
Lt. Ehren Watada's Official Statement
Lt. Ehren Watada is the first commissioned officer of the US Army to refuse deployment to ...
published: 13 Jun 2006
author: MikieNes
Lt. Ehren Watada's Official Statement
Lt. Ehren Watada's Official Statement
Lt. Ehren Watada is the first commissioned officer of the US Army to refuse deployment to Iraq on the grounds that it is an illegal war and to participate wo...- published: 13 Jun 2006
- views: 15601
- author: MikieNes

Lt. Ehren Watada on Refusing to Serve in Iraq
Lt. Ehren Watada speaking at the Veterans for Peace 2006 National Convention August 12, 20...
published: 20 Sep 2006
author: talkingsticktv
Lt. Ehren Watada on Refusing to Serve in Iraq
Lt. Ehren Watada on Refusing to Serve in Iraq
Lt. Ehren Watada speaking at the Veterans for Peace 2006 National Convention August 12, 2006 in Seattle about refusing to serve in Iraq.- published: 20 Sep 2006
- views: 37227
- author: talkingsticktv

A Soldier's Duty? The Ehren Watada Story
On June 22, U.S. Army First Lieutenant Ehren K. Watada became the first commissioned offic...
published: 16 Oct 2006
author: PLove17
A Soldier's Duty? The Ehren Watada Story
A Soldier's Duty? The Ehren Watada Story
On June 22, U.S. Army First Lieutenant Ehren K. Watada became the first commissioned officer to publicly refuse deployment to the unlawful Iraq War and occup...- published: 16 Oct 2006
- views: 18588
- author: PLove17

Lt. Ehren Watada on Citizen Responsibility
Lt. Ehren Watada speaking at University Temple United Methodist Church in Seattle for his ...
published: 05 Feb 2007
author: talkingsticktv
Lt. Ehren Watada on Citizen Responsibility
Lt. Ehren Watada on Citizen Responsibility
Lt. Ehren Watada speaking at University Temple United Methodist Church in Seattle for his last public speaking engagement prior to his military court martial.- published: 05 Feb 2007
- views: 12409
- author: talkingsticktv

Ehren Watada: a Soldier Refuses an Illegal War
U.S. Army Lieutenant Ehren Watada speaks about his decision to refuse orders to deploy to ...
published: 23 Dec 2006
author: pinkyshow
Ehren Watada: a Soldier Refuses an Illegal War
Ehren Watada: a Soldier Refuses an Illegal War
U.S. Army Lieutenant Ehren Watada speaks about his decision to refuse orders to deploy to Iraq. Various points discussed include: historical precedents; the ...- published: 23 Dec 2006
- views: 23086
- author: pinkyshow

Lt. Ehren Watada
Lt. Ehren Watada Press Conference 06/19/06 -...
published: 27 Jun 2006
author: talkingsticktv
Lt. Ehren Watada
Lt. Ehren Watada
Lt. Ehren Watada Press Conference 06/19/06 -- published: 27 Jun 2006
- views: 4027
- author: talkingsticktv

Thank You Lt. Watada
Lt. Ehren Watada spoke out against the illegal and immoral War in Iraq. Now, he faces up t...
published: 30 Jan 2007
author: georgekcheung
Thank You Lt. Watada
Thank You Lt. Watada
Lt. Ehren Watada spoke out against the illegal and immoral War in Iraq. Now, he faces up to 4 years in prison for his bravery. For more information, check ou...- published: 30 Jan 2007
- views: 21765
- author: georgekcheung

He Stood Up: The Mistrial of Lt. Ehren Watada
Lt. Ehren Watada, the Ft. Lewis officer who refused to ship to Iraq, and then was also cha...
published: 19 May 2009
author: IndymediaPresents
He Stood Up: The Mistrial of Lt. Ehren Watada
He Stood Up: The Mistrial of Lt. Ehren Watada
Lt. Ehren Watada, the Ft. Lewis officer who refused to ship to Iraq, and then was also charged with Conduct Unbecoming An Officer for giving a speech at the ...- published: 19 May 2009
- views: 216
- author: IndymediaPresents

Iraq Veterans Support Ehren Watada
Closeup video of Iraq Veterans supporting LT Ehren Watada refusing to deploy to Iraq. A m...
published: 17 Sep 2013
Iraq Veterans Support Ehren Watada
Iraq Veterans Support Ehren Watada
Closeup video of Iraq Veterans supporting LT Ehren Watada refusing to deploy to Iraq. A moment in history all should remember. Veterans for Peace convention 2006.- published: 17 Sep 2013
- views: 13

Lt. Ehren Watada
Statement by Lt. Ehren Watada, the first commissioned officer to refuse an order to be dep...
published: 27 Aug 2006
author: ninjachick13
Lt. Ehren Watada
Lt. Ehren Watada
Statement by Lt. Ehren Watada, the first commissioned officer to refuse an order to be deployed to Iraq and publically speak out about the illegality of this...- published: 27 Aug 2006
- views: 3257
- author: ninjachick13

MLK Day in Seattle: Larry Gossett, Lt. Ehren Watada...
MLK Day in Seattle is always big. This year Lt. Ehren Watada spoke to an enthusiastic crow...
published: 20 Feb 2007
author: IndymediaPresents
MLK Day in Seattle: Larry Gossett, Lt. Ehren Watada...
MLK Day in Seattle: Larry Gossett, Lt. Ehren Watada...
MLK Day in Seattle is always big. This year Lt. Ehren Watada spoke to an enthusiastic crowd, who gave him a standing ovation before and after he spoke. Befor...- published: 20 Feb 2007
- views: 976
- author: IndymediaPresents

Lt. Ehren Watada on Personal Responsibility
Lt. Ehren Watada -- the first commissioned officer to refuse deployement to Iraq -- lays o...
published: 24 Mar 2007
author: OneBusyAnt
Lt. Ehren Watada on Personal Responsibility
Lt. Ehren Watada on Personal Responsibility
Lt. Ehren Watada -- the first commissioned officer to refuse deployement to Iraq -- lays out his philosophy of responsibility to oppose "the forces of violen...- published: 24 Mar 2007
- views: 677
- author: OneBusyAnt

Ehren Watada Speaks to Truthout
On the eve of the court-martial of First Lt. Ehren Watada, the first commissioned officer ...
published: 28 Feb 2007
author: truthout
Ehren Watada Speaks to Truthout
Ehren Watada Speaks to Truthout
On the eve of the court-martial of First Lt. Ehren Watada, the first commissioned officer to publicly refuse deployment to Iraq, Ehren spoke to Truthout's Ge...- published: 28 Feb 2007
- views: 1447
- author: truthout

Ehren Watada Part 2 of 2 Anti-War Rally 1/27/07
View my demo reel @ www.PangealityProductions.com January 27th, 2006 was an international ...
published: 29 Jan 2007
author: lendavis
Ehren Watada Part 2 of 2 Anti-War Rally 1/27/07
Ehren Watada Part 2 of 2 Anti-War Rally 1/27/07
View my demo reel @ www.PangealityProductions.com January 27th, 2006 was an international day of protest against the escalation of the war in Iraq. This piec...- published: 29 Jan 2007
- views: 515
- author: lendavis
Vimeo results:

In The Name Of Democracy
published: 20 Apr 2013
author: Anders Bramsen
In The Name Of Democracy

PINKY SHOW : Ehren Watada: a Soldier Refuses an Illegal War
U.S. Army Lieutenant Ehren Watada speaks about his decision to refuse orders to deploy to ...
published: 09 Apr 2012
author: pinkyshow
PINKY SHOW : Ehren Watada: a Soldier Refuses an Illegal War
U.S. Army Lieutenant Ehren Watada speaks about his decision to refuse orders to deploy to Iraq. Various points discussed include: historical precedents; the concept of 'wars of aggression' in international law; misinformation, coercion, and the public imagination; the responsibility of the individual regarding matters of war and peace.
For more PINKY SHOW stuff, please visit: www.PinkyShow.org

Daniel Ellsberg & Dahr Jamail on War, Resistance, & Whistleblowers
Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the Pentagon Papers during the Vietnam war and independent jou...
published: 11 Dec 2009
author: Justice Action Media (JAM)
Daniel Ellsberg & Dahr Jamail on War, Resistance, & Whistleblowers
Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the Pentagon Papers during the Vietnam war and independent journalist and author, Dahr Jamail discuss the Obama administration, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and military resistance. They also discuss and the urgent need for whistleblowers to courageously come forward. Nov. 7, 2009
Youtube results:

Thank You Lt.
On June 7, 2006, Lt. Ehren Watada became the first commissioned U.S. officer to refuse to ...
published: 09 Jul 2006
author: abyrd2000
Thank You Lt.
Thank You Lt.
On June 7, 2006, Lt. Ehren Watada became the first commissioned U.S. officer to refuse to deploy to Iraq, setting the stage for what could become the biggest...- published: 09 Jul 2006
- views: 1008
- author: abyrd2000

Lt. Ehren Watada speaks to Dr. Hesham Tillawi. HELL NO I WONT GO
On June 22, 2006, U.S. Army 1st Lieutenant Ehren K. Watada stepped forward as the first co...
published: 06 Oct 2012
author: Hesham Tillawi
Lt. Ehren Watada speaks to Dr. Hesham Tillawi. HELL NO I WONT GO
Lt. Ehren Watada speaks to Dr. Hesham Tillawi. HELL NO I WONT GO
On June 22, 2006, U.S. Army 1st Lieutenant Ehren K. Watada stepped forward as the first commissioned officer to publicly refuse deployment to the Iraq War an...- published: 06 Oct 2012
- views: 10
- author: Hesham Tillawi

Lt. Ehren Watada 02/03/07 Rally
Lt. Ehren Watada 02/03/07 Rally put on by Nikkei for Civil Rights & Redress and the Asian ...
published: 05 Feb 2007
author: nayrbgo
Lt. Ehren Watada 02/03/07 Rally
Lt. Ehren Watada 02/03/07 Rally
Lt. Ehren Watada 02/03/07 Rally put on by Nikkei for Civil Rights & Redress and the Asian American Vietnam Veterans Organization.- published: 05 Feb 2007
- views: 221
- author: nayrbgo