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Architects and Planners for Justice in Palestine
UK architects, planners and other construction industry professionals campaigning for a just peace in Israel/Palestine.


Architects Break the Siege of Gaza - Event 12 October @ University of Westminster

 Nasser Golzari and Yara Sharif have been doing some amazing work, taking teams of architects and students
to the West Bank and now Gaza, to help with the sustainable regeneration of villages and communities, using
local resources and working with NGOs. APJP backs such initiatives as a positive contribution to those beleaguered
communities and giving them hope for the future.

"Five  architects and engineers (Nasser Golzari, Jon Broom, Nick Grant,
Rowland Keable and Yara Sharif) under the umbrella of the University of
Westminster has managed to visit Gaza, breaking the siege, in a 10-day
interactive workshop in partnership with UN-HABITAT.  

The workshop was site-specific  focusing on the emergency reconstruction
of Gaza within a sustainable agenda which builds on the local initiatives and
the empowerment of the community.

Under the theme 'Green Gaza, Sustainable Neighbourhoods',
we have just started our journey, and would like to have your support.
We will also be launching the Palestine Regeneration Team (PART)
A design team from the University of Westminster's Department of Architecture
is spearheading an innovative approach to urban reconstruction in the troubled
regions of the Palestinian West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Murray Fraser, Nasser Golzari and Yara Sharif have set up PART to carry
out a range of projects. Realising that the limitation with most western
academic analysis is its fixation with the negative aspects of the
Israeli/Palestinian conflict, the PART team aims instead to find
constructive ways to use architecture and urban design to help the West
Bank and Gaza Strip.

An event is organised on Tuesday 12 October 2010 at 6.00pm

at the University of Westminster

Department of Architecture , 4th Floor Room M/421, 35 Marylebone Road, NW1 5LS

opposite Baker Street Tube station

to share the stories. You are welcomed to join in and share
the experience."

Nasser Golzari
Palestine Regeneration Team ( PART)