Website policy

We provide links to articles we think will be of interest to our supporters, informing them of issues, events, debates and the wider context of the conflict. We are sympathetic to much of the content of what we post, but not to everything. The fact that something has been linked to here does not necessarily mean that we endorse the views expressed in it.

Listen again

Fiona Wright in conversation with Abeer Baker and Anat Matar, editors of Threat: Palestinian Political Prisoners in Exile (Pluto Press).


Related organisations – old links

Press websites
Research websites
UK Organisations
US Organisations
Religious organisations


1. Refusenik organisations

2. Peace organisations

3. Other campaigning organisations

Human rights, equality etc

Political prisoners

Community development, dialogue etc



Unrecognised villages

4. Alternative information/resource centres

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Press websites

Al Ahram

Weekly English-language site of respected Egyptian daily Al Ahram.


English website of Ha’aretz , the leading Israeli liberal daily – nearest
equivalent to the ‘Guardian’

Jerusalem Post

Site of English-language Israeli daily Jerusalem Post – definitely not Ha’aretz!


Ynetnews is the English-language website from Yedioth Group, and a sister site to Ynet , Israel’s leading news web site. (Yedioth Ahronoth is Israel’s most-read newspaper.)

See also Alternative information/resource centres

openDemocracy is the leading independent website on global current affairs – free to read, free to participate, free to the world…

offering stimulating, critical analysis, promoting dialogue and debate on issues of global importance and linking citizens from around the world.

openDemocracy is committed to human rights and democracy. We aim to ensure that marginalised views and voices are heard. We believe facilitating argument and understanding across geographical boundaries is vital to preventing injustice.

See open Democracy’s Israel & Palestine – old roads, new maps


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Research Guide to the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

A very packed, very useful website of links to articles and maps

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UK Organisations

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British Friends of Peace Now

British Friends of Peace Now supports the right of the people of Israel
to live in peace and security. We work in the UK to promote the goals of
Shalom Ahshav – Peace Now, the grass roots Israeli peace movement, which
campaigns for a comprehensive peace between Israel and its Arab neighbours
and a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict based on mutual recognition
self-determination and peaceful co-existence.

British-Palestine Twinning Network

This network is not to replace or compete with other Palestinian solidarity movements. It is specifically to help groups to make twinning links with Palestinian communities where “twinning” includes both formal and informal links with specific organisations, and includes a focus on grassroots links. The network aims to promote the development of twinning links, helping groups to find partners and avoid duplication; and to encourage groups to help each other through the sharing of experience and information.

British Shalom-Salaam Trust

The British Shalom-Salaam Trust (BSST) is a charitable trust based in the UK. It is a Jewish initiative created in response to the humanitarian crisis in the Middle East. It welcomes supporters of all faiths and none. The Trust aims to foster positive relations between Jews, Palestinians and other communities living within Israel’s 1967 borders, in the West Bank, Gaza and the Golan; and as refugees in other parts of the Middle East.

The Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding (Caabu)

Caabu believes that the need for mutual understanding and sympathy between the people of Britain and the people of the Arab world was never more vital than at the present time. Britain and the Arabs have a long tradition of mutual respect and friendship; they have much to admire in each other’s way of life and the principles to which both peoples adhere. We have sympathy for the aspirations, achievements and rights of the Arab peoples, especially the Arabs of Palestine, for whose administration Britain was responsible until 1948, and whose case must not be permitted to go by default.

Faculty for Israeli-Palestinian Peace – UK

FFIPP, the Faculty For Israeli-Palestinian Peace, is a network of faculty largely US-based, endeavoring to achieve just peace and end the occupation in Israel-Palestine and the region. It’s executive committee consists of Israeli and Palestinian academics.There is also a FFIPP-UK group.


Hard to define but easy to love for its willingness to smash the golden calves of ‘the community’. All power etc. As they say in their general schnor: ‘Help us fund events and speed the coming of the messiah.’ Who could ask for more?

As a taster here is one of their proposed games for synagogue AGMS etc: “Just a minute – a game where each participant must talk for a minute on any subject (related to Israel) without mentioning the Palestinians. This game is likely to be an easy one for many of our readers.”

Jewish Left-wing Community Website

This is a website of Secular Jews. It is  of Jewish Socialists, Anarchists, Social Democrats, Environmentalists, Animal Rights Activists and Peaceniks.

Our website works in general for four different goals:

1 To support and build support for the Peace movement in Israel

2 To campaign against the Neo-Con and Free-Market policies of the current Israeli government

3 To raise support for Left-Wing politics within the Diaspora Jewish Communities

4 To defend Jewish Communities from Anti-Semitism and to fight against all forms of fascism

Jewish Socialists’ Group

The JSG is a political organisation campaigning for Jewish rights and the rights of all oppressed minorities in building a socialist future… We unite on issues we recognise as crucial for the future of the Jewish community. We share a commitment to building the kind of socialism that will encourage minorities to express and develop their historical and cultural identities and that will liberate ordinary people of all communities from poverty, racism, sexism, oppression, and war.

Joint Action for Israeli-Palestinian Peace

JAIPP was established in London in 2001 as a forum for discussion between Palestinians and Jews, including Israelis and others who share their concerns. JAIPP organises public meetings, lobbies for lasting peace and justice for both peoples, and supports like-minded groups and coalitions in (and between) Israel and Palestine.

JustPeace UK

We are a group of peace activists concerned and outraged by the Israeli policy which led to the recent events in the Palestinian occupied territories. We gathered out of an urgent need to do whatever we can to stop the bloodshed
and the occupation.

Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights

LPHR supports Palestinian people in their legal struggle to exercise their right of self-determination. It works, both in the UK and abroad, on legal issues focused on protecting and promoting Palestinian human rights, with a special focus on Palestinians living under Israeli occupation in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and Gaza Strip.

LPHR pursues its goals through litigation, advocacy, education and awareness raising, dissemination of information and lobbying. Where possible it takes its lead from, and co-ordinates its work with, lawyers and human-rights organisations in the region.

Liberal Democrat Friends of Palestine

Membership is open to anyone who is a Party member and who wants to support efforts for a just and lasting peace in the Middle East.

Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)

MAP was founded in 1982 in the aftermath of the massacres at Sabra and Shatila.
It operates today in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Lebanon and Syria
delivering basic health and medical care to Palestinian refugees. It also
works to empower the Palestinian people and provide longer-term support
through, for example, training local medical staff, teaching vocational
skills and addressing the needs of particularly vulnerable groups such as
disabled people.

New Jewish Thought

A group of British Jews from across the communal spectrum, who have come together to:

* foster dialogue and respectful connection between Jews with different opinions, from different streams of Jewishness, from different backgrounds.

* highlight issues that are not extensively discussed within the Jewish community.

Olive Cooperative

Olive, a Manchester-based co-operative, is offering a solidarity tour service
to Israel and the West Bank. Olive Co-operative tours offer opportunities
to people who want to visit a part of the world which presents challenges
for most travellers and to meet Palestinians and Israelis working at the
frontline for peace and justice, in their communities and with national
and international organisations.

Olive Co-operative was founded by four peace and justice activists in
2003 in Manchester, UK. Olive works only with individuals and organisations
that promote principles of respect and non-violence by all and to all. Olive’s
members have forged good working relationships with Palestinian and Israeli
peace groups by organising tours with the International Solidarity Movement
and Jews for Justice for Palestinians. Olive’s members speak seven languages
including fluent Arabic and some Hebrew.

Solidarity Campaign

Since 1982 PSC has become the largest and most active campaigning organisation
in the UK on the issue of Palestine. We aim to build an effective mass campaign,
organising protests, political lobbying and raising public awareness.

Jewish Socialists’ Group, Joint Action for Israeli-Palestinian Peace, and
Just Peace UK are co-affiliates to the European Jews for a Just Peace along
with JfJfP.

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US Organisations

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For a more recent compilation (November 2005) see the (draft) ANNOTATED LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN GROUPS AND RESOURCES FOR PALESTINE. There is inevitably quite a lot of overlap with the organisations listed below.

American Task Force on Palestine

ATFP is a non-partisan, not-for-profit corporation that aims to articulate
the national security interests of the United States in establishing a Palestinian
state. Specifically, ATFP seeks to promote awareness of the far-reaching
benefits that Palestinian statehood will have for the United States in the
following areas:

1.Enhancing national security, as well as regional peace and stability;

2.The proliferation of American values of freedom and democracy, through
the creation of a democratic and constitutional state for the Palestinian

3.The expansion of economic opportunities throughout the Arab & Islamic
worlds, in an atmosphere of peace and cooperation.

Faculty For Israeli-Palestinian Peace

FFIPP, the Faculty For Israeli-Palestinian Peace, is a network of faculty
endeavoring to achieve just peace and end the occupation in Israel/Palestine
and the region.

The objectives of FFIPP are these:

* To
build an effective faculty network that will influence U.S. policy in the
region, and, indirectly, Israel’s policy, towards making those policies
more conducive to reaching a just peace;

*To influence policy and opinion makers and others to implement policies to
stop the violence;

* To cooperate with those who work for a just peace and assist Palestinian and
Israeli faculty.

The Israel-Palestine Forum

The Israel-Palestine Forum is a website that promotes dialogue among progressives about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Our vision is of a Middle East in which the two sides live in peace and security. We look forward to the day when there will be economic, cultural and political exchanges on a broad scale. While the two peoples have caused each other much grief, it is yet possible that they will enrich each other’s lives.

Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP)

A Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) is a San Francisco Bay Area grassroots organization
dedicated to the human, civil and economic rights of Jews, Palestinians,
and all peoples in the Middle East. Beyond our focus on the Middle East,
JVP aims to build a community of activists working together on issues of
social and economic justice.

Jewish Women Watching

Jewish Women Watching aims to rouse the public to challenge and change the
sexist and other discriminatory practices in the American Jewish community.
We use biting satire and real-life facts to criticize our community’s narrow-minded
priorities. Jewish Women Watching remains anonymous to focus attention on
the issues – not ourselves.

Jews Against the Occupation

Jews Against the Occupation is an organization of progressive, secular and
religious Jews of all ages throughout the New York City area advocating
peace through justice for Palestine and Israel.

Middle East Crisis Committee

Website of the Middle East Crisis Committee, New Haven CT USA. Contains
useful articles including on Palestinian school textbooks.

New Israel Fund

The NEW ISRAEL FUND is a philanthropic partnership of Israelis, North Americans
and Europeans that works for equality and social justice for all of Israel’s
citizens. Since its founding in 1979, NIF has granted more than $120 million
to more than 600 organizations in Israel dedicated to safeguarding civil
and human rights, bridging social and economic gaps, and fostering tolerance
and religious pluralism.

New Israel Fund London Office

Not In My Name

Not In My Name is a Jewish peace group that was formed in November 2000
to work for a just and lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians. ‘We believe that the first step toward attaining peace must be for neighbors, free from violence, and able to develop their own futures
with full respect for human and civil rights.

See also the listing of organisations affliated to the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation.

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Religious organisations

Jews not Zionists

Traditional orthodox religious antizionists including Neturei Karta

Netivot Shalom

Orthodox Zionist anti-occupation


RHR is the only organisation in Israel today concerned specifically with
giving voice to the Jewish tradition of human rights. RHR is also the only
Israeli rabbinic organisation comprised of Reform, Orthodox, Conservative
and Reconstructionist rabbis and students.


A radical US-based liberal religious website and magazine campaigning for
peace, env
Israel to end its occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem.‘

Search for Justice

SEARCH seeks to improve American media coverage of the Arab-Israeli conflict
by disseminating information about the issue and by urging journalists to
cover the conflict accurately and to support a just peace in their editorials.

‘Pro-Jewish. Pro-Arab. Pro-Peace’

A US  based website that provides a view from the Jewish left. It aims to call attention to a growing Jewish dissent from the hard-line conservative position of the pro-Israel lobby; bring together Jews who hold more progressive ideas, and facilitate community organizing at the grassroots level; and connect individuals with Jewish organizations that are already working for a peaceful settlement to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and build support for these organizations.

US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, a coalition of groups and organizations – local, state, regional, and national – that have signed on to the Campaign Call to Action, thereby committing to work for its principles and purpose collaboratively and in good faith with other Campaign groups. The Campaign also welcomes individual members. Over two hundred groups were affiliated as at 11th July 2007.

Visions of Peace with Justice in Israel/Palestine

Visions of Peace with Justice in Israel/Palestine is a Boston-based alliance
of Jews working to promote a lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians
based on mutual respect, justice, and equality.   We envision a peace
in which Jews and Palestinians share the land of Israel/Palestine and its
resources, acknowledging and respecting each other’s rights as equal citizens
and neighbors, free from violence, and able to develop their own futures
with full respect for human and civil rights.

See also the listing of organisations affliated to the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation.

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Jews not Zionists

Traditional orthodox religious antizionists including Neturei Karta

Netivot Shalom

Orthodox Zionist anti-occupation


RHR is the only organisation in Israel today concerned specifically with
giving voice to the Jewish tradition of human rights. RHR is also the only
Israeli rabbinic organisation comprised of Reform, Orthodox, Conservative
and Reconstructionist rabbis and students.


A radical US-based liberal religious website and magazine campaigning for
peace, environmental and social justice issues, as well as for justice for Palestinians.


1. Refusenik organisations

2. Peace organisations

3. Other campaigning organisations

Human rights, equality etc

Political prisoners

Community development, dialogue etc



Unrecognised villages

4. Alternative information/resource centres

1. Refusenik and other organisations of soldiers and/or ex-soldiers


Breaking the Silence

BtS is an organization of veteran Israeli soldiers that collects testimonies of soldiers who served in the Occupied Territories … Our testimonies portray a grim picture of questionable orders in many areas regardind Palestinian civilians. These demonstrate the depth of corruption which is spreading in the Israeli military. We demand accountability regarding Israel’s military actions in the Occupied territories perpetrated by us and in our name.

Download BtS 2007 Annual Report.

Courage to refuse

We hereby declare that we shall continue serving in the Israel Defense Forces
in any mission that serves Israel’s defense. The missions of occupation
and oppression do not serve this purpose – and we shall take no part in

Yesh Gvul

Yesh Gvul (“There is a limit !”) is an Israeli peace group that has shouldered
the task of supporting soldiers who refuse assignments of a repressive or
aggressive nature.


The Shministim (hebrew for “high-school”) youth refusal movement was founded
by a group of young political activits who refuse to serve the occupation
and war crimes commited by the Israeli Occupaton Forces in the territories.
Some have sat in military jail for hundreds of days for this ‘crime’.

Parents’ Forum (of hashministim)

POBox 9013, Jerusalem 91090. Tel 972 2 6414632

Email contact: Reuven Kaminer

Combatants for Peace

Formed in 2006, ‘The “Combatants for Peace” movement was started jointly by Palestinians and Israelis, who have taken an active part in the cycle of violence; Israelis as soldiers in the Israeli army (IDF) and Palestinians as part of the violent struggle for Palestinian freedom. After brandishing weapons for so many years, and having seen one another only through weapon sights, we have decided to put down our guns, and to fight for peace.’

Aron’s Israel peace weblog

Aron’s Israel Peace Weblog – An ex-soldier, American-Israeli’s account on
the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and ‘war on terrorism.’ Father of one of
the Shministim letter’s signatories.

New Profile:
Movement for the Civilization of Israeli Society

New Profile Charter, June 1999: We, a group of feminist women
and men, are convinced that we need not live in a soldiers’ state. Today,
Israel is capable of a determined peace politics. It need not be a militarized
society. We are convinced that we ourselves, our children, our partners,
need not go on being endlessly mobilized, need not go on living as warriors…

Email: New Profile

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2. Peace organisations (including some not based in Israel-Palestine)


Adam Institute
for Democracy and Peace in Memory of Emil Greenzweig

The Adam Institute was established in 1986 in memory of Israeli peace
activist Emil Greenzweig, who was killed while marching in a demonstration
against the war in Lebanon. In the wake of this tragedy, a group of Israeli
educators and concerned citizens rallied together to seek ways to try and
prevent the repetition of such an event. The Adam Institute is an independent,
nonpartisan, nonprofit organization aiming at breaking down stereotypes
and teaching non-violent methods of conflict resolution.

Bat Shalom

A feminist peace organization of Israeli women; together with The Jerusalem
Center for Women, a Palestinian women’s peace organization, comprise “The
Jerusalem Link”.

Black Laudry

“Kvisa Shchora” (Black Laundry) is a direct action group of lesbians,
gays and transgenders against the occupation and for social justice. Kvisa
Shchora tries to stress the connection between different forms of oppression
- our own oppression as lesbians, gays and transpeople enhances our solidarity
with members of other oppressed groups.

Their site is largely in Hebrew, but there is some material in English.
Sign up for their newsletter

Breaking the Silence

Since our discharge from the army, we all feel that we have become different.
We feel that service in the occupied territories and the incidents we faced
have distorted and harmed the moral values on which we grew up.

We all agree
that as long as Israeli society keeps sending its best people to military
combat service in the occupied territories, it is extremely
important that all of us, Israeli citizens, know the price which the generation
who is fighting in the territories is paying, the impossible situations
it is facing, the insanity it is confronting everyday, and the heavy burden
it bears after being discharged from the IDF – a heavy burden that
hasn’t left us.

That’s why we decided to break the silence, because it’s
time to tell. Time to tell about everything that goes on there each and every

Coalition of Women for Peace

The Coalition of Women for Peace is a mix of Jewish and Palestinian women
(all citizens of Israel) who call upon Israel to end the occupation and
negotiate a just solution. Coalition members: Bat Shalom, Neled, New Profile,
NOGA, Machsom-Watch, Tandi, The Fifth Mother, WILPF, Women in Black.


to Peace and Social Jusitce

Commitment to Peace and Social Justice (Mechuyavut in Hebrew) focuses on
the crossroads where the peace and social justice agendas meet. We believe
that the interdependence between these agendas in the struggle for a better
and just society is vital for the success of each issue.


Geneva Initiative

The Geneva Initiative (GI) is a joint Israeli-Palestinian effort that suggests a detailed model for a peace agreement to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict- proving that peace is possible, demonstrating that partners for peace do exist and are campaigning tirelessly to achieve that peace.

Deir Yassin remembered

Coming just three years after the liberation of Auschwitz, Deir Yassin symbolises
the Jewish transition from enslavement to empowerment and, in too many cases,
from abused to abuser. For many Jews and Israelis the massacre has become
a symbol for Jews and Israelis trying to understand and to own their responsibility
for the historical and ongoing persecution of the Palestinians.

Green Line – Students draw the

The Green Line is a student movement who advocates an Israeli withdrawal
from the Palestinian territories; namely the dismantlement of all settlements
and the establishment of a recognized border based upon the green-line (pre
67′ border) with the necessary adjustments.

Gush Shalom

Gush Shalom (Translated from Hebrew, the name means “The Peace Bloc”) is
the hard core of the Israeli peace movement.

Often described as “resolute”, “militant”, “radical”
or “consistent”, it is known for its unwavering stand in times
of crisis, such as the al-Aksa intifada.

For years now, Gush Shalom has played a leading role in determining the
moral and political agenda of the peace forces in Israel, as well as in
breaking the so-called “national consensus” based on misinformation.

Gush Shalom is an extra-parliamentary organization, independent of any
party or other political grouping. Some of its activists do belong to political
parties, but the Gush is not aligned to any particular party.

HaCampus Lo Shotek (the campus isn’t

A group based at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Their website is only
in Hebrew.

Hadash – The Democratic Front for Peace and Equality (DFPE)

[A political party (with 3 MKs) and a social movement.] The DFPE (HADASH
in Hebrew) is a Jewish-Arab movement with rich and consistent experience
in social and political struggles. The DFPE is composed of the Communist
Party of Israel (established in 1919), local branches of the Front, and
Jewish and Arab groups and individuals.The DFPE has three deputies in the
Israeli parliament (Knesset) out of 120, a number of mayors, including the
city of Nazareth, members of local councils, including Tel Aviv and Haifa
and significant representation in the Histadrut (General Federation of Labor).

International Forum for Justice and Peace in Palestine [in the Netherlands]

The “International Forum For Justice and Peace in Palestine” is a network
of people and institutions that strongly promotes co-existence of an Israeli
and a Palestinian State in the present region. It intends to do so by non-violent
means, primarily by sound information and publicity in the Western world,
to stop the extremist minorities on both sides of the divide.

Email: Contacts:
Ben Smoes, Tanya M. Reinhart

International Women’s Peace Service – Palestine (IWPS-Palestine)

The International Women’s Peace Service – Palestine (IWPS-Palestine) is
an international team of 16 women from 8 countries, 4 of whom are based
at any one time in Hares, a village in the Salfit Governorate of Palestine’s
West Bank…IWPS will… support Palestinian and Israeli peace movements
in their civil resistance to end the Occupation.

Email: IWPS-Palestine

Israeli-Palestinian Bereaved Families Forum for Peace

In 1994, following the abduction and murder of 19 years old Arik Frankenthal
by Hammas terrorists, his father Yitzhak, founded the Parents Circle – an
organization of bereaved parents who have lost their children to terrorism.
It later expanded to include bereaved families who have lost a close relative,
either by terrorism or in combat… Over 250 Israeli and nearly 200 Palestinian
families who lost their cherished ones in combat or in an act of terror,
are united in a movement that is spearheading social and political alternatives
aimed at resolving this deadly conflict and to terminate the senseless loss
of human life.

Email: The Parents’ Circle

Mas’ha Coalition Against The Apartheid

In March 28, 2003 there was a demonstration and march into the olive fields
that were to be taken away from the village of Mas’ha (5,500 dunums out
of the 6,000 dunums of the village’s lands). At the end of the march, we’ve
settled down in a camp. Originally we thought that we’d be evacuated right
away, but we’ve managed to stay there until July (when the building of the
wall made it impossible to carry water and supplies and we had to move to
a new location). The camp has moved on since then.

Middle-East Nonviolence and Democracy (Mend)

Founded in October 1998 and based in Beit Hanina in East Jerusalem, Mend describes itself as having become the leading Palestinian nonviolence orgnaisation, with Nonviolence Centres in Nablus, Hebron, Ezzarieh, Jericho, Qalqilya, Ramallah and Tulkarem.

Contact Stephanie Julmy

MidEast Web for Coexistence

MidEast Web was started by people active in Middle East dialog and peace
education efforts. Our goal is to weave a world-wide web of Arabs, Jews
and others who want to build a new Middle East based on coexistence and
neighborly relations.

Email: MidEast Web


OneVoice is a grassroots movement working with ordinary Israelis and Palestinians,
deploying cutting edge technology, electronic democracy, a network of member
organizations, and a broad cadre of experts, dignitaries, celebrities and
spiritual leaders, to enable citizens to craft a public consensus around
issues at the heart of the conflict. This Public Negotiations Process also
educates people about the issues themselves as well as about non-violent
means for conflict resolution. It aims to amplify the voice of the overwhelming
but heretofore silent majority of moderates who wish for peace and prosperity,
empowering them to demand accountability from elected representatives and
ensure that the agenda is not hijacked by forces of militant absolutism.

Palestinian Center for Peace and Democracy, Jerusalem (PCPD)

The Palestinian Center for Peace and Democracy (PCPD) is a non-profit Palestinian
NGO dedicate to promoting concepts of democracy, peace, social justice,
human rights and civic education in the Palestinian areas. It was founded
in August 1992 by a group of Palestinian intellectuals and professionals
to create a forum for free and uncensored dialogue. The PCPD mobilizes support
for a comprehensive and lasting peace in the Middle East.

Palestinian Center for Rapprochement between People (PCR) – International
Solidarity Movement (ISM)

PCR is a Palestinian community service center with a global vision. The
followings are PCR’s areas of interest. Community service, Peace and reconsolidation,
Action For Peace and Justice, Advocacy, advocating for peace and justice,
Serving the Youth in Palestine. PCR believes in community-based work.

Email: PCR-ISM or visit the website of ISM-London.

Peace Now

PEACE NOW – the Israeli Peace Movement – was founded in 1978 by 348 reserve
officers and soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces. The first and only mass
peace movement in Israel, PEACE NOW rapidly became the single most important
extra-parliamentary force for peace in the country, attracting hundreds
of thousands to its mass rallies and activities.

People’s Voice, The

The People’s Voice is a new Israeli-Palestinian civil initiative that aims
to advance the process of achieving peace. The leaders of the initiative
are Ami Ayalon and Dr. Sari Nusseibeh together with public councils and
field activists.

Email: Mifkad

Ta’ayush [Arab Jewish Partnership]

In the fall of 2000 we joined together to form “Ta’ayush” (Arabic for “life
in common”), a grassroots movement of Arabs and Jews working to break down
the walls of racism and segregation by constructing a true Arab-Jewish partnership.

Email: Ta’ayush

Women’s International
League for Peace and Freedom

Founded in 1915 to protest the war then raging in EuropeS?WILPF, Israel,
which has 20 members, has worked hand in hand with a large number of other
organizations. We are an integral and active part of the Coalition of Women
for Peace; a coalition of nine Israeli women’s peace organizations which
came into being in November of 2000. Within the Coalition, in addition to
being WILPF members, we are active in Women in Black, Bat Shalom, Tandi,
and Neled. We also help out in Women for Palestinian Women Prisoners. In
addition we participate in the actions organized by Ta’ayush (Together)
and the Peace Bloc, both of which are mixed, men and women. (All of the
organizations with which we are associated have Israeli Jews and Israeli
Palestinians as members.) The activities are aimed either toward the Israeli
public or toward the Palestinians.

Women in Black

The international movement of Women in Black began in Israel in January

Email: Gila Svirsky


We are a group of Israelis that aim to raise awareness to the tragedy and
suffering of the Palestinian people, particularly among the Jewish population
of Israel. Posting signs at demolished Palestinian villages is one way to
advance this goal.

Zochrot is happy to announce [March 2005] that we have opened our new office, which will primarily serve as a Learning Center about the Nakba. The Learning Center will be geared toward a Hebrew-speaking audience but will also include materials in English, Arabic, and other languages. We will be happy to receive donations of learning materials that could enrich this center, such as books on the topic, pictures, atlases, testimonies, video and audio recordings, maps, artwork, lectures, presentations and more. We will also be happy to receive equipment such as a television set, VCR, DVD player, furniture, and the like. Financial donations are also welcome.

Visiting address: 13 Beit Oved St., first floor (with an elevator).

Mailing address: Zochrot, PO Box 52705, 13 Beit Oved St., Tel Aviv-Jaffa 67211.

Email: Eytan Bronstein
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Other campaigning organisations
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Human rights, equality etc


Adalah: The Legal Center for Arab Minority
Rights in Israel

Adalah (Justice in Arabic) is the first non-profit, non-sectarian Palestinian-run
legal center in Israel. Established in November 1996, Adalah serves the
Palestinian community nationwide, over one million people or 20% of the
population. Adalah’s legal work draws on Israeli law, comparative constitutional
law, and international human rights standards. The main goal of Adalah’s
work is to achieve equal rights and minority rights protections for Palestinian
citizens of Israel.

Adva Center

The Adva Center conducts policy analysis, advocacy work, and public outreach
to inform policy makers and the general public in Israel and abroad about
equity and social justice issues in Israeli society. Adva analyzes equality
and inequality in Israel in a way that integrates gender, ethnicity and

AJEEC, Arab-Jewish Center
for Equality, Empowerment and Cooperation

It is well worth noting that our acronym AJEEC in Arabic means “I am coming
toward you”. AJEEC is a joint Arab-Jewish center within NISPED, the Negev
Institute for Strategies of Peace andDevelopment. It serves as a framework
responsive to needs perceived by the Palestinian-Israeli community in ways
that reflect their concerns and aspirations.

Al-Beit: Association
for the Defence of Human Rights

Al-Beit Association for the Defence of Human Rights works to oppose Israeli
apartheid policies and promote the right of equal housing and freedom of
residence for Palestinian citizens of Israel. Al-Beit seeks to address the
largely neglected, though persistent, violation by Israel of Article 10
of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states: Everyone had
the right of freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each
state; Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his or her
own, and to return to his or her country.


Al-Haq, West Bank affiliate of The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ),
- Geneva, is a Palestinian human rights organization located in Ramallah,
West Bank, in special consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council
of the United Nations. Al-Haq was established in 1979 with the goal of protecting
and promoting human rights and respect for the rule of law in the Occupied
Palestinian Territories.

Al Mezan

Al Mezan Center for Human Rights is a Palestinian non-governmental non-partisan
organization based in the refugee camp of Jabalia in the Gaza Strip. Al
Mezan’s mandate is “to promote, protect and prevent violations of human
rights in general and economic, social and cultural (ESC) rights in particular,
to provide effective aid to those victims of such violations, and to enhance
the quality of life of the community in marginalized sectors of the Gaza

Amnesty International
- Israel Section

Amnesty follows the “work on your own country” rule which prohibits a section
from working on human rights violations in its own country. Therefore in
Israel, Amnesty runs a Human Rights Education Project and campaigns on human
rights issues in other countries.

The Arab Association for Human Rights

HRA was founded in 1988 to promote and protect the political, civil, economic, and cultural rights of the Palestinian Arab minority in Israel and to further the domestic implementation of international human rights principles. It is an independent non-governmental organisation registered in Israel. HRA holds a unique position locally and worldwide as an indigenous organization that works on the community, national and international levels for equality and non-discrimination, and for the domestic implementation of international minority rights protections.

for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI)

The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) was founded in 1972 as
a non-political and independent body, with the goal of protecting human
and civil rights in Israel and in the territories under Israeli control.
The founders of ACRI rooted their vision in the principles and rights articulated
in the Declaration of Independence, and in the United Nation’s Universal
Declaration on Human Rights… Today, ACRI is Israel’s largest and leading
human rights organization…ACRI works to protect the right of diverse individuals
and sectors of society including men and women, religious and secular, Jews
and Arabs, those on the political right and left, new immigrants and veteran
citizens, the unemployed, and foreign workers.

Bimkom – Planners for Planning Rights

The organization was established in May 1999 by planners and architects with the goal of strengthening the connection between human rights and spatial planning in Israel. As a professional organization, Bimkom strives to achieve the right to equality and social justice in matters of planning, development, and the allocation of land resources, and assists communities and minorities affected by social and economic disadvantage and by civil rights’ discriminations to exercise their rights in this area.

B’Tselem: Israeli Center for Human Rights
in the Occupied Territories

B’tselem was established in 1989 by a group of prominent academics, attorneys,
journalists, and Knesset members. It endeavors to document and educate the
Israeli public and policymakers about human rights violations in the Occupied
Territories, combat the phenomenon of denial prevalent among the Israeli
public, and help create a human rights culture in Israel.

Defense for Children International
(DCI Israel)

DCI was established in 1987 to promote and protect the rights of the child
in Israel and those under Israeli jurisdiction. DCI’s guideline is the United
Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Democracy and Workers Rights

The Democracy and Workers’ Rights Center is a non-governmental, non-profit
organization not affiliated to any political party. The Center was established
in October 1993 by a group of academics, lawyers, trade unionists, and prominent
political figures. Our main office is located in Ramallah, and we have a
branch office in Gaza.


Gisha: Center for the Legal Protection of Freedom of Movement is an Israeli not-for-profit organization that seeks to protect the fundamental rights of Palestinians living in the Occupied Territories by imposing human rights law as a limitation on the behavior of Israel’s military.

HaCampus Lo Shotek

The Campus will not Stay Silent is an organization of students and faculty
in Israeli universities and colleges, dedicated to campus activities against
the occupation and for a just peace in Israel Palestine. The link is to
the website of the Jerusalem group – largely Hebrew website of a group active
at the Hebrew Unviersity in Jerusalem.

Haifa Women’s
Coalition: New Initiatives by Women

The Haifa Women’s Coalition works for broad social change by educating the
public on gender issues. At the same time, it provides counseling, legal
aid and crisis intervention services to victims of domestic and sexual violence,
women and men, girls and boys, in five languages: Hebrew, Arabic, Russian,
Amharic and English. A Coalition of four independent women’s organizations:
Isha L’Isha – Haifa Feminist Organization, Haifa Rape Crisis Center, Battered
Women’s Hotline, and Kayan – a feminist organization.

HaMoked – Center
for the Defense of the Individual

Formerly Hotline for Victims of Violence, HaMoked is an Israeli organization
founded in 1988 to defend human rights in the occupied territories. It has
provided assistance to several thousand Palestinian victims of violence,
human rights abuses and bureaucratic harassment. HaMoked registers complaints
and follows through on them through administrative and legal channels until
the matter is successfully resolved. In addition to its individual assistance,
HaMoked advocates for human rights at the policy level.

Hotline for Migrant

[Contact via Haifa Women's Coalition: New Initiatives by Women]

The Hotline for Migrant Workers is a non-partisan, non-profit organization
established in August 1998, whose purpose is to protect the rights of migrant
workers and of victims of trafficking in women in Israel. The Hotline is
the only NGO that has a direct contact with the victims of trafficking in
human beings and that is having a legal action to support them.

The Israeli National Council for the Child (NCC)

Eestablished in 1980, operates on several complementary fronts as it seeks change in legislation, policy, and practice. The NCC deals with the entire spectrum of issues concerning education, health, children at risk, abuse, police and delinquency, legislation and the law, media and consumerism and many other areas

Isha Le’Isha (feminist
centre in Haifa)

Isha Le’Isha (Feminist center Haifa) is a non-profit organization established
back in the 80`s. It is initiating projects regarding the victims of trafficking
in human beings in the north of Israel.

Israel Religious Action Center
For Human Equality, Social Justice, Religious Tolerance (IRAC)

The Center was founded in Jerusalem in 1987 for the purpose of effecting
changes in Israeli society which reflect Reform Judaism’s values of equality,
social justice and religious tolerance. The Center’s activities include:
drafting legislation to provide for nonorthodox and civil marriages and
divorces; advocacy in the area of marriage and divorce; various battles
surrounding the “who is a Jew” question; the right of adoption; fighting
the Orthodox monopoly in religious councils; equal rights for non-Orthodox
institutions; non-Orthodox burial; pluralistic education; freedom of worship.

Israel Women’s Network (IWN)

The Israel Women’s Network (IWN) is Israel’s foremost advocacy group for
women’s rights. IWN is a unique, non-partisan organization of women united
in their determination to improve the status of women in Israel, despite
differing political opinions, religious outlooks and ethnic origins. IWN
was established as a non-profit voluntary body in 1984 by a group of women

Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions

ICAHD is a non-violent, direct-action group originally established to oppose
and resist Israeli demolition of Palestinian houses in the Occupied Territories.

Kav La’oved – Worker’s
Hotline for the Protection of Worker’s Rights

Kav La’Oved is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting the rights
of the most disadvantaged workers in Israel, primarily: migrant workers,
Palestinians from the territories, personnel company employees, and new


Kayan Literally ‘Being’ in Arabic, Kayan is a relatively new organization
for Palestinian women. Founded in 1998 by a group of feminist women from
Haifa and the Galilee, Kayan’s vision is to bring feminism and feminist
values to the Palestinian social age

Kol Ha’Isha – Women’s Center

Kol Ha’Isha was established in May 1994 as the only feminist grassroots
organization in Jerusalem where women of all backgrounds and political persuasions
(religious and secular, lesbian and heterosexual, Mizrachi and Ashkenazi,
Jewish and Palestinian, Ethiopian, Russian and others) can come together
as equals to identify common interests, raise awareness and take action
on issues of concern to them. LAW – The Palestinian Society for the Protection
of Human Rights and the Environment

LAW is a Palestinian Human Rights organisation based in Jerusalem. LAW was
founded in 1990 by a group of Palestinian lawyers to promote human rights
and further the principles of the rule of law, and to defend Palestinian
rights in accordance with international human rights law and United Nations

Machon Toda’a
(Awareness Centre)

“Awareness Center” (Machon Todaa) is a member of the International Abolitionist
Federation (IAF). Founded by Ms. Lea Gruenpeter Gold and Mr. Nissan Ben-Ami,
both members of the IAF for several years, with extensive experience in
NGO’s struggling against commercial sexual exploitation worldwide. Awareness
Center is also affiliated to the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women


Machsom Watch was founded in January 2001 in response to repeated reports
in the press about human rights abuses of Palestinians crossing army and
border police checkpoints. The excessive Israeli response to the El Aksa
Intifada, the prolonged closure and siege of villages and towns on the West
Bank provided the stimulus and the motivation for what at first seemed an
impossible mission. A women only group, Machsom Watch now boasts 150 women
in Jerusalem and the Central Region and in the north of the country.

Mossawa – The Advocacy Center for Arab Citizens of Israel

Established in October of 1997 to promote equality for Arab/Palestinians within the borders of Israel. Mossawa utilizes advocacy methods to change the social and political status of Arab/Palestinians in Israel in an attempt to gain minority recognition and rights, without sacrificing their national and cultural rights as Palestinians.

New Family

New Family is the first organization in Israel dedicated to advancing family
rights and the rights of individuals within families. Led by experts in
the field of law and civil rights, New Family is a human rights organization
working to attain legal recognition of every family unit in Israel to ensure
equal rights for every type of family… 42% of the Families in Israel Fall
Outside the Consensus!

Palestine Human Rights
Information Center (PHRIC)

PHRIC was established in 1986 as an independent, non-governmental organization.
PHRIC’s main interests include: 1) human rights monitoring, documentation,
and reporting (of both Israel and the PA) based on thorough field investigation
and eyewitness testimony; 2) advocacy and intervention for the protection
and relief of human rights victims through cooperation with local human
rights organizations, urgent action alerts, and formal representation to
human rights organizations and U.N. agencies; 3) education and promotion
of human rights standards in Palestinian society through community-based
projects, seminars and publications.

Palestine National Initiative (Al Mubadara)

In Ramallah, West Bank, on June 17, 2002, a group of Palestinian leaders announced the launching of the Palestinian National Initiative (Al-Mubadara) at a press conference led by Dr. Haidar Abdul Shafi, Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi and Mr. Ibrahim Dakkak. The Initiative’s main objectives are the implementation of Palestinian national rights and the creation of a durable, just peace.

The Initiative believes these objectives can best be achieved through the establishment of a national emergency leadership, the implementation of democratic elections at all levels of the political system, and the reform of political, administrative, and other institutional structures in Palestine to meet the needs of the Palestinian people.

Palestinian Center
for Human Rights (PCHR)

Based in Gaza. The aims of PCHR, which was established in 1995, include:
protection and respect of human rights and support of the rule of law according
to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and all the other human rights
agreements; assisting in the development of democratic institutions and
civil society according to international standards; supporting the rights
of Palestinian people as recognized by international law.

Palestinian Human Rights
Monitoring Group (PHRMG)

The Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group (PHRMG) was founded in December
1996 by a diverse group of well-established Palestinians, including Palestinian
Legislative Council (PLC) members, newspaper editors, journalists, a union
leader, veteran human rights activists and others.

Palestinian Independent Commission for Citizens’ Rights (PICCR)

Founded in 1994, following a decree by Yasser Arafat, to serve as a human rights ombudsman. Site contains extensive information on Israeli and Palestinian abuses of human rights .


Public Committee Against Torture
in Israel

An independent human rights organization founded in 1990, monitors the implementation
of the Israeli High Court ruling of 1999 banning torture, and continues
the struggle against the use of torture in interrogation in Israel and the
Palestinian Authority through legal means, support of relevant legislation
and through an information campaign aimed at raising public awareness of
the subject.

Rabbis for Human Rights

Rabbis For Human Rights is the only organization in Israel today concerned
specifically with giving voice to the Jewish tradition of human rightsŠ
RHR is also the only Israeli rabbinic organization comprised of Reform,
Orthodox, Conservative and Reconstructionist rabbis and students.

Right to Education Campaign

The Right to Education Campaign, based at Bir Zeit University. draws international
attention to the obstruction and denial of the right to education in Palestine.
Violations include the closure of educational institutions, their actual
physical destruction and the injury or arrest of students and academic staff.
Israel’s policy of internal sieges, closures and curfews make basic access
to the classroom a daily struggle for students and teachers and have severely
disrupted the educational process.


Sikkuy is a Jewish-Arab advocacy organization dedicated to advancing Civic
Equality between Jewish and Palestinian-Arab citizens of Israel. Since its
founding in 1991, Sikkuy has worked to mainstream the concept of a shared
civil society in Israel.

Society for the
Protection of Personal Rights for Lesbians, Gay Men and Bisexuals in Israel

Since its founding in 1975 by a group of pioneers, the SPPR has worked to
help create an environment in Israel in which minorities are respected and
diversity embraced. SPPR’s basic goals are threefold: to work for full legal,
social and cultural equality for Israel’s gay, lesbian, and bisexual community;
to provide support and social interaction for members of the community;
to educate the public about related issues and perspectives in order to
achieve better understanding and tolerance of the “other”, as well as a
sense of pluralism within Israeli society

Society of St. Yves

A legal service for oppressed and exploited people. Struggling against house
demolitions, land confiscations, and use of force against occupied civilians.


We — Arab and Jewish citizens of Israel — live surrounded by walls and
barbed wire: the walls of segregation, racism, and discrimination between
Jews and Arabs within Israel; the walls of closure and siege encircling
the Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip; and the wall
of war surrounding all inhabitants of Israel, so long as Israel remains
an armed fortress in the heart of the Middle East.

In the fall of 2000 we joined together to form “Ta’ayush” (Arabic
for “life in common”), a grassroots movement of Arabs and Jews
working to break down the walls of racism and segregation by constructing
a true Arab-Jewish partnership. A future of equality, justice and peace
begins today, between us, through concrete, daily actions of solidarity
to end the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and to achieve
full civil equality for all Israeli citizens.

Women’s Affairs Technical Committee

The WATC operates as a coalition between several Palestinian women’s committees and institutions that lobbies on behalf of women’s rights and issues. WATC organizations work together in order to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women, an integral part of achieving a democratic society that respects human rights.

Among the top priorities of the WATC is the enhancement of awareness among social institutions regarding gender issues and women’s rights in Palestine and the Arab World.

Women’s Center for Legal Aid and Counseling

The WCLAC, established in 1991 in Jerusalem as an independent Palestinian organization, aims to contribute to the establishment of a democratic Palestinian society, based on social justice and equality between women and men.

‘Our mission is to contribute to the rectification of the long-standing neglect of women’s human rights in Palestinian society.’

Workers Advice Center (WAC – Ma’an in Arabic)

The Workers Advice Center (WAC – Ma’an in Arabic) provides support for the many unorganized workers in Israel. WAC is open to any worker, although Arabs in particular suffer from lack of union representation. The problem has been especially severe since the early 1990′s, when the forces of globalization became rampant.

WAC is active in the areas of Galilee, Jaffa and East Jerusalem. WAC has also proved to be the only effective address for unemployed Arab workers who have been deprived of their benefits.

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Political prisoners

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Palestinian Prisoner Society

Contains information prepared by PPS lawyers, press releases and links to
information about international law in relation to prisoners, and to Amnesty
International and other reports on the situation of Palestinian prisoners
in Israeli goals.

Mandela Institute for Human Rights

Mandela Institute, formed in January 1990, is a Palestinian human rights
organization focusing its efforts on the plight of political prisoners…
Political Prisoners in many countries of the world are a partially neglected
marginal sector of the larger population that committed human right organizations
speak of but few average citizens have any real connection with. However,
in occupied Palestine political prisoners are a central part of society
since virtually no Palestinian family remains untouched by the imprisonment
of one or more of its members or members of its circle of intimate friends…
Studies have found that at any given time over five percent of the entire
male population of the Occupied Palestinian Territories between the ages
of fifteen and fifty-five is in detention.

Women’s Organization
for Political Prisoners (WOFPP)

WOFPP was established in May 1988 with the objective of helping female political
prisoners who struggle against the occupation. In the early years of WOFPP’s
activity, it dealt primarily with the torture and mistreatment of the prisoners

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Community development, dialogue etc

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Applied Research Institute Jerusalem

Founded in 1990, the Applied Research Institute of Jerusalem (ARIJ) is a
non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting sustainable development in
the occupied Palestinian territories and the self-reliance of the Palestinian
people through greater control over their natural resources.

Artschool Palestine

…a structure and a place for the exchange and development of contemporary Palestinian art. Foremost, ArtSchool Palestine is a website connecting artists to each other in order to stimulate critical debate, grow networks, showcase work to an international audience and disseminate information about opportunities. It is a forum that will project contemporary art activity happening in Palestine and its Diaspora to an international audience.

The Bisan Center

The goal of the Bisan Center is to develop and strengthen Palestinian grassroots
organizations and social movements as means of promoting sustainable and
democratic development in Palestine. Since its founding in 1989, the Bisan
Center for Research and Development has become the leading community development
organization working in the West Bank and Gaza.  Through its mission to
achieve sustainable community development in Palestine, the Bisan Center
has successfully initiated 22 community centers throughout the West Bank
and Gaza, provided thousands of Palestinians with training and professional
counseling, and produced scores of studies and research reports about Palestinian
community development.


BUSTAN, in Arabic and Hebrew, is a fruit-yielding grove of trees. Bustan
is a grassroots partnership addressing the plight of indigenous and marginalized
people in Israel/Palestine. Bustan works with villagers who have been denied
access to public resources, and raises awareness of systemic discrimination.
Bustan promotes social and environmental justice – helping people help themselves…
Bustan is pro-Israel, pro-Palestine, anti-War, anti-Occupation.

Center for Jewish-Arab Economic Development

The Center for Jewish-Arab Economic Development (CJAED) is an Israeli non-governmental
organization (NGO) that promotes regional economic development through cooperative
projects among people in the Middle East. CJAED also aims to close the gaps
between the Jewish and Arab sectors in Israel, thus building the foundation
for sustainable economic development and peace. CJAED aims to provide Israeli
Arabs with the necessary skills and advantages to capitalize on opportunities
for development.

Friendship Village

Friendship Village is an international center to education for multicultural
society, peace & democracy. A building facility in the Galilean Arab town
of Shefa Amer (Shefaram) is still in stage of planning. Since 1998 the Organization
run Israeli – Palestinian and Israeli Jewish-Arab educational projects.


Interfaith Encounter Association

Interfaith dialogue was established in Israel in the late 1950′s by a small
group of visionaries, including Martin Buber and othersS? [But] … In the
light of th[is] a group of concerned longtime interfaith activists has recently
formed the Interfaith Encounter Association…


Ittijah: Union of the
Arab Community Based Organizations

Ittijah is the network for Palestinian non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
in Israel. Established in 1995, Ittijah was founded in response to a clear
and widely felt need for increased cooperating and exchange between Palestinian
Arab organizations, both large and small. These organizations play a central
and critical role within Palestinian society. They provide support structures
and offer services which are not otherwise available due to discriminatory
practices and policies of the State. Ittijah strives to strengthen and empower
the Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel by promoting the development of
Palestinian civil society and advocating for political, economic and social
change. Based in Haifa, Ittijah’s mission is to coordinate the activities
and strategies of member organizations while fostering the development of
members’ institutional and organizational capabilities. Ittijah’s constituency
is its member organizations – in 2002 there were 56 such affiliated organizations.

Mosaic Communities

Mosaic Communities will establish integrated communities open to all residents
of Israel. The process of developing these communities will enable Mosaic
to challenge the housing status quo in Israel, which legally discriminates
against Arabs and other minorities.

Mosaic will:

  • lease and purchase lands and real estate,
  • facilitate land use planning, development and construction services,
  • coordinate the sales or lease of homes, and
  • provide supporting services to established communities.

Movement of
Democratic Women in Israel (Tandi) (MDWI)

The Movement of Democratic Women in Israel (Tandi) was formed when two separate
groups, one Jewish and one Arab, both working within the Israel Communist
Party, joined in 1951. Tandi is now affiliated with the Democratic Front
for Equality and Peace.

Negev Institute for Strategies of Peace
and Development. NISPED

NISPED is an independent educational institution conducting international,
mid-eastern and local programs of training, project development and consultancy.
NISPED’s concern is with fundamental processes of social change and the
centrality of civil society

Neve Shalom ~ Wahat al-Salam

Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam (pronounced nevey shalom/wahat as-salaam) is
a cooperative village of Jews and Palestinian Arabs of Israeli citizenship.
Situated equidistant from Jerusalem and Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Neve Shalom/Wahat
al-Salam was founded in 1972 on 100 acres of land leased from the adjacent
Latrun Monastery. In 1977 the first family came to reside here. Now, in
the year 2001, 40 families are settled in the village, and another 10 families
are in the process of building their homes.

Email: British Friends of Neve
Shalom ~ Wahat al-Salam

Nisan Young Women Leaders [Nazareth]

Nisan Young Women Leaders is the only non-profit organization in Israel,
which is exclusively dedicated to the advancement of young Jewish and Arab
women in Israel. Nisan’s innovative programs develop the leadership potential
of Jewish and Arab Israeli youth.

Open Housein Ramle, Israel

Open Houseis a home in Ramle, Israel, that was owned by a Palestinian family
before 1948. It is now occupied by Dalia and Yehezkel Landau. This exceptional
couple has devoted it (1) to provide educational and social opportunities
to Arab children and their families, and (2) to be a center where Jews and
Palestinians can meet one another, have joint activities, and forge friendships.

The Parents’ Circle – The Families

The Families Forum is the operational apparatus of the Parents’ Circle organization.
Members of the Forum include hundreds of Israeli and Palestinian bereaved
families who have lost, as a result of the Israeli-Arab conflict, a first
degree family member and accepted the principles and objectives of the Forum.

The Families Forum acts to prevent further bereavement which is threatening
the Israeli society and the peoples in the region as a result of the absence
of peace.

The Forum Mmebers believe in putting an end to occupation; termination
of hostility and in achieving a political settlement agreed upon by all
sides by means of reconciliation and communication between the two peoples
and through mutual consideration and respect of each others’ national and
legitimate aspirations.

The Forum Mmebers act to influence, through various means, the public and
policy makers to prefer the way of peace to that of war; to adopt moves
towards mutual reconciliation; to deepen education to democracy and to internalize
the awareness against the use of bereavement to deepen hostility between

Rainbow Communities:
Multi-National Housing Co-ops in Israel (MHCI)
Multinational Housing
Cooperatives in Israel (MHCI) will establish integrated Arab-Jewish communities
open to all residents of Israel, thus challenging housing policies that
institutionalize legal segregation. MHCI will lease and purchase land, facilitate
planning, development, and construction of homes. It will also sell or lease
the homes, and provide supporting services to communities when they are
established. This process will help to de-segregate housing and enhance
Israel’s democracy. See also

Sindyanna of Galilee

Sindyanna works among the Arab population in the region of Galilee and seeks to help producers from the Palestinian Occupied Territories.

It is a women-led organization and strives for social change. The company combines commercial activity with community work, thus, enhancing Arab women’s empowerment while developing the olive sector.

We stress such values as land preservation, environmental concerns, and commerce on the principle of Fair Trade.

In Sindyanna you find a unique cooperation between Arabs and Jews, striving to strengthen the economy of the Palestinian population both in Israel and in the occupied territories.

Social Development Committee of Haifa

The Social Development Committee of Haifa’s goal is to create equality between
Jews and Arab of Israel. SDC does this by providing services for the Arab
community of Haifa, by educating and empowering community members, and by
running co-existence projects…


“Windows” is a joint organization of Jews and Palestinians from
both sides of the Green Line. It was established in 1991 with the aim to
promote acquaintance, understanding and conciliation between people from
both nations, through educational and cultural programs, media and art.
We believe that in order to reach a just and lasting peace, and to advance
the process of conciliation in our region, it is important to understand
and internalize democratic values and human rights, and to deepen mutual
knowledge of the other. In this way we can learn to cope together with the
present reality that we, Palestinians and Jews, share.

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Friends of the Earth Middle East

Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME), is a unique umbrella organization
representing leading Middle East environmental non-governmental organizations.Our
primary objective is the promotion of cooperative efforts to protect our
shared environmental heritage.In so doing, we hope to help achieve both
sustainable regional development and the creation of necessary conditions
for lasting peace in our region.

Green Action (Peula

The Activism Festival is a platform for creating a wide social-change community
in Israel, strengthening the links between organizations and activists and
forming a joint agenda. About 1000 participants from 30 organizations came
to the event that took place in 2002; and about 2000 activists and members
of organizations are expected in 2003 (5-7th June). About 50 organizations
will offer over 100 workshops, panels, lectures, movies and will display
their activities.

Israeli Union for Environmental Defense

Founded in 1990, IUED pioneered the effective use of legal advocacy as a
means of safeguarding Israel’s environment. Through the courts, IUED leverages
real change in the way industries, developers and official agencies relate
to the country’s most pressing environmental problems. With legal standing
under a number of environmental laws to take civil and criminal action on
the public’s behalf, IUED pursues a vigorous agenda of strategically focused
projects in four key areas: air pollution prevention, drinking water safety,
solid waste management, and accessible open spaces… Our vision includes
the weaving of environmental issues into the broader fabric of Israeli civil
society. Through courtroom advocacy, planning committee interventions, and
legislative/regulatory reform efforts, IUED plays a key role in advancing
civic values that are essential to Israel’s development as a modern democratic

Palestinian Environmental Non-Governmental
Organizations Network

PENGON is a coordinating body between the different Palestinian NGOs working
in the field of environment. It aims to serve Palestinian environmental
issues by coordinating endeavors between the member organizations, strengthening
and building the efficiency within each organization, and enhancing relations
within the Network as well as with other organizations domestically and
abroad, such as local government agencies and international environmental

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The Israeli human rights centre for people with disabilities. A nonprofit organization working to advance the rights of people with physical and mental disabilities as well as the mentally ill and to achieve their full integration in Israeli society.

Gaza Community Mental Health Program

The Gaza Community Mental Health Programme (GCMHP) is a Palestinian, non-governmental,
non-profit institution specializing in mental health concerns. It is one
of the leading mental health organizations in Palestine.

Health, Development, Information and Policy

The Health, Development, Information and Policy Institute (HDIP) is an independent
non-profit Palestinian organization. HDIP is devoted to policy research
and planning regarding the Palestinian health care system in the West Bank
and Gaza Strip.

Physicians for Human Rights

Physicians for Human Rights – Israel (PHR-Israel) was established in 1988
as a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, dedicated to promoting and protecting
the right to health care in Israel and in territories under Israel’s effective
control. Our operating premise is that the maintenance of human rights as
they pertain to health is a necessary condition for social justice, as well
as a legal obligation in accordance with international human rights law.
The right to health and medical care transcends political, national, religious,
gender, socio-economic or any other considerations. Our activities include
direct intervention and the provision of medical aid, advocacy, legal action,
public outreach, community education and campaigning.

Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees

UPMRC is a grassroots, community-based Palestinian health organization.
UPMRC was founded in 1979 by a group of Palestinian doctors and health professionals
seeking to supplement the decayed and inadequate health infrastructure caused
by years of Israeli military occupation. It is non-profit, voluntary, and
one of the largest health NGOs in Palestine. UPMRC’s national health programs
emphasize prevention, education, community participation, and the empowerment
of people.
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Unrecognised villages

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Association of Forty

The Association of Forty is a grassroots non-governmental organization in
Israel. It has committed itself to the promotion of social justice in the
Arab sector in Israel, and to gaining recognition for the unrecognized villages
in this sector.


Negev Coexistence Forum

The Forum is a framework for Jewish Arab cooperation, joined struggle for
equal civil rights, recognition of unrecognized Beduin villages, education
for tolerance and mutual understanding.


Regional Council of Unrecognized
Villages in the Negev, 2001

The Regional Council of the Bedouin Palestinian Unrecognized Villages in
the Negev was established in 1997 as a community movement ( grass roots
representation) for Palestinian Bedouin equality in the Negev.

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Alternative information/resource centres

Alternative Information Centre

The AIC is a Palestinian-Israeli organization which disseminates information, research and political analysis on Palestinian and Israeli societies as well as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, while promoting cooperation between Palestinians and Israeli s based on the values of social justice, solidarity and community involvement.

Arabic Media Internet Network (AMIN)

AMIN encourages constructive and thoughtful debate on issues of concern to the Palestinian public and international community.


Ariga sounds Italian. It’s not. Nor is it Greek, Phoenician or Turkish. It is a Hebrew word meaning weave, in other words, what we all try to do on the web… The site was opened to the public in mid 1995 as an experimental web-publishing platform, the first web-based source of news from Israel, emphasizing the peace process, but including poetry, painting and other subjects of interest.

BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian
Residency and Refugee Rights, Bethelem

BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights is a Palestinian community-based organization that aims to provide a resource pool of alternative, critical and progressive information and analysis on the question of Palestinian refugees

Bitter Lemons is a website that presents Israeli and Palestinian viewpoints on prominent issues of concern. It focuses on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and peace process, but other, related regional issues are also discussed. It is produced, edited and partially written by Ghassan Khatib, a Palestinian, and Yossi Alpher, an Israeli.

Electronic Intifada

The Electronic Intifada project (EI) is an online publication produced by a small network of pro-Palestinian activists with a history of Internet and media activism, focussed on one aspect of the struggle — the war in the media for a fair representation of the Palestinian point of view.

Givat Haviva, The Jewish Arab Center for Peace

Givat Haviva is an education, research and documentation center, founded in 1949 by The Kibbutz Haartzi Federation in memory of Haviva Reik. The campus is located in the northern Sharon Valley (east of Hadera), Israel.

Indymedia Israel

The newswire
works on the principle of OPEN PUBLISHING, an essential element of the Indymedia
project that allows anyone to instantaneously self-publish their work on
a globally accessible web site.

On Indymedia generally:

The Independent Media Center is a
network of collectively run media outlets for the creation of radical, accurate,
and passionate tellings of the truth. We work out of a love and inspiration
for people who continue to work for a better world, despite corporate media’s
distortions and unwillingness to cover the efforts to free humanity… The
Independent Media Center, was established
by various independent and alternative media organizations and activists
in 1999 for the purpose of providing grassroots coverage of the World Trade
Organization (WTO) protests in Seattle.

International Middle East
Media Center

IMEMC is a media center developed in collaboration between Palestinian and International journalists to provide an English language media coverage of Israel-Palestine.

Israel Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI)

IPCRI, founded in Jerusalem in 1988, is the only joint Israeli-Palestinian public policy think-tank in the world. It is devoted to developing practical solutions for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Jerusalem Forum

The Jerusalem Forum is an Amman-based non-governmental organization geared to educating, and exposing the human dimension of the Palestinian people and their attachment to their land; past and present.

The Jerusalem Media Communciation Centre

JMCC was established in 1988 by a group of Palestinian journalists and researchers to provide information on events in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip. JMCC’s Jerusalem and Gaza offices provide a wide range of services to journalists, researchers, international agencies, individuals and organizations interested in obtaining reliable information on the Palestinian territory.

The JMCC periodically carries out public opinion polls assessing Palestinian attitudes on issues such as democracy and the peace process.

MITFAH, the Palestinian Initiative for
the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

MITFAH is a Palestinian, Jerusalem-based, independent institution committed
to fostering the principles of democracy and effective dialogue based on
the free and candid exchange of information and ideas. Established in January
1999, Miftah’s underlying premise is the integration of several processes:
Palestinian nation-building and empowerment on the basis of the principles
of democracy, human rights, rule of law, and participatory governance; international
reconciliation and cooperation; the gathering and dissemination of information
and the active participation in the global dialogue as an equal partner.


News, summaries and commentary by people opposing the occupation. The aim of this website is to provide informations and alternative commentary on the ongoing developments in the Occupied Territories – the West Bank and the Gaza Strip – in Hebrew, English and Russian. The need for such informations arises since the ongoing devastation of the Palestinian land and people in the Occupied Territories is misrepresented in the Israeli and US media as “fight against terror” and a “just struggle for Israel’s very existence and security”. The Editors represent a range of opinions as to the optimal solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. However, we are united in the belief that a viable solution must be based on the unconditional end to the Israeli military occupation, and on principles of equality, justice and mutual respect.

Occupational Hazard is an effort to confront the Israeli-Palestinian conflict honestly and constructively, towards the goal of replacing conflict with coexistence. We commit ourselves to presenting an accurate, balanced and current account of the conflict…

The Other Israel

In 1982 and 1983, the horrors of the Lebanon War divided Israeli society and turned the attention of the world to the explosive situation in the Middle East. It was during this time that the Israeli Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace (ICIPP) decided to broaden the impact of its activities by establishing an English-language newsletter, The Other Israel… The Other Israel, published bimonthly, aims to provide extensive coverage of the diverse struggles waged by the Israeli peace movement at large. It reports on a great variety of activities, most of which find little or no mention in the world media. It also contains commentaries on events in Israel and the Middle East from a perspective in which the interests of Israelis and Palestinians are ultimately reconcilable.

I’ve been running this site in this format since autumn of the year 2000.
I try to publish reports that are not available elsewhere. Material is posted
as it flows in, which is rarely more than a piece a week, but I am looking
for more regular contributions, and collaboration. maintains the Refuseniks Watch banner that we display on the
JfJfP site.

Palestine Center for Policy and Survey Research

PSR programs and activities are organized through three units: the Domestic Politics Unit (DPU), the Strategic Analysis Unit (SAU), and the Survey Research Unit (SRU). These units conduct and organize four types of activities: research and policy analysis, empirical surveys and public opinion polls, task forces and study groups, and meetings and conferences. The units focus on current public policy issues with a special reliance on empirical research as the tool to advance scholarship and understanding.

Palestine Monitor

At the outbreak of the current Intifada in September 2000, The Palestinian Non-Governmental Network (PNGO) perceived a real lack of the Palestinian narrative in the media… PNGO therefore delegated to HDIP [Health, Development, Information, and Policy Inst

Palestine-Israel Journal

The Palestine-Israel Journal is an independent quarterly that aims to shed light on, and analyze freely and critically, the complex issues dividing Israelis and Palestinians. It will also devote space to relevant Middle East and international affairs.

PalestineRemembered was founded by a group of ordinary Palestinians who have dedicated themselves to preserving and documenting the collective experiences and heritage of the Palestinian refugees.

Shaml (Palestinian Daispora and Refugee Centre)

Shaml is an independent non-governmental organization dedicated to the research of issues related to Palestinian refugees and the Palestinian diaspora. It was established in 1994 by a group of concerned academics and human rights activists who felt the need to examine issues pertaining to Palestinian refugees from a comparative perspective encompassing relevant  experiences in other parts of the world. Shaml is also a resource center on Palestinian refugee issues.

Sounds Like Freedom

The website of a group of people working in Jenin. Contains articles and reports and radio and real-media video files for download, made both by
Palestinians and Internationals. It aims to provide a direct voice from the residents of Jenin to the world.


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