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The Ludwig von Mises Institute

Tu Ne Cede Malis

Advancing the Scholarship of Liberty in the Tradition of the Austrian School

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The Consumption Tax: A Critique

There has been far too much concentration on the form, the type of taxation, and not enough on its total amount. A far more critical question: How much of the social product should be siphoned away from the producers?
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The Value of Labor

The labor of the plowman is of less value than that of the artisan.

America's Unique Fascism

The unappreciated reality is that when the patriot Right and radical Left refer to the US system as fascistic, they have part of the truth but not the whole analysis.

In Praise of the Capitalist 1 Percent

What the protesters do not realize is that the wealth of the 1 percent provides the standard of living of the 99 percent.

In the Mises Store

Economics in One Lesson

Here is a publishing event: the new Mises Institute edition of the classic book that has taught many millions sound economic thinking. It is a hardbound volume, priced very low thanks to special benef... More »

Paper Money Collapse

This riveting book by an investment professional hit just at the right time. Europe is falling apart and the fears of hyperinflation are global. The book soared up the charts as a leading explanation ... More »

Economic Depressions: Their Cause and Cure

Need a short monograph on Austrian business cycle theory? This is the one to get. Murray Rothbard was the master of reducing complicated theories to their very essence while retaining theoretical rig... More »

Recent Blog Posts

Douglas French: Connect to Contagion Dots

For those that believe the European financial crisis is far, far away, The New York Times helps you connect the dots. ... More »

Jonathan M.F. Catalán: Mises in Toronto

I spent much of the weekend in Toronto, Canada, to speak at a Mises Circle held on Saturday.  I spoke along with GMU Professor Larry White, Professor George Bragues, and Chris Horlacher (Maple Leaf Metals).  The lectures, apart from mine (b ... More »

Jeffrey Tucker: What a difference a decade makes

Story from the New York Times, ten years ago today: Apple Introduces What It Calls an Easier to Use Portable Music Player Apple Computer introduced a portable music player today and declared that the new gadget, called the iPod, was so much eas ... More »

Stephan Kinsella: Open Science Summit Streaming Live

I'm here at the amazing Computer History Museum in Mountain View, to speak on a panel at the Open Science Summit. My panel is on intellectual property and science, and starts at 10:00 a.m. PST. The panels are streaming live here. As I noted in ... More »

Mises Daily: More Signal, Less Noise

The Consumption Tax: A Critique by Murray N. Rothbard There has been far too much concentration on the form, the type of taxation, and not enough on its total amount. A far more critical question: How much of the social produ ... More »

Justin Ptak: Hip Hop: The 21st C. Sound of Capitalism and Entrepreneurship?

Steve Yates at Prospect Magazine discusses that the story of hip hop’s journey into the cultural mainstream is the story of its love affair with materialism, or, more accurately, capitalism. Its lead exponents, like Jay-Z and Kanye West, are brillian ... More »

Stephan Kinsella: Chartier: Markets Not Capitalism

From Roderick Long's blog post: A new book has been released by editors Gary Chartier and Charles Johnson, Markets Not Capitalism, that may be of interest to some here, especially as they heroically released a free scribd and <a href=http://ra ... More »

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Robert P. Murphy: Does Bernanke Have an Exit Strategy?

Does Bernanke Have an Exit Strategy? Various Artists Depression, Monetary Destruction, and the Path to Sound Money ( 10/5/2009 )

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Online Courses In the Mises Academy See All Courses

"Money, Monopoly, and Market Intervention"
This course will cover chapters 10, 11, and 12 of Murray Rothbard's systema... (more) Register Now

"Economic Freedom Around the World"
This course will consist of five lectures about the concept, measurement an... (more) Register Now

"Libertarian Ethics"
Why should liberty be advanced? What is the basis of rights? What is the ... (more) Register Now

"Economic Reasoning"
Learn how to "see the unseen" as David Gordon teaches you how to apply logi... (more) Register Now

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Mises Circle in New Orleans

Mises Circle in New Orleans
| New Orleans, Louisiana

Join the Mises Institute in New Orleans for a look at current events ... MORE

Contemporary Issues in Economics: High-School Seminar in Auburn (Sponsored by Jeremy S. Davis)

Contemporary Issues in Economics: High-School Seminar in Auburn (Sponsored by Jeremy S. Davis)
| Auburn, Alabama

Let's talk about economic policy - and say what needs to be said.... MORE

Why Economics Matters: High-School Seminar in Houston (Sponsored by Jeremy S. Davis)

Why Economics Matters: High-School Seminar in Houston (Sponsored by Jeremy S. Davis)
| Houston, Texas

A free seminar for high-school students in the Houston area.

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Mises Circle, Houston (Sponsored by Jeremy S. Davis)

Mises Circle, Houston (Sponsored by Jeremy S. Davis)
| Houston, Texas

Mises Circle at Furman University (Sponsored by Furman Conservative Students for a Better Tomorrow)

Mises Circle at Furman University (Sponsored by Furman Conservative Students for a Better Tomorrow)
| Furman University, Greenville, SC

War doesn't liberate; it enslaves. It is the state on overdrive: ... MORE

Austrian Scholars Conference 2012

Austrian Scholars Conference 2012
| Auburn, Alabama

The world gathering of Austrian School scholars.

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Mises University 2012

Mises University 2012
| Auburn, Alabama

The world's leading instructional program in the Austrian School ... MORE