New gene therapy kills off cancerous cells

A gene therapy expert from the University of Pennsylvania has found a way of fighting cancer cells by introducing genetically modified cells into the bloodstream which multiply and seek out cancerous cells to kill.

A recent study saw 2 patients completely cancer free after a year and a 3rd with a huge improvement.

“It worked great. We were surprised it worked as well as it did,” said Dr. Carl June, a gene therapy expert at the University of Pennsylvania. “We’re just a year out now. We need to find out how long these remissions last.”

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How to beat psoriasis like Kim Kardashian

So apparently poor old Kim Karrdashian has psoriasis.

Now before you start thinking its some kind of sexual disease or something like that, it’s not!
And its not leprosy either. And while it appears to be some kind of eczema, it is not. And its not ringworm or sirius either.
I have a good friend with psoriasis and I can tell you now its neither contagious, nor is it harmful or sexually trasmitted.

There are 5 different kinds of psoriasis skin disorders which are: plaque, guttate, inverse, pustular and erythrodermic.
I’m not going to go into each one, but I can tell you that its not a yucky disease. In fact its almost super human.

To put it simply, psoriasis is when skin cells are trying to replace themselves faster than normal, almost like the cheerleader from Heroes whose body’s healing mechanism was acting at an accelerated speed, well pretty much the same with someone who suffers from psoriasis. The Skin cells are replacing themselves at an accelerated rate and it results in an accumulation of excess skin cells on the surface that appear as red blotches, almost stain like.
These blotches can dry out and become flakey. I used to make fun of my mate and his psoriasis and call it his cornflakes.

Funny thing about psoriasis is that its very commonly psychosematic. The worse it gets the more the mind thinks its bad and the worse it gets and can be a viscious cycle. But there are cures!

There are expensive creams and gels and lotions which take care of the topical side of the disease and this is only just treating the symtoms rather than the cause so the best way to go about treating psoriasis is to tackle it internally and that means your diet! Actually its an entire lifestyle change.

Yes! What you eat and how you live can and will affect your psoriasis.

1. Water

Lots and lots and lots of water. Every day, flush your system.

2. Omega 3 and other essential fatty acids

Fish oils such as omega 3 will help. Cod liver oil is rich in the nutrients your body needs so get stuck into the supplements (its also good for the brain and makes you smart)

3. Reduce your intake of the following known foods which can trigger psoriasis.

Carbonated drinks such as Coca Cola, red wine, red meat, chillies and hot spices, junk foods, oily foods, certain berries (such as strawberries) tomato, most acidic foods and vitamin-c.

You should also get more excercise, lose weight, stop smoking , drink less alcohol and get enough sleep.

But if a lifestyle change isn’t for you, you can always try marjiuana (seriously)
The healing and anti flammatory of the canninbinoids in marijuana can actually help to reduce the lesions, and tetrahydracannibinol (THC – the active compound found in marijuana) is known to regulate the immune system. But smoking it is only going to burn away most of the helpful THC so make a marijuana tea by adding some oil to freshly boiled water, add some marijuana, strain the mixture and drink that instead.