Sunday, July 01, 2007

Support the work for the Cuban 5

Check out this series of events...

The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign

The Popular Education Project to Free the Cuban 5 and
Free the Cuban 5 Hotline: 718-601-4751

July 23rd-July 29th FREE THE FIVE WEEK!!

Check out the following events/Actions in New York City for the Cuban 5:

Monday July 23rd-National Call in Day to the New York Times!! Call the New
York Times at 212-556-1234 and ask to speak to Suzanne Daley, National News
Editor of The New York Times!! Let her know that as a concerned citizen you
think the New York Times should publish an article on the Cuban 5. Remind
her The Daily News, The Washington Post, and L.A. Times have covered this
issue!! Tell the New York Times they should contact The Popular Education
Project to Free the Cuban 5 at 718-601-4751 for an interview and additional
information/contacts on the Cuban 5!!

Thurs. July 26- PICKET THE NEW YORK TIMES at 5pm at The New York Times
Building 229 West 43rd St. (btwn. Broadway and 8th Ave.)!! This July 26th
commemorate the Attack on the Moncada Garrison by demanding The New York
Times publish an Article on the Cuban 5. We CANNOT allow the New York Times
to CONTINUE to ignore the Cuban 5!!

Over 650 people have signed petitions and sent letters demanding that the
New York Times publish an article on the Cuban 5, yet we have seen nothing!!
We have picketed and protested and have been ignored!! It is time to go
back downtown and knock on their doors AGAIN!!


If the Washington Post, USA Today, The LA Times and the Daily News can cover
the Cuban 5, then so can they!!

This picket is dedicated to our beloved REVOLUTIONARY LEADER/SISTER/TEACHER,
Vilma Espin, who passed away on Monday June 18th, 2007!! Instrumental in the
victory of the July 26th Movement, we honor our comrade/sister by continuing
to build the movement to free the Cuban 5. THEY WILL BE FREE!!

Friday July 27th- Annual July 26th Movement/Attack on the Moncada Garrison
Celebration at the Dr. Martin Luther King Labor Center (More information on
that Later)

Sunday July 29th-Malcolm X Grassroots Movement UNITY BRUNCH ON THE CUBAN 5
at 1pm at 36A Ralph Avenue Between Monroe and Gates Avenue; Take the J train
to Gates Avenue Stop. INVITED speakers include: Benjamin Ramos, The Popular
Education Project to Free the Cuban 5 and a representative of the Cuban