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Photography students & neighboring communities       Last RaMUDan       RAMUDAN - another great weekend       Women Empowerment Project       A Fundraising Event       Bustan's Eco - Workshop       Thanks for another Mud & Music and more updates       Another Mud & Music is coming       General Assembly - 2011       Second Mud & Music       Women's workshop at Lotan       Press coverage of BUSTAN       Negev Unplugged Tour for the Israeli media       A weekend of helping the community in Qasr Al Sir       Women Workshops in Quasr Al-Sir       Women Workshops in Quasr A-Sir       Animation Day in Sderot       Bustan's General Assembly       Bustan Tour - North of Israel       Bustan planted a "Bustan" in Quasr Al-Sir!       Bustan Celebrates Tu Bishvat!       Bustan's Vision: 2010       Bustan featured in Mondoweiss!       Kibbutz Kramim Workshop - A True Success!       SHATLA: Keeping the Party Going, Trees for Everyone!       The Goldberg Commission Reccommends Recognition of the Bedouin Unrecognized Villages       BUSTAN graduated the first class of the permaculture course       BUSTAN Summer 2008 Newsletter, in Hebrew, Arabic and English       BUSTAN and COHRE Mark Indigenous Peoples' Day      
Photography students & neighboring communities
Bustan's representatives have participated in the successful opening of the photography students & neighbouring communities exhibition. We would like to congratulate the Forum ZFD for its initiative and thank them for letting Bustan be a part of it. You are welcome to visit the exhibition - for more information - click here
    Mission and Vision  

Bustan: Sustainable Community Action for Land and People is an NGO that works in the Bedouin and Jewish communities of the Negev.   Through analysis, education, and action, it is the mission of Bustan to work for fair resource allocation, as well as social and environmental justice for all peoples in the region.

    A New Model for Bedouin Development in the Negev  

Creating a new model of an Environmental Community Center in the village of Qasr al-Sir that will be designed to leverage the unique assets of the Bedouin culture and strive to empower it in the environment of the modern state. The specifics of the projects will be determined with our team in the village after extensive research (interviews, group discussions, community meetings) of the needs...

    Video Gallery  
Mud & Music - Traditional Music
Planting in Tu Bisvhat!
Upcoming events
  Please stay tuned...!
   Bustan's Calendar
To donate to Bustan please Click here
BUSTAN - P.O. Box 842, Rehov Ben Zvi 10 (Rakevet Tower, Floor 9) Beer Sheva, Israel