About Us

The Foundation for Middle East Peace (FMEP) is a nonprofit organization that promotes peace between Israel and Palestine, via two states, that meets the fundamental needs of both peoples. FMEP offers speakers, sponsors programs, makes small grants, and publishes the Report on Israeli Settlement in the Occupied Territories containing analysis, commentary, maps, and other data on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Settlement Database

Click here to download

the Settlement Database with Arabic translation.

Settlement Freeze

To read more about a settlement freeze click here

About the Settlement Report

The Report on Israeli Settlement in the Occupied Territories

is distributed by email or postal mail at no charge to subscribers by the Foundation for Middle East Peace.

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What People Are Saying

"The [Settlement] Report is a comprehensive and vital guide for monitoring the issue of settlements, an issue that has to be addressed if there is to be an Israeli-Palestinian peace."

Zbigniew Brzezinski
Former U.S. National Security Advisor

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« March 2011 »
January-February 2011 Settlement Report Egypt at Center Stage

Despite declarations to the contrary, the U.S. effort to revitalize talks in the wake of the failure of the settlement freeze effort lacks both content and commitment. Instability in Egypt virtually assures an extended “time out” in U.S. efforts.

To Our Readers

The mass popular uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt are stunning evidence that Middle Easterners are no exception to the trend of modern history that flows toward freedom, democracy, and human dignity.

Al-Jazeera's Palestine Papers

Excerpts from a document prepared by the Palestinian Negotiations Support Unit recording minutes of an October 21, 2009 discussion between Mitchell and Palestinian negotiator Sa’eb Erekat, recently released by Al-Jazeera.

Settlement Timeline

September 1 - October 31

EU Representatives Call for European Offensive on Jerusalem

On January 10, 2011 the heads of 25 European Union missions based in East Jerusalem and Ramallah submitted to the EU Political and Security Committee the Jerusalem Report 2010

Barak Claimed Secret Accord with the United States Permitting Natural Growth of Settlements

As reported in a June 22, 2009 cable released by Wikileaks

Settlement Facts

Charts detailing settler demographics including national origin, age, family size, and other factors

YESHA Council Pushing Ahead with Massive Construction Agenda

Since the end of September, when the partial moratorium on construction in West Bank settlements ended, there has been a massive amount of illegal building in the settlements.

Meeting Minutes, Sa'eb Erekat and George Mitchell, October 2009

Excerpts from document recording minutes of an October 2, 2009 meeting between Sa'eb Erekat and George Mitchell released as part of Al-Jazeera's Palestine Papers

Cartoon: "If you don't give you don't get"

Also in PDF

Latest Additions

New Hope For Peace, a documentary film by Landrum Bolling


FMEP Press Release: U.S. Veto of UN Security Council Resolution Condemning Israeli Settlements Undermines American Interests
Philip C. Wilcox, Jr. | President, Foundation for Middle East Peace

Thank you, Obama, for showing the Israeli left your true colors
Akiva Eldar | Ha'aretz | February 21, 2011

Now We Are Bullying The Palestinians
M.J. Rosenberg | Media Matters | February 18, 2011

The future of the (de)stabilizing Israel-Egypt peace treaty
Patrick Seale | Mideast Channel | ForeignPolicy.com | February 15, 2011

Utterly Wrong: U.S. Will Veto The UN Resolution Condemning Settlements
M.J. Rosenberg | Media Matters | February 14, 2011

Egypt unrest could improve Israel ties
Daniel Levy | Ha'aretz | February 11, 2011