Monday, October 02, 2006

Oaxaca Facing Imminent Attack

Forward from Tacoma Leonard Peltier Support Group:

MNN is in complete support of Indigenous people who want to bring about a peaceful resolution to conflicts between them and those governments that have imposed themselves on their land. The people of Oaxaca have attacked no one. Yet human rights violations and threats of violence by Mexican para-military forces are ready to descend on these unarmed Indigenous people. We demand that the President and the government of Mexico immediately stop this impending attack if it hasn't already taken place. Please send emails of your objection to the Mexican government people listed below. Don't forget the Mexican Consultates in the United States (link below). Let's stop this!
MNN Mohawk Nation News

La Jornada has a live feed running on their site. Please disseminate news however you can.

Here is a list of Mexican consulates in the US and Canada:
...there are about 5,000 men wearing army uniforms who are not army, but police, culled from other states...this is a PRI operation, not the federal troops ... The “police” are heavily armed...The attack, code name cicloncinco, was revealed by the same person who informed our friend that there would be a drive-by shooting last night, which came true ... there are already a lot of PRD people gathered in the zocalo, thousands have gathered, apparently including some foreigners including univision and CNN.

Aid is asked for food, water, telephone lines. Only one radio station is still operating... "the city is surrounded".


Dispatch from a friend in Oaxaca City
October 1, 2006

Things are extremely tense right now...I spent last night at a barricade in Santa Lucia waiting for the military to come. The helicopters and army planes started circling the city yesterday at 4pm. At our barricade the police drove by shooting and when people ran they took one person into custody...They have been shooting at the barricades for 4 months, what’s new is the fact that they have brought in shit tons of military, they are just waiting for the perfect time to strike. For 2 nights now we have stayed up waiting with little cups of coffee and too much adrenaline. We have been waiting for the sound of helicopters and tanks, now that we are anxious, sleep deprived and scared who knows when they will actually roll in.

Many of the barricades have big signs that say “somos listos”. “Listo” equals molotov coctails, rocks and big sticks. I am fearful that the army is more “listo” than APPO and that it is going to be extremely bloody and horrible when they roll in. But APPO isn’t going to fucking give up. Anyhow, keep us in your thoughts and I will keep in touch.