Website policy

We provide links to articles we think will be of interest to our supporters, informing them of issues, events, debates and the wider context of the conflict. We are sympathetic to much of the content of what we post, but not to everything. The fact that something has been linked to here does not necessarily mean that we endorse the views expressed in it.


A gamble to take one step forward, or the PA’s call to get its authority entrenched?

Graham Usher analyses the changes in the state of play which may follow from the request for statehood recognition by the UN, including a revival of mass action. Second, Omar Barghouti spells out the hostility felt by many Palestinians to what they see as the weak and appeasing role of the PA, exemplified by their desire for UN recognition and for more negotiations with Israel

‘Israel, with blind US support, has removed a 2-state solution from the feasible options’

Sam Bahour, a Palestinian-American living in the West Bank, and director of the Arab Islamic Bank, says the pursuit of negotiations for a 2-state soutions has brought nothing but apartheid, racism and poverty.

Unless the PA/PLO can re-orient towards civil society it’s leading nowhere

The PA’s bid for statehood has put it in hock to the USA – which is expected to veto recognition. So ‘Palestinians will still need to wage a robust, multi-dimensional, and global campaign to achieve self-determination’.

Bibi Netanyahu, huckster

Gideon Levy writes: “The real (and deceitful) face of Binyamin Netanyahu. Broadcast on Friday night on “This Week with Miki Rosenthal,” it was filmed secretly in 2001, during a visit by Citizen Netanyahu to the home of a bereaved family in the settlement of Ofra, and astoundingly, it has not created a stir…”
Richard Silverstein adds his reflections.

Ten years after…


Ten years ago this month, Israelis and Palestinians gathered at Camp David, under the guidance of President Bill Clinton, for negotiations aimed at reaching a final agreement. The talks ended in failure, and by the end of September, the second intifada had begun. Ben White draws some lessons from this…