In physics, a wave is a disturbance that travels through space and time, usually accompanied by the transfer of energy.
Waves travel and the wave motion transfers energy from one point to another, often with no permanent displacement of the particles of the medium—that is, with little or no associated mass transport. They consist, instead, of oscillations or vibrations around almost fixed locations. For example, a cork on rippling water will bob up and down, staying in about the same place while the wave itself moves onwards.
One type of wave is a mechanical wave, which propagates through a medium in which the substance of this medium is deformed. The deformation reverses itself owing to restoring forces resulting from its deformation. For example, sound waves propagate via air molecules bumping into their neighbors. This transfers some energy to these neighbors, which will cause a cascade of collisions between neighbouring molecules. When air molecules collide with their neighbors, they also bounce away from them (restoring force). This keeps the molecules from continuing to travel in the direction of the wave.
Another type of wave can travel through a vacuum, e.g. electromagnetic radiation (including visible light, ultraviolet radiation, infrared radiation, gamma rays, X-rays, and radio waves). This type of wave consists of periodic oscillations in electrical and magnetic fields.
A main distinction can be made between transverse and longitudinal waves. Transverse waves occur when a disturbance sends waves perpendicular (at right angles) to the original wave. Longitudinal waves occur when a disturbance sends waves in the same direction as the original wave.
Waves are described by a wave equation which sets out how the disturbance proceeds over time. The mathematical form of this equation varies depending on the type of wave.
The term ''wave'' is often intuitively understood as referring to a transport of spatial disturbances that are generally not accompanied by a motion of the medium occupying this space as a whole. In a wave, the energy of a vibration is moving away from the source in the form of a disturbance within the surrounding medium . However, this notion is problematic for a standing wave (for example, a wave on a string), where energy is moving in both directions equally, or for electromagnetic / light waves in a vacuum, where the concept of medium does not apply. There are water waves on the ocean surface; light waves emitted by the Sun; microwaves used in microwave ovens; radio waves broadcast by radio stations; and sound waves generated by radio receivers, telephone handsets and living creatures (as voices).
It may appear that the description of waves is closely related to their physical origin for each specific instance of a wave process. For example, acoustics is distinguished from optics in that sound waves are related to a mechanical rather than an electromagnetic wave transfer caused by vibration. Concepts such as mass, momentum, inertia, or elasticity, become therefore crucial in describing acoustic (as distinct from optic) wave processes. This difference in origin introduces certain wave characteristics particular to the properties of the medium involved. For example, in the case of air: vortices, radiation pressure, shock waves etc.; in the case of solids: Rayleigh waves, dispersion etc.; and so on.
Other properties, however, although they are usually described in an origin-specific manner, may be generalized to all waves. For such reasons, wave theory represents a particular branch of physics that is concerned with the properties of wave processes independently from their physical origin. For example, based on the mechanical origin of acoustic waves, a moving disturbance in space–time can exist if and only if the medium involved is neither infinitely stiff nor infinitely pliable. If all the parts making up a medium were rigidly ''bound'', then they would all vibrate as one, with no delay in the transmission of the vibration and therefore no wave motion. This is impossible because it would violate general relativity. On the other hand, if all the parts were independent, then there would not be any transmission of the vibration and again, no wave motion. Although the above statements are meaningless in the case of waves that do not require a medium, they reveal a characteristic that is relevant to all waves regardless of origin: within a wave, the phase of a vibration (that is, its position within the vibration cycle) is different for adjacent points in space because the vibration reaches these points at different times.
Similarly, wave processes revealed from the study of waves other than sound waves can be significant to the understanding of sound phenomena. A relevant example is Thomas Young's principle of interference (Young, 1802, in ). This principle was first introduced in Young's study of light and, within some specific contexts (for example, scattering of sound by sound), is still a researched area in the study of sound.
Consider a traveling transverse wave (which may be a pulse) on a string (the medium). Consider the string to have a single spatial dimension. Consider this wave as traveling
This wave can then be described by the two-dimensional functions
: (waveform traveling to the right) : (waveform traveling to the left)
or, more generally, by d'Alembert's formula:
representing two component waveforms and traveling through the medium in opposite directions. This wave can also be represented by the partial differential equation
General solutions are based upon Duhamel's principle.
The form or shape of ''F'' in d'Alembert's formula involves the argument ''x − vt''. Constant values of this argument correspond to constant values of ''F'', and these constant values occur if ''x'' increases at the same rate that ''vt'' increases. That is, the wave shaped like the function ''F'' will move in the positive ''x''-direction at velocity ''v'' (and ''G'' will propagate at the same speed in the negative ''x''-direction).
In the case of a periodic function ''F'' with period ''λ'', that is, ''F''(''x + λ'' − ''vt'') = ''F''(''x '' − ''vt''), the periodicity of ''F'' in space means that a snapshot of the wave at a given time ''t'' finds the wave varying periodically in space with period ''λ'' (the wavelength of the wave). In a similar fashion, this periodicity of ''F'' implies a periodicity in time as well: ''F''(''x'' − ''v(t + T)'') = ''F''(''x '' − ''vt'') provided ''vT'' = ''λ'', so an observation of the wave at a fixed location ''x'' finds the wave undulating periodically in time with period ''T = λ''/''v''.
The amplitude of a wave may be constant (in which case the wave is a ''c.w.'' or ''continuous wave''), or may be ''modulated'' so as to vary with time and/or position. The outline of the variation in amplitude is called the ''envelope'' of the wave. Mathematically, the modulated wave can be written in the form:
where is the amplitude envelope of the wave, is the ''wavenumber'' and is the ''phase''. If the group velocity (see below) is wavelength-independent, this equation can be simplified as:
showing that the envelope moves with the group velocity and retains its shape. Otherwise, in cases where the group velocity varies with wavelength, the pulse shape changes in a manner often described using an ''envelope equation''.
There are two velocities that are associated with waves, the phase velocity and the group velocity. To understand them, one must consider several types of waveform. For simplification, examination is restricted to one dimension.
The most basic wave (a form of plane wave) may be expressed in the form:
which can be related to the usual sine and cosine forms using Euler's formula. Rewriting the argument, , makes clear that this expression describes a vibration of wavelength traveling in the ''x''-direction with a constant ''phase velocity'' .
The other type of wave to be considered is one with localized structure described by an envelope, which may be expressed mathematically as, for example:
where now ''A(k''1'')'' (the integral is the inverse fourier transform of A(k1)) is a function exhibiting a sharp peak in a region of wave vectors Δ''k'' surrounding the point ''k''1 = ''k''. In exponential form:
with ''A''o the magnitude of ''A''. For example, a common choice for ''A''o is a Gaussian wave packet:
where σ determines the spread of ''k''1-values about ''k'', and ''N'' is the amplitude of the wave.
The exponential function inside the integral for ψ oscillates rapidly with its argument, say φ(''k''1), and where it varies rapidly, the exponentials cancel each other out, interfere destructively, contributing little to ψ. However, an exception occurs at the location where the argument φ of the exponential varies slowly. (This observation is the basis for the method of stationary phase for evaluation of such integrals.) The condition for φ to vary slowly is that its rate of change with ''k''1 be small; this rate of variation is:
where the evaluation is made at ''k''1 = ''k'' because ''A(k''1'')'' is centered there. This result shows that the position ''x'' where the phase changes slowly, the position where ψ is appreciable, moves with time at a speed called the ''group velocity'':
The group velocity therefore depends upon the dispersion relation connecting ω and ''k''. For example, in quantum mechanics the energy of a particle represented as a wave packet is ''E'' = ħω = (ħ''k'')2/(2''m''). Consequently, for that wave situation, the group velocity is
showing that the velocity of a localized particle in quantum mechanics is its group velocity. Because the group velocity varies with ''k'', the shape of the wave packet broadens with time, and the particle becomes less localized. In other words, the velocity of the constituent waves of the wave packet travel at a rate that varies with their wavelength, so some move faster than others, and they cannot maintain the same interference pattern as the wave propagates.
Mathematically, the most basic wave is the (spatially) one-dimensional sine wave (or ''harmonic wave'' or ''sinusoid'') with an amplitude described by the equation:
The units of the amplitude depend on the type of wave. Transverse mechanical waves (e.g., a wave on a string) have an amplitude expressed as a distance (e.g., meters), longitudinal mechanical waves (e.g., sound waves) use units of pressure (e.g., pascals), and electromagnetic waves (a form of transverse vacuum wave) express the amplitude in terms of its electric field (e.g., volts/meter).
The wavelength is the distance between two sequential crests or troughs (or other equivalent points), generally is measured in meters. A wavenumber , the spatial frequency of the wave in radians per unit distance (typically per meter), can be associated with the wavelength by the relation
The period is the time for one complete cycle of an oscillation of a wave. The frequency is the number of periods per unit time (per second) and is typically measured in hertz. These are related by:
In other words, the frequency and period of a wave are reciprocals.
The angular frequency represents the frequency in radians per second. It is related to the frequency or period by
The wavelength of a sinusoidal waveform traveling at constant speed is given by: :
where is called the phase speed (magnitude of the phase velocity) of the wave and is the wave's frequency.
Wavelength can be a useful concept even if the wave is not periodic in space. For example, in an ocean wave approaching shore, the incoming wave undulates with a varying ''local'' wavelength that depends in part on the depth of the sea floor compared to the wave height. The analysis of the wave can be based upon comparison of the local wavelength with the local water depth.
Although arbitrary wave shapes will propagate unchanged in lossless linear time-invariant systems, in the presence of dispersion the sine wave is the unique shape that will propagate unchanged but for phase and amplitude, making it easy to analyze. Due to the Kramers–Kronig relations, a linear medium with dispersion also exhibits loss, so the sine wave propagating in a dispersive medium is attenuated in certain frequency ranges that depend upon the medium. The sine function is periodic, so the sine wave or sinusoid has a wavelength in space and a period in time.
The sinusoid is defined for all times and distances, whereas in physical situations we usually deal with waves that exist for a limited span in space and duration in time. Fortunately, an arbitrary wave shape can be decomposed into an infinite set of sinusoidal waves by the use of Fourier analysis. As a result, the simple case of a single sinusoidal wave can be applied to more general cases. In particular, many media are linear, or nearly so, so the calculation of arbitrary wave behavior can be found by adding up responses to individual sinusoidal waves using the superposition principle to find the solution for a general waveform. When a medium is nonlinear, the response to complex waves cannot be determined from a sine-wave decomposition.
A standing wave, also known as a ''stationary wave'', is a wave that remains in a constant position. This phenomenon can occur because the medium is moving in the opposite direction to the wave, or it can arise in a stationary medium as a result of interference between two waves traveling in opposite directions.
The ''sum'' of two counter-propagating waves (of equal amplitude and frequency) creates a ''standing wave''. Standing waves commonly arise when a boundary blocks further propagation of the wave, thus causing wave reflection, and therefore introducing a counter-propagating wave. For example when a violin string is displaced, transverse waves propagate out to where the string is held in place at the bridge and the nut, where the waves are reflected back. At the bridge and nut, the two opposed waves are in antiphase and cancel each other, producing a node. Halfway between two nodes there is an antinode, where the two counter-propagating waves ''enhance'' each other maximally. There is no net propagation of energy over time.
Waves exhibit common behaviors under a number of standard situations, e.g.,
Waves normally move in in a straight line (i.e. rectilinearly) through a ''transmission medium''. Such media can be classified into one or more of the following categories:
When a wave strikes a reflective surface, it changes direction, such that the angle made by the incident wave and line normal to the surface equals the angle made by the reflected wave and the same normal line.
Waves that encounter each other combine through superposition to create a new wave called an interference pattern. Important interference patterns occur for waves that are in phase.
Refraction is the phenomenon of a wave changing its speed. Mathematically, this means that the size of the phase velocity changes. Typically, refraction occurs when a wave passes from one medium into another. The amount by which a wave is refracted by a material is given by the refractive index of the material. The directions of incidence and refraction are related to the refractive indices of the two materials by Snell's law.
A wave exhibits diffraction when it encounters an obstacle that bends the wave or when it spreads after emerging from an opening. Diffraction effects are more pronounced when the size of the obstacle or opening is comparable to the wavelength of the wave.
A wave is polarized if it oscillates in one direction or plane. A wave can be polarized by the use of a polarizing filter. The polarization of a transverse wave describes the direction of oscillation in the plane perpendicular to the direction of travel.
Longitudinal waves such as sound waves do not exhibit polarization. For these waves the direction of oscillation is along the direction of travel.
A wave undergoes dispersion when either the phase velocity or the group velocity depends on the wave frequency. Dispersion is most easily seen by letting white light pass through a prism, the result of which is to produce the spectrum of colours of the rainbow. Isaac Newton performed experiments with light and prisms, presenting his findings in the ''Opticks'' (1704) that white light consists of several colours and that these colours cannot be decomposed any further.
The speed of a wave traveling along a vibrating string ('' v '') is directly proportional to the square root of the tension of the string ('' T '') over the linear mass density ('' μ ''):
where the linear density ''μ'' is the mass per unit length of the string.
or the square root of the adiabatic bulk modulus divided by the ambient fluid density (see speed of sound).
(radio, micro, infrared, visible, uv)
An electromagnetic wave consists of two waves that are oscillations of the electric and magnetic fields. An electromagnetic wave travels in a direction that is at right angles to the oscillation direction of both fields. In the 19th century, James Clerk Maxwell showed that, in vacuum, the electric and magnetic fields satisfy the wave equation both with speed equal to that of the speed of light. From this emerged the idea that light is an electromagnetic wave. Electromagnetic waves can have different frequencies (and thus wavelengths), giving rise to various types of radiation such as radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet and X-rays.
The Schrödinger equation describes the wave-like behavior of particles in quantum mechanics. Solutions of this equation are wave functions which can be used to describe the probability density of a particle. Quantum mechanics also describes particle properties that other waves, such as light and sound, have on the atomic scale and below.
Louis de Broglie postulated that all particles with momentum have a wavelength
where ''h'' is Planck's constant, and ''p'' is the magnitude of the momentum of the particle. This hypothesis was at the basis of quantum mechanics. Nowadays, this wavelength is called the de Broglie wavelength. For example, the electrons in a CRT display have a de Broglie wavelength of about 10−13 m.'''
A wave representing such a particle traveling in the ''k''-direction is expressed by the wave function:
where the wavelength is determined by the wave vector k as:
and the momentum by:
However, a wave like this with definite wavelength is not localized in space, and so cannot represent a particle localized in space. To localize a particle, de Broglie proposed a superposition of different wavelengths ranging around a central value in a wave packet, a waveform often used in quantum mechanics to describe the wave function of a particle. In a wave packet, the wavelength of the particle is not precise, and the local wavelength deviates on either side of the main wavelength value.
In representing the wave function of a localized particle, the wave packet is often taken to have a Gaussian shape and is called a ''Gaussian wave packet''. Gaussian wave packets also are used to analyze water waves.
For example, a Gaussian wavefunction ψ might take the form:
at some initial time ''t'' = 0, where the central wavelength is related to the central wave vector ''k''0 as λ0 = 2π / ''k''0. It is well known from the theory of Fourier analysis, or from the Heisenberg uncertainty principle (in the case of quantum mechanics) that a narrow range of wavelengths is necessary to produce a localized wave packet, and the more localized the envelope, the larger the spread in required wavelengths. The Fourier transform of a Gaussian is itself a Gaussian. Given the Gaussian:
the Fourier transform is:
The Gaussian in space therefore is made up of waves:
that is, a number of waves of wavelengths λ such that ''k''λ = 2 π.
The parameter σ decides the spatial spread of the Gaussian along the ''x''-axis, while the Fourier transform shows a spread in wave vector ''k'' determined by 1/σ. That is, the smaller the extent in space, the larger the extent in ''k'', and hence in λ = 2π/''k''.
Researchers believe that gravitational waves also travel through space, although gravitational waves have never been directly detected. Not to be confused with gravity waves, gravitational waves are disturbances in the curvature of spacetime, predicted by Einstein's theory of general relativity.
In a nonuniform medium, in which the wavenumber ''k'' can depend on the location as well as the frequency, the phase term ''kx'' is typically replaced by the integral of ''k''(''x'')''dx'', according to the WKB method. Such nonuniform traveling waves are common in many physical problems, including the mechanics of the cochlea and waves on hanging ropes.
Category:Fundamental physics concepts Category:Partial differential equations
af:Golf (fisika) ar:موجة an:Onda (fesica) arc:ܓܠܠܐ az:Dalğa (fizika) bn:তরঙ্গ be:Хваля be-x-old:Хваля bg:Вълна ca:Ona cs:Vlnění cy:Ton da:Bølge de:Welle (Physik) et:Laine el:Κύμα es:Onda (física) eo:Ondo eu:Uhin fa:موج fr:Onde gl:Onda (física) ko:파동 hi:तरंग hr:Val io:Ondo id:Gelombang is:Bylgja it:Onda (fisica) he:גל kn:ತರಂಗ ka:ტალღა kk:Толқын ht:Vag ku:Pêl lv:Vilnis lt:Banga jbo:boxna hu:Hullám ml:തരംഗം mr:तरंग ms:Gelombang nl:Golf (natuurkunde) new:अलै (सन् २००३या संकिपा) ja:波動 no:Bølge nn:Bølgje pa:ਛੱਲ nds:Bülg (Physik) pl:Fala pt:Onda ro:Undă qu:Pillunya ru:Волна sco:Waw (science) simple:Wave (physics) sk:Vlnenie sl:Valovanje so:Mowjad sr:Талас (физика) sh:Val fi:Aalto (fysiikka) sv:Mekanisk vågrörelse tl:Alon ta:அலை te:తరంగము th:คลื่น tr:Dalga uk:Хвиля vi:Chuyển động sóng yi:כוואליע zh-yue:波 (物理) zh:波This text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.
Dorian attended Konawaena High School.
Surfing and surfing education became a priority for Dorian. Dorian's mother, who had divorced Patrick when Shane was 12, worked out a system where Shane would spend the second and third quarters of the school year on the North Shore of Oahu (the peak winter season) and the first and fourth quarters back home on the Big Island.
In 1987, Shane Dorian had his first major success a the Gotcha Pro competition at Sandy Beach. He was able to beat some big names, made it through four rounds, and received some media exposure. He became friends with a couple of the up-and-coming surfers on Oahu, Brock Little and Todd Chesser who played a role in the development of his surfing.
He has been a long-time member of the Billabong team, his main sponsor.
In the documentary ''Solid: The Two Days That Teahupoo Blew Minds'', fellow surfers gave him a standing ovation for his wave conquering rides.
This text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.
Category:British video game designers Category:Living people
This text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.
Coordinates | 18°55′23″N48°17′19″N |
birth name | Bethany Meilani Hamilton |
birth date | February 08, 1990 |
birth place | Kauai, Hawaii, United States |
death date | |
residence | Hawaii |
nickname | B-Ham, Bethy |
height | |
weight | |
sponsors | Rip Curl |
major achievements | ESPY Award (2004)NSSA National Helping Kids Champion (2005)2nd place, ASP World Junior Championships (2008) |
favorite waves | |
favorite maneuvers | |
website | }} |
Bethany Meilani Hamilton (born February 8, 1990), daughter of Thomas and Cherilyn Hamilton, is an American professional surfer. She is known for surviving a shark attack in which she lost her left arm, and for overcoming the serious and debilitating injury to ultimately return to professional surfing. She wrote about her experience in the 2004 autobiography ''Soul Surfer: A True Story of Faith, Family, and Fighting to Get Back on the Board''. In April 2011, the feature film ''Soul Surfer'' was released, based on the book and additional interviews.
Despite the trauma of the incident, Hamilton was determined to return to surfing. Less than one month after the incident, she returned to her board and went surfing again. Initially, she adopted a custom-made board that was longer and slightly thicker, making it easier to paddle. She has observed that she has to kick a lot more to make up for the loss of her left arm. After teaching herself to surf with one arm, she again began surfing competitively. She is now back to using competitive performance short-boards.
In July 2004, Hamilton won the Best Comeback Athlete ESPY Award. She was also presented with a special "courage award" at the 2004 Teen Choice Awards.
In 2005, Hamilton took 1st place in the National Scholastic Surfing Association (NSSA) National Championships, a goal she had been trying to achieve since before the shark attack. In 2008, she began competing full-time on the Association of Surfing Professionals (ASP) World Qualifying Series (WQS). In her first competition against many of the world's best women surfers, she finished 2nd.
In 2004, MTV Books published Hamilton's book, ''Soul Surfer: A True Story of Faith, Family, and Fighting to Get Back on the Board'' (ISBN 0-7434-9922-0), which describes her ordeal. Her story is also told in the 2007 short subject documentary film, ''Heart of a Soul Surfer'', directed by Becky Baumgartner. Described as a "faith-based documentary", the film addresses Hamilton's courage and faith in Jesus Christ in the aftermath of the shark attack, and follows her quest for spiritual meaning.
On August 7, 2009, Hamilton won $25,000 on ''Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?''. She was stuck on a third grade grammar question involving articles.
On May 16, 2010, she appeared on an episode of ABC's ''Extreme Makeover: Home Edition''.
In March 2011, Bethany did a video for the Christian organization, I Am Second, telling about her struggle after the shark attack and how she trusted in God to get her through it.
On April 8, 2011, a docudrama feature film ''Soul Surfer'', based on her 2004 book, was released. Hamilton is portrayed by AnnaSophia Robb and Dennis Quaid, Helen Hunt, Craig T. Nelson, Carrie Underwood and Kevin Sorbo costar in the film. Hamilton performs all the one-armed surfing stunts in the film.
On the Weekend of August 20, 2011, Bethany was a guest speaker at Fellowship Church in Grapevine, Texas. A video can be seen at its website showing Pastor Ed Young interviewing Bethany. Fellowship Church saw over 25,000 people in attendance across the three services that is offered at five different campuses around the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex and in Miami, Florida.
Category:1990 births Category:American amputees Category:Animal attack victims Category:Female surfers Category:American surfers Category:American Christians Category:Living people Category:Sportspeople from Hawaii
an:Bethany Hamilton cs:Bethany Hamilton de:Bethany Hamilton es:Bethany Hamilton fr:Bethany Hamilton no:Bethany Hamilton pl:Bethany Hamilton sv:Bethany HamiltonThis text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.
Coordinates | 18°55′23″N48°17′19″N |
name | Brian Conley |
birth name | Brian Paul Conley |
birth date | August 07, 1961 |
birth place | Paddington, London |
nationality | British |
occupation | Comedian, singer, actor |
height | 5' 11" |
spouse | Anne-Marie(1996 - present) |
children | 2 daughters |
website | |
footnotes | }} |
Brian Conley (born 7 August 1961) is an English comedian, television presenter, singer and actor. At the peak of his television career, he was the highest-paid male television personality in the UK. Outside of television, he is best known for his frequent portrayals of Buttons in pantomime versions of ''Cinderella''.
Conley's career was then advanced by TVS casting director Bill Hatterley, who secured him onscreen appearances on comedy shows such as ''Make Me Laugh'' (1982), ''The Laughter Show'' (1984-1985), ''Live from Her Majesty's'' (1984-87) and ''Five Alive'' (1986). In 1989, with the support of London Weekend Television (LWT)'s light entertainment controller, Conley starred in his own comedy sketch show, ''Brian Conley: This Way Up''. This programme was popular, but not hugely successful.
After two series of the show, Conley made his first appearance in the West End, playing the lead role of Bill Snibson in a production of ''Me & My Girl''.
In 1992, LWT offered him another opportunity to star in his own comedy programme, with ''The Brian Conley Show''. At the suggestion of producer and director Nigel Lythgoe, this new show had a variety format rather than being purely sketches. This different format proved popular, and the show became Britain's most-watched light entertainment programme. Conley's next success was a sitcom entitled ''Time After Time'', in which he played the lead role. The show was named 'Best ITV Sitcom' at the 1994 British Comedy Awards.
He then went on to play the hugely popular Doug 'Dynamo' Digby, starring opposite Amanda Holden, Nigel Planer and Noddy Holder in The Grimleys. He was also given two "An Audience with..." shows.
Conley recorded a live show in 1996 titled "Brian Conley: Alive and Dangerous", which was televised and featured stand-up plus special Nick Frisby/Larry the Loafer and Dangerous Brian sketches. The show was put on VHS and later on DVD.
Around 2000, Conley was given a new show for ITV consisting of chat and music called, once again, The Brian Conley Show. The show lasted for three series. The show's guests included some major Hollywood names like Kathleen Turner and Leslie Nielsen.
Conley also worked at the BBC for a couple of shows. His first being "Got Your Number", a game show part of a long series of National Lottery game shows. Conley would later return to the BBC to present Let Me Entertain You in 2006.
He has done much stage work, including the parts of Buttons in ''Cinderella'' and Caractacus Potts in ''Chitty Chitty Bang Bang''.
In 2003 he starred in the movie Equilibrium.
In 2006, Brian Conley returned to television, hosting a daytime variety show called Let Me Entertain You, a Lion TV production for BBC Two where 13-year-old Operatic Baritone Matthew Crane was the First Series Champion. On 1 December of the same year, he appeared as a guest presenter on The New Paul O'Grady Show on Channel 4, where Larry The Loafer made an appearance in the beginning, and Brian referred himself to "Dangerous Brian" as he was about to enter the "Tank of Doom" as part of a Bushtucker trial.
Later in 2007, Conley presented a second series of Let Me Entertain You on BBC Two, and presented a gameshow, ''Dirty Rotten Cheater'' for the BBC. Twenty shows were recorded in May at the Maidstone Studios in Kent.
Conley presented the Midweek Lottery show on BBC 1 in 2008. On 24 April 2008, Brian took over from ill presenter Paul O'Grady on The Paul O'Grady Show on Channel 4, where he starred once again as 'Dangerous Brian' and he contested against 'Nearly Dangerous Joyce'. Larry the loafer also made an appearance. On 22 June 2008, Brian starred as a cameo on ''Last of the Summer Wine'' as "Boothroyd", Barry's fitness mad neighbour.
Brian appeared as part of Team Ant on Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway, and took over from Michael Ball in the musical ''Hairspray'' playing the role of Edna Turnblad at London's Shaftesbury Theatre. He will then play the same role in the first UK Tour of Hairspray, sharing the role with Michael Ball and actor Michael Starke, at selected UK venues. He has also partaken in his own live show, "The Best of Brian Conley," which showcases 'the best' of Brian's material from his past shows, interspersed with occasional showreels of either Larry the Loafer, Dangerous Brian (depending on who Brian is about to come on stage as) or a generic showreel of his work. Like The Brian Conley Show, the stage show invites guests to perform on stage alongside Brian. In 2010, the show went on tour again, covering more areas of the country.
Conley's appearances on chat shows include ''Aspel & Company'' (1993), ''This Morning'' (1993 & 2005), ''Open House with Gloria Hunniford'' (1998), ''The New Paul O'Grady Show'' (2005 & 2009), ''GMTV'' (2005), ''Breakfast'' (2008), ''The Alan Titchmarsh Show'' (2009), ''The ONE Show'' (2009), ''The 5 O'Clock Show'' (2010), ''The Michael Ball Show'' (2010) and ''Loose Women'' (2007-11, various episodes).
Additionally, Conley has appeared as a talking head on many compilation shows and documentaries including: ''The 100 Greatest Musicals'' (2003), ''Bob Monkhouse's Comedy Heroes'' (2004), ''Who Killed Saturday Night TV?'' (2004), ''The Story of Light Entertainment'' (2006), ''100 Greatest Stand-Ups'' (2007), ''50 Greatest Comedy Catchphrases'' (2008) and ''The Nolans: In the Mood for Dancing'' (2009).
Category:1961 births Category:Living people Category:English comedians Category:English male singers Category:English television presenters Category:People from Paddington
fr:Brian ConleyThis text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.
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When you submit your personally identifiable information through, you are giving your consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as set forth in this Privacy Policy. If you would prefer that we not collect any personally identifiable information from you, please do not provide us with any such information. We will not sell or rent your personally identifiable information to third parties without your consent, except as otherwise disclosed in this Privacy Policy.
Except as otherwise disclosed in this Privacy Policy, we will use the information you provide us only for the purpose of responding to your inquiry or in connection with the service for which you provided such information. We may forward your contact information and inquiry to our affiliates and other divisions of our company that we feel can best address your inquiry or provide you with the requested service. We may also use the information you provide in aggregate form for internal business purposes, such as generating statistics and developing marketing plans. We may share or transfer such non-personally identifiable information with or to our affiliates, licensees, agents and partners.
We may retain other companies and individuals to perform functions on our behalf. Such third parties may be provided with access to personally identifiable information needed to perform their functions, but may not use such information for any other purpose.
In addition, we may disclose any information, including personally identifiable information, we deem necessary, in our sole discretion, to comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal proceeding or governmental request.
We do not want you to receive unwanted e-mail from us. We try to make it easy to opt-out of any service you have asked to receive. If you sign-up to our e-mail newsletters we do not sell, exchange or give your e-mail address to a third party.
E-mail addresses are collected via the web site. Users have to physically opt-in to receive the newsletter and a verification e-mail is sent. is clearly and conspicuously named at the point of
collection.If you no longer wish to receive our newsletter and promotional communications, you may opt-out of receiving them by following the instructions included in each newsletter or communication or by e-mailing us at michaelw(at)
The security of your personal information is important to us. We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during registration and once we receive it. No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100 percent secure, however. Therefore, though we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.
If we decide to change our e-mail practices, we will post those changes to this privacy statement, the homepage, and other places we think appropriate so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.
If we make material changes to our e-mail practices, we will notify you here, by e-mail, and by means of a notice on our home page.
The advertising banners and other forms of advertising appearing on this Web site are sometimes delivered to you, on our behalf, by a third party. In the course of serving advertisements to this site, the third party may place or recognize a unique cookie on your browser. For more information on cookies, you can visit
As we continue to develop our business, we might sell certain aspects of our entities or assets. In such transactions, user information, including personally identifiable information, generally is one of the transferred business assets, and by submitting your personal information on you agree that your data may be transferred to such parties in these circumstances.