Friday, July 27, 2007

British & American news

Urgent ELP! Bulletin (27th July 2007)

Dear friends

ELP has two bits of news for you.

First off, thanks to everyone who contacted ELP in responce to our
request for information about Grant Barnes, the American
environmentalist who has been sentenced to 12 years imprisonment
after pleading guilty to arson against some SUVs. On one of the SUVs
the letters ELF were spraypainted.

Grant is currently being held at Denver County Jail and the quickest
way to get mail to him is to address letters like this......

Denver County Jail
C/O Grant Barnes #1533241 22D438
PO Box 1108
Denver, CO 80201

Okay we know its a weird way to write an address, but apparently,
according to the prison, this is the quickest way to get letters to

Secondly, British SHAC prisoner, Natasha Avery's prisoner number has changed!

As ELP supporters will be aware, Natasha, prior to her recent
remanding, had been convicted of a Public Order offence after she
reminded a fox hunting murderer that fox hunting is illegal in
Britain. At the time of her latest arrest she was still on license
for that anti-fox hunting "offence". Therefore her license has been
revoked and she has "returned" to prison for that "offence".

What does all this mean in practical terms? Well, besides her prison
number changing, she is no longer technically on remand. This means
she looses all her remand privilages. Also any time served whilst
awaiting her trial will not count towards any time served if she is
found guilty and receives a prison sentence, so any new prison
sentence would start from her date of conviction (ELP would like to
point out that Nat and her co-defendants are all pleading Not Guilty
and the charges against them all are bogus charges designed to stop a
very successful and lawful campaigning group).

Obviously all of this will be very disappointing for Nat so please
send letters of support to:

Natasha Avery (NR8987)
HMP Bronzefield
Woodthorpe Road
TW15 3JZ.

For more information about Nat and her co-defendants please check out
the website


British Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network
BM Box 2407