
Joint Statement by Al-Haq, PCHR and FIDH:Human Rights Organisations Demand PLO and International Community Uphold Victims Rights

During the 66th UN General Assembly, Al-Haq, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) published a joint statement demanding that due rega...

Cracking Down on Palestinian Political Life in East Jerusalem: Israel Arrests PLC Member Mr. Ahmed Attoun to Enforce His Forcible Transfer from the City

As an organisation dedicated to the protection and promotion of human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), Al-Haq is deeply concerned with the arrest of Mr. Ahmed Attoun, a member of th...

Joint Open Letter on the Collective Punishment of Palestinian Political Prisoners Held in Israeli Prisons

Al-Haq, together with other members of the Palestinian Council of Human Right Organisations (PCHRO),have submitted an open letter to the European Parliament and the Council of Europe on the collective...

Collective punishment of Palestinian prisoners by the Israeli Prison Service

Background On 23 June 2011, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu announced that the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) would downgrade the detention conditions of Palestinian prisoners, in light of the continu...

Al-Haq submits formal objection to €1bn public contract to Hermes

Wednesday, 12 October 2011 12:48 REF.: 324/2011

Logo-HermesAl-Haq has instructed Van den Biesen Boesveld advocates, Amsterdam, to submit a formal objection against the decision of Stadsregio Arnhem Nijmegen, a Dutch local authority, to award a one billion Euro public transport concession to Hermes, the Dutch subsidiary of French multinational company VeoliaTransdev. The objection is based on Veolia’s involvement in Israel’s violations of international law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT).


Palestine and Israel: A rights-based approach

Wednesday, 05 October 2011 12:13 Shawan Jabarin

The following Op-ed was published on 5 October 2011 on Al-Jazeera.

Calling for negotiations instead of statehood for Palestine "holds justice hostage to the political will of Israel".


Some governments have objected to the Palestinian leadership’s bid to upgrade Palestine’s status at the UN on the basis that only negotiations with Israel can bring peace. For a long time, some governments have supported negotiations at all costs, even if doing so meant denying justice to victims of violations of international law, including the most egregious international crimes.


UN Advocacy

Palestine and Israel: A rights-based approach
The following Op-ed was published on 5 October 2011 on Al-Jazeera. Calling for negot »
Joint Statement by Al-Haq, PCHR and FIDH:Human Rights Organisations Demand PLO and International Community Uphold Victims Rights
A New State of Affairs: Reaffirming Palestinian Rights to International Justice and Accountability Joint oral and written submissions to the Human Rights Council, 18th session - Item 7

EU Advocacy

Joint Open Letter on the Collective Punishment of Palestinian Political Prisoners Held in Israeli Prisons
Al-Haq, together with other members of the Palestinian Council of Human Right Organis »
EU-Israel Sub-Committee on Political Dialogue and Cooperation, 15 December 2010
DATE: 09 DECEMBER 2010REF.: 330/2010To: Mr. Thomas Dupla Del Moral, Middle East Dir »
Open Letter to EU High Representative and Foreign Affairs Ministers concerning the Palestinian olive harvest
16 October 2010REF.: 276/2010 To: EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and S »

Third State Parties

Al Haq v UK Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs et al.: Denial of Claim
Al-Haq is disappointed by the judgment of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales »
On June 2009, Al-Haq, in cooperation with solicitor Phil Shiner of Public Interest La »
Al-Haq Position Paper on the Threat to Universal Jurisdiction in the Wake of the UK Arrest Warrant Against Tzipi Livni
28 January 2010 1. As a Palestinian human rights organisation that has consistent »

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