News & Multimedia from 2008

Peruvians oppose Talisman exploration Indigenous groups in conflict with Calgary corporation

December 18, 2008 | Fast Forward Weekly

Talisman Energy is facing continuing opposition to its oil exploration and testing in a remote area of Peru. [...]More »

Shareholders, Wall Street Concerned Over Chevron’s $27 Billion Environmental Liability in Ecuador

Latest In Long Series of Setbacks for Oil Giant

December 8, 2008 | Press Release

San Francisco (December 8, 2008) – An increase in Chevron’s potential environmental liability in Ecuador to $27 billion is causing concern among Wall Street analysts and shareholders that the oil giant has failed to set aside sufficient reserves and has not fully disclosed its risk for what could be one of the largest civil judgments in history, according to a group closely monitoring the trial.  [...]More »

Indígenas representantes de comunidad U'wa pidieron en Nueva York veto a Ecopetrol

December 2, 2008 | Portafolio

Con apoyo de ONG norteamericana Amazon Watch, dos líderes se reunieron con representantes del JP Morgan y con una docena de entidades financieras para solicitarles que no compren acciones. "La empresa está violando los derechos indígenas con su explotación petrolera en el territorio ancestral U'wa", según Andrew Miller, coordinador del Proyecto Defensa U'wa de Amazon Watch. "La compra de acciones a Ecopetro [...]More »

Chevron's $27 Billion Liability in Ecuador's Amazon Confirmed by Team of Independent Scientists

Hundreds of Cancer Deaths Due to Ecological Devastation

December 1, 2008 | Press Release

Quito, Ecuador (December 1, 2008) – An increase in Chevron's potential environmental liability in Ecuador's Amazon to $27 billion is “reasonable” given new scientific data about groundwater contamination and hundreds of additional cancer deaths due to oil contamination, according to a team of scientists who have reviewed the latest report by the court-appointed expert. "The $27 billion number is reasonable [...]More »

Amazon in Focus 2008

December 1, 2008 | Report

In celebration of our 12th year protecting the Amazon rainforest and its indigenous peoples, Amazon Watch released Amazon in Focus. [...]More »

Chevron Hires Global Warming Denier as Consultant

Oil Giant Charged With Hypocrisy for Ad Campaign Touting “Green” Image While Humanitarian Crisis Festers In Amazon

November 28, 2008 | Press Release

Washington, D.C – Chevron has hired a “scientist” affiliated with a think tank dedicated to denying the threat of global warming while it spends tens of millions of dollars on a national advertising campaign to promote a "green" image. The Chevron consultant, Douglas Southgate, is actually an “environmental economist” affiliated with a libertarian think tank called the Heartland Institute. [...]More »

Chevron Estimate for Amazon Damages Rises by $11 Billion

November 27, 2008 | Bloomberg

Nov. 27 (Bloomberg) – Chevron Corp., which acquired Texaco Inc. in 2001, said a consultant in Ecuador raised by $11 billion his estimate of damages the company may have to pay for pollution in the Amazon allegedly caused by Texaco.  A new report by geologist and environmental consultant Richard Cabrera said Chevron, the second-biggest U.S. [...]More »

U.S. Congressman Finds "Humanitarian Crisis" In Ecuador's Amazon Rainforest

Over 30,000 Ecuadorians Drink From Contaminated Water Sources

November 20, 2008 | Press Release

Washington, DC – U.S. [...]More »

A CLIMATE GIFT FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS . . . Ecuador Seeks to Commercialize Rainforest

November 20, 2008 | Der Spiegel

Ecuador is the first country in the world to announce plans to leave the oil reserves beneath its rainforests in the ground. The country wants foreign businesses, including German companies, to compensate it for making this sacrifice. There are as many different types of wood growing on each hectare in the Yasuni rainforest in the northwestern Amazon as there are species in all of North America. [...]More »


November 19, 2008 | Upside Down World

In Ecuador, thousands of indigenous, campesinos, Afro-descendants and environmentalists took to the streets on Monday, protesting the pending mining law and government failure to fully apply a mining mandate passed by the National Constituent Assembly in April. With strong turnout in five different parts of the country, the day of action was an important demonstration of growing social movement unity and independence [...]More »


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