Website policy

We provide links to articles we think will be of interest to our supporters, informing them of issues, events, debates and the wider context of the conflict. We are sympathetic to much of the content of what we post, but not to everything. The fact that something has been linked to here does not necessarily mean that we endorse the views expressed in it.


Desire to maintain status quo makes Israel and Palestine unsustainable

The Italian NGO, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), has published a set of MEDPRO reports on the sustainability of various Mediterranean states Its report on Israel/Palestine, ( below with footnotes etc stripped out) reaches a gloomy judgment because of Israel’s fixation on its status quo, isolation within its own region and failure of political leadership.

Israel’s new business elite and the rifts it rests on

On the strength of the huge US subsidy for Israel’s defence establishment, the country has made a name for its hi-tech, finance and military products. But overall the country is poorer, more unequal and less well-educated than the OECD average. Economist Shlomo Swirski explores why

Hard thought needed on the nitty gritty of a Palestinian economy

electronic intifada

An economist with special responsibility for Palestine, Raja Khalidi questions the political wishful thinking about the Palestinian state and the efficacy of market liberalism on which the future is being planned.

OECD is ushering Israel in too easily


Seth Freedman writes that Israel seems set on joining the OECD, following years of campaigning from successive Israeli governments. “Such a move would be another step in welcoming Israel in from the cold, and demonstrates certain states’ willingness to overlook Israel’s questionable behaviour as an occupier in favour of enhanced fiscal and political ties [...]“

Women in the Gaza Strip – an interview for International Women’s Day


From the Gaza Gateway blog, an interview with Muna Al-Almi, manager of FATEN, an organisation providing small loans and business advice to women. The Gaza Gateway blog “provides up-to-date information and commentary on the situation at the Gaza Strip border crossings” and provides stark, graphic – literally – evidence of the huge gap between what is needed in Gaza and what Israel allows through. It’s the work of Gisha – Legal Centre for Freedom of Movement – a joint Israeli-Palestinian not for profit organisation, that conducts detailed research, assembles news and provides advocacy for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip denied freedom of movement according to Israeli and international law.

The Economy of the Occupation, Bulletin 20-21: Cast Lead: Israel Attacks Gaza


Alternative Information Center report, Executive Summary The Israeli military offensive against the Gaza Strip from 27 December 2008, to 18 January 2009, was the most violent and deadly offensive by Israel since the second Intifada began. According to the UN, 1,434 Palestinian residents of Gaza were killed by the Israeli forces, and over 5,000 were [...]

Welcoming the launch of Fairtrade Palestinian olive oil


Jews for Justice for Palestinians is delighted that Fairtrade Palestinian olive oil is to receive wide distribution by UK retailers such as the Cooperative. We have promoted the sale of this oil for some time. It is of an extremely high grade and we urge our signatories and indeed all British consumers to continue to [...]