My new book: ‘Palestinians in Israel: Segregation, discrimination and democracy’

Posted in Admin on January 1st, 2009 by benwhite – Comments Off

With foreword by MK Haneen Zoabi


Why has there been no ‘Palestinian spring’? One word: Oslo

Posted in Articles on June 11th, 2012 by benwhite – Be the first to comment

“To some extent, the question “Why no Palestinian spring?” can be answered with one word: Oslo. The Oslo accords, signed in 1993, established a paradigm where the Palestinian struggle for return and decolonisation was turned into a facade of sovereignty, piecemeal concessions and occupation management.”

Published first on The Guardian’s Comment is free


Re-shaping Palestinian national identity

Posted in Articles on June 6th, 2012 by benwhite – Be the first to comment

“This idea of a compass and a ‘re-shaping’ of national identity suggests that BADIL’s ONEC project speaks to wider trends, beyond this specific website and education centre…”

Published first on Al Jazeera


What is behind the Israeli mistreatment of African migrants?

Posted in Articles on May 29th, 2012 by benwhite – Be the first to comment

“This thread running through Israel’s past and present – of expulsions, ethnocratic legislation, and obsessions with birth rates – is the context for the targeting of African refugees and Palestinians…”

Published first on the New Statesman website


‘Jewish democracy’ founded on ugly battles

Posted in Articles on May 16th, 2012 by benwhite – Be the first to comment

“The only reason why there is a Jewish majority in Israel today is because of the expulsions and denationalisation of most Palestinians who would have become citizens in the new state. What unites liberal and conservative Zionists in rejecting the Palestinians’ right of return is the ugly demographic “battle” that is the foundation of the “Jewish and democratic” state.”

Published first by Al Jazeera English.


Israel and Palestine: Two states, two peoples

Posted in Articles on May 4th, 2012 by benwhite – Be the first to comment

“The slogan “two states for two peoples” has long been used by those who support the creation of a Palestinian state alongside Israel. Ironically, however, such a framework risks cementing Israeli apartheid and Jewish privilege, evoking the same sorts of arguments put forward by defenders of South Africa’s historical regime of systematic discrimination.”

Published first on Al Jazeera English


Christians of the Holy Land

Posted in Articles on April 26th, 2012 by benwhite – Be the first to comment

“Naturally then, Christian Palestinians see their main problem as coming from ongoing colonialism and occupation, while also acknowledging the threat posed by a minority of religious extremists. Apparently, however, this position is a bit too complex for Israel advocates to grasp.”

Published first on Al Jazeera.


Why a cultural boycott of Israel is justified

Posted in Articles on April 11th, 2012 by benwhite – Be the first to comment

“Culture does not operate in some special, apolitical space – just like academic institutions in Israel are also not removed from complicity in systematic human rights abuses. As the Habima general manager put it, the invitation by The Globe is an “honourable accomplishment for the State of Israel in general”…”

Published first on the New Statesman website