Michele Bachmann: Bad Lip-reading

The crazy-eyed congresswoman from Minnesota tries to stay focused while outlining her campaign “strategy”…

If you haven’t seen it already, be sure to check out the Rick “save a pretzel for the gas jets” Perry one at the end. Hilarious.

I’d love to see some Canadian versions of these BLR videos. Come on tech-savvy political junkies – get on the case!


Filed under 2012 U.S. Election, Humour

Liberal 3-Peat in Ontario!

Seriously? That is a somewhat amazing result given the three-way nature of the race and how close the polls were in the run-up to election day.


Filed under Canadian Politics


A trifecta of sexism, ignorance and paranoia today:

In fairness to Republican hopeful Herman Cain, at least he had the decency to preface his crackpot theory with the caveat of not having the facts to back it up. Too bad the other nuts in the GOP clown car aren’t as candidly forthright about the baselessness of their assertions.

Update: Great new hash tag courtesy of TDSWJS:



Filed under Uncategorized

Fair & Challenged

Fox News dispatched their fatuous cub reporter Griff Jenkins to Liberty Plaza recently to interview some of the dirty hippies and bizarre characters at the Occupy Wall Street protest, but uh-oh, he encountered this guy instead:

Unsurprisingly, Fox never aired the video as part of their comprehensive two-minute piece dealing with the economic issues driving the protest movement.

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Filed under Economy, Media Bias

Candle Power!

Who knows where our power is coming from in the future?

Canada’s candlelight providers: ready to meet the surge in demand that comes from people wanting to turn the lights on but rejecting every possible means of making that happen.


Filed under Humour

Dept. of Unintentional Irony

Interim Liberal leader Bob Rae speaks out on the issue of suicide prevention as an important public health matter.

Needless to say, committing suicide is a topic about which the Liberal Party of Canada has considerable first-hand knowledge and expertise.


Filed under Liberal Party of Canada

Manitoba Election

Not exactly a buzz of excitement here in Winnipeg about tomorrow’s election (contrary to the Rock ‘em, Sock ‘em Sun News promo).

Both the NDP and PCs have run quite nasty and thoroughly uninspiring campaigns offering slightly different flavours of “more of the same” with the usual promises to selectively cut some taxes and implement a bunch of trivial vote-getting schemes while adding more doctors, nurses and cops. As if this city needs more cops! Seriously, I have never lived in a place that was so heavily (and, evidently, quite pointlessly) policed.

The NDP will inevitably sweep the inner city and almost all of the urban ridings in Winnipeg with the PCs maybe pulling off a few tight victories in the suburbs. The one remaining Liberal enclave is unlikely to survive the night. Meanwhile, out in the smaller cities and towns across the southern half of the province, the PCs will continue to dominate the political landscape, just as the NDP do in the sparsely populated north. The interlake region is, appropriately, a toss-up.

Although the current overall poll numbers are extremely close, because of the lopsided urban-rural split, the result will most probably be another fairly comfortable NDP majority. As for voter turnout, given the choices on offer, it would be a surprise to find it anything but low.


Filed under 2011 Manitoba Election


Chris Hayes dismantles the Republicans’ favourite new talking point that “the top 10 percent of ‘wage earners’ pay 70 percent of the income taxes.”

You have to hand it to the perverse genius of right-wingers sometimes, as in this case of using evidence of inequality to vehemently defend inequality or employing artfully deceitful expressions like “broadening the tax base” when they really mean sticking it to the working poor and middle-class.


Filed under Taxation

Jesus and the Dinosaurs

A wonderfully illustrated version of Eddie Izzard’s great comedy bit, this one covering dinosaurs, Jesus, and communion.


Filed under Humour, Religion

No More Palin to Kick Around?

We can only dream…

But Lawrence O’Donnell gives us some hope by quite plausibly suggesting that Palin’s recent “mean girl” scraps with other Fox News talent may well be foreboding signs that her days are numbered.

Please, please, please… let it be true! Imagine – Sarah Palin no longer having a platform from which to routinely contaminate the airwaves with her demented lies, conniving fakery, and insufferable twaddle!

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Filed under Media