternoon I seemed to lose energy and there was a bit of a reaction in my stomach, a bit of nausea. I felt a bit of hunger come back as well but it went away again.
I arrived for talks with management about 1pm, but there was no one here so I went to have a nap. I actually feel better now for it.
There have been talks this evening but nothing much has happened. The company doesn’t seem in any hurry, but then they never are.

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Day 7

Green Isle Hunger Strike Diary – Day Seven

I’m starting to feel the effects of the hunger strike now to be honest. I feel a bit drowsy, woosie. They say you get highs and lows and today I woke up feeling low. I’m still feeling low now but I’ll feel better tomorrow.

A cup of hot water helps but the salt is a penance.
My body is beginning to operate in a totally different way. It may be that it is beginning to switch over to feeding off the fat reserves.

I didn’t feel I was answering questions as well as I could at the press conference today but I’m told it went well. The company is beginning to come out and try to smear us with all sorts of innuendos but we wouldn’t have been out here for six months on the picket line or gone on hunger strike if what they said was true. All we have ever asked is that act fairly. I have no problem if people are brought through a fair procedure and dismissed for misbehaving but that is not what happened.

Management also say we have no support in the factory but people coming out are stopping and chatting to us on the way home. They are afraid to join us and I don’t blame them. Some people do live in fear in there, especially those on work permits. People have mortgages to pay and loans and families to support.

I don’t know if there will be any talks before the rally on Saturday. We are available to meet them at any time.

At least I have John Guinan here to talk to tonight. I know his family will be worried now that he has joined me on hunger strike, but I also know that it will make my own family feel a little bit less anxious to know there is someone else here with me.

The only question is who gets the large bed. He’s a big fellow.

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Day 6

I've lost nearly a stone but I am feeling fairly good today. I reckon I have about another half stone to spare as far as the weight is concerned.

I slept very well last night but then I was wrecked after the ruckus the previous night and the meeting with management. That did not get very far and we've had no word back from them so far today.

John Guinan, who is joining me on hunger strike tomorrow, called by again today to have a chat and Ciaran Tyrell, a TEEU activist in Wicklow called over to see what they could do to help raise public awareness.

The other shop steward here at Green Isle Foods, Declan Shannon, says he is getting in a lot of calls offering support.
We are looking forward to the press conference in Maudlin's tomorrow to get an opportunity to put our case across. It is right beside the Storm Cinema in Naas, which is handy for any journalists who want to know where the rally is starting from on Saturday.

Some of the family and lads are worried at the rate I'm losing weight, so I might get a medical check-up on Thursday to keep their minds at rest. But they know I am here for the duration. Everything else is in the hands of Green Isle Foods and their owners in Leeds, Northern Foods. They are the ones calling the shots and it looks like it's a case of out of sight out of mind.

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Day 5

I woke up last night about 2 am. A guy who had some drink on him was pulling down some of the signs. We had a few words with him and he left, but we had to repair the signs.

It meant I didn't have a proper night's sleep before the meeting with management today.

John, who is going to be next on the hunger strike, spent the night with me. I talked to him about it and told him what to expect. I think he is psychologically ready for it. He has discussed it with his wife and is talking to the children tomorrow.

I went up to the house before the meeting with management to have a shower and tidy up. We didn't make much progress with them. We reported back to the lads and they agreed there was no basis for a settlement yet.

There were a lot of visitors to the caravan this evening by people who missed me during the day because I was at the talks.

I am really tired tonight. I should sleep well.

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Day 4

The press conference at the TEEU offices in Dublin broke up the day for me. Declan Shannon, my fellow shop steward at Green Isle Foods drove me up.

My body moved down a gear today but I still feel fine.

I told journalists I would be getting a medical check up after ten days, or when I lost more than ten per cent of my body weight; whichever comes first. But I also made it clear that whatever the outcome of the medical there was no question of me stopping my protest. That won't happen until we have a result from the talks, something we can bring back to the members.

They also asked me why I was the first member at Green Isle Foods to go on hunger strike. I told them the hunger strike was my idea and I couldn't very well come up with an idea like that and not do it myself.

We had been out six months and if we didn't do something soon everyone would have been broken eventually. That's a fact.

We knew from dealing with the company that talks alone wouldn't do it.

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Day 3

Green's Isle Hunger Strike Diary - Day Three
Last night wasn't too bad as I was at meetings until 2.30am today so I wasn't cold. At least the company is talking to us now.

I had to be up early for Newstalk but the traffic would wake you anyway. I could have done with a bit more time on the programme to explain the issues properly. I hope it was okay.
A guy came in to talk to me for about an hour this morning about the dispute. He lives locally but runs some sort of EU Blog. He says he will have to talk the company as well to get their side. He seemed very interested in our case. He said he would be putting something out shortly and that the blog goes to some key people in Europe.

I am feeling good physically but the energy seems to go very quick when I have to do anything. I am travelling up to Dublin tomorrow for the Press Conference at the TEEU offices.

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Day 2

After's a quiet start I had a busy night, meeting with management, through the good offices of Fine Gael TD Bernard Durkan and Labour TD Jack Wall. Management said they mean business but after the events of the past six months I am not ending the hunger strike until we have a deal that is signed, sealed and delivered.

There are no ill effects at this stage but the craving for food has gone. I don't feel the urge to rush out any more and grab someone's bag of chips. I was told it would be like this and now that I have stopped thinking about food I can concentrate on the issues.

I have books here to read but I haven't had a chance to open them, there are so many callers and phone calls.

Kfm are calling me now. It looks like my interview with the local station is become a daily feature.

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Day 1

It's just over 24 hours since the start of the strike. I was hungry this morning and I'm even hungrier now; but it's nothing more than a lot of people put up with on a fast for charity. A burger would be nice.

There was an odd incident at start of the hunger strike yesterday afternoon. A courier arrived with four large pizzas to be paid for on delivery. Hopefully it was a one-off stunt.

A lot of people dropped by to have a chat, including two lads from Sinn Fein up from Wicklow for a meeting and some Coca Cola workers who were on strike.

There were union meetings last night until nearly midnight. At least it helped to keep my mind off food. My son Jamie stayed overnight. It took us a while to get the balance right between using the heater and the number of quilts we needed on the bed to keep warm.
We got up about 7am today.

I''m drinking water most of the time. It is fairly tasteless so I sometimes heat it on the gas ring for a change. It helps me keep warm.

I did an interview with Highland Radio this morning and a journalist called with a photographer from the Sunday Tribune to hear why I was on hunger strike.

My brothers Pat and Martin called up to see how I was getting on. My wife Anne is with me now.

Day One Over

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Shopsteward, Jim Wyse, Begins Hunger Stike at Green Isle Foods

Our island has a tragic history of hunger strikes and once more an individual feels he has no other way to get his voice heard by those in power than to refuse to eat food. Le's hope this dispute is resolved quickly. The below piece is taken from the ICTU website


Jim Wyse, the TEEU shopsteward at Green Isle Foods, began his hunger strike at the company's Naas plant at noon today (Feb 17) in protest at management's refusal to accept Labour Court proposals to settle the six months long dispute.

"I don't mind what I have to do to resolve this", he said, "but I do mind how it is affecting my family. They are supportive but they are angry as well that it has come to this. They've put up with six months of hardship, as have the other families involved. Now they are facing into this as well."

Asked how long he thought he would be on the protest, he said, "I'm not expecting a quick result. The history of this dispute so far is that the company will drag things out again".

He said he appreciated the efforts local TD Bernard Durkan had made over the past few days to assist by contacting the company and the strikers, "but we're not getting our hopes up". His wife Anne and daughter Rebecca were among the supporters who turned out for the start of the hunger strike. Jim will spend the hunger strike on the picket line in a caravan.

Jim's wife Anne Wyse said it was "crazy people have to resort to a hunger strike to get the company to listen to them". His daughter Rebecca said she fully supported her father in what he was doing but that she was "very, very angry he is having to take such a drastic step when the Labour Court and everybody else has offered a solution to the company".

Declan Shannon is the other shop steward in the dispute and he was not hopeful of an early breakthrough either, although he said that Bernard Durkan had met with both sides separately yesterday. His wife Ann Shannon, who was on the picket line today, said that the attitude of the company directors appeared to be that the men could stay outside forever.

"The have been outside the gate for six months now through the worst winter in 40 years and they have been here every single day", she said.

Technical Engineering and Electrical Union General Secretary Designate, Eamon Devoy, said, "The union is four square behind our members. The Labour Relations Commission, the National Implementation Body and the Labour Court have all put forward initiatives we accepted, as we did the final Labour Court recommendations but the company has shown no willingness to engage in the search for a solution."

The men are seeking the reinstatement of three colleagues who were dismissed for alleged misconduct and for the company to honour existing terms and conditions for the remainder of the strikers. The Labour Court recommended that the company either pay the men €40,000, €60,000 and €80,000 respectively for unfair dismissal or reinstate them. The company has declined to do either. Nor has it been willing to engage with the TEEU or even allow it to represent the men when they were being dismissed.

Congress granted the TEEU an All-Out picket against Green Isle Foods. Its products include Goodfellas and San Marco pizzas, Donegal Catch, a variety of savoury filled pastries, potatoes and other vegetables.