Monday, October 10, 2011

Suspected "anarchist guerilla" of Moscow released, but investigations are going on

28th and 29th of September 2011 four persons (two young men and two
young woman) were detained in Moscow, suspected of crimes under statute
213 part 2 ("hooliganism") and statute 167 part 2 ("property destruction
with arson") of Russian criminal codex. They are suspected of having
committed a bomb attack against traffic police station in 22th kilometre
of Moscow ringroad 7th of June 2011, and arson against an excavator in
construction site of Volokamski motorway 5th of June 2011. Police did
not have any proof about participation of the arrested to these actions,
and 3th of October all of them were released. Goal of the arrests was
solely to pressure anarchists to give testimony with means of
psychological and physical torture.

Arrests, searches and interrogations were done as a common operation of
UGRO (Criminal Investigation Department), FSB (x-KGB) and Center E
(Center for Counteraction Against Extremism). Also fifth search was
committed, at home of anarchist K - his home was searched already second
time this year Apparently K was not arrested as he managed to contact
his lawyer, who was immediately available for interrogations.

During arrests, mobile phones, computers (including those of relatives),
digital medium, arbalet, kitchen knives, gasoline container (belonging
to father of one of the arrested) were confiscated. Literature and
leaflets were confiscated from K. Police claimed in their website, that
a molotov cocktail was confiscated as well, but this was misinformation.

A was arrested 28th of September, late in the evening. As he was
returning home, three undercover officers who had been hiding in car
disguised as paramedics, attacked him. He was taken to a forest by
masked officers, who held him at a gunpoint and demanded him to give
testimony against himself, and later on he was beaten up. Papers on his
arrest were filled only the next day, and officially he was arrested
only 29t of September.

29th of September around 9:30 AM, B was arrested. Three undercover
cops, who were also hiding in a car disguised as paramedics, jumped her
from behind, without presenting any documents. B managed to wound two of
them with a knife, but as wounds of the officers were not serious and
legality of the arrest method was dubious at least, no charges were
pressed against her. B turned 18 years old only few days before the
arrests, and police was not hiding the fact that they consciously
decided to move forward with the arrests only when B was not underage

29th of Seprember around 8 PM C was arrested at his home. FSB broke in
to his house with help of local police. After arrest, C was also beaten
up by the police. Conditions of the arrest of the fourth person are

According to laws of the Russian federation, maximum period of arrest
without a court decision is 48 hours. However, police bypassed these
laws illegally by arresting suspected immediately after 48 hours by
pressing other charges against them. Even original arrests were filled
with false dates. Thus B spent in arrest alltogether 103 hours, without
any court decisions.

Right now, arrested are suspected of two criminal cases, but no charges
have been pressed against them. Almost all of them have now lawyers, but
funds are much needed for legal costs.

If you want to donate for the lawyer costs, please visit

Besides interrogations on arson and bomb attack, police has launched a
wide effort to track down anarchist infrastructure and circle of friends
of the arrested. As nobody was officially charged, it is much possible
that new arrestes and searches will follow.

Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow


abc-msk A riseup D net
P.O. Box 13 109028 Moscow Russia