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Oppression Breeds Resistance

Check Out Upcoming Events!

For Regional Events Check Out Chapter Websites!

National Book Tour: An American Radical by Susan Rosenberg!

7/31, Los Angeles (and Nationally): Running Down the Walls!

Ongoing Campaigns!

Sign the petition to AG Holder for Mumia!

AIM for Freedom for Leonard Peltier. Call Obama and Holder every Friday!

October PP/POW Birthdays!

To locate someone in the Federal Bureau of Prisons and send money, click here!


Click on the fist for the
2011 Jericho Movement call
for hearings on COINTELPRO!

We Are Working on Finalizing Our Report of the
National Strategy Session for Establishing Operative Unity
Around a Five-Year Plan for Liberation of Political Prisoners

Washington, D.C. • August 19 thru 21, 2011


Chairperson, New Afrikan Peoples' Organization

“Our Mission, Our Movement: the Practical Value of Unity
& Long Term Planning for Liberating Political Prisoners”

We are in the process of streaming the video
of Chokwe Lumumba's talk, so check back often.

National Jericho Movement • P.O. Box 2350 • Elizabeth, NJ 07201