Website policy

We provide links to articles we think will be of interest to our supporters, informing them of issues, events, debates and the wider context of the conflict. We are sympathetic to much of the content of what we post, but not to everything. The fact that something has been linked to here does not necessarily mean that we endorse the views expressed in it.

Listen again

Fiona Wright in conversation with Abeer Baker and Anat Matar, editors of Threat: Palestinian Political Prisoners in Exile (Pluto Press).


Support Palestinian Prisoners on Hunger Strike

The Palestinian prisoners’ hunger strike continues. Please consider signing the petition of support, disseminating information about the strike and sending messages to the the Israeli embassy, the International Committee of the Red Cross and to other human-rights organisations asking them to act swiftly to demand that all Palestinian political prisoners and detainees are freed from punitive isolation

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Come and hear the case for the Bedouin of the Negev, Israeli citizens

Many Bedouin have lived in the Negev for centuries, with clear ownership rights. But these are not recognised by Israel which wants the land as an agricultural resource. The Bedouin are thus being evicted and deported to towns, with predictable consequences. Dr. Awad Abu Freih of ‘Recognition Now’ and others speak at venues across Britain

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Israel finally agrees that Palestinian minors are not legally adults

It has been a long-running scandal that young Palestinians over age 15 are tried in military courts. After extensive lobbying, formal complaints and reports – such as that from Defence for Children International, from which there is an extract 2nd- Israel has agreed to bring its law into line with other developed countries This move is welcomed by Caabu, 1st post, and by JfJfP.

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Palestinian statehood: US Jews-for-peace split on tactics

A split has opened on Palestine at the UN between J Street, founded 2008 to press for American diplomatic leadership in resolving the Israel/Palestine conflict (3), and less-establishment peace groups, represented here by Tikkun, founded 1986 as a new voice for the Jewish left. (1) and their petition of support for the bid, (2)

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Jewish-American Friends of Israel put their cases for Palestine’s UN bid

Here three individual Jewish Americans, all ‘friends of Israel’ argue why it is in the best interests of Israel to support the Palestinian request for UN recognition. 1, Jerry Haber of Magnes Zionist, 2, Yossi Alpher, co-editor of and writer for Americans for Peace Now, 3, Rachel Biale, Jewish community activist in the Bay Area, SF

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Welcome for Palestinians at UN from Jewish groups

The reaction of establishment Jewish groups to the PA’s statehood request at the UN has been uniformly hostile – though not to the point of demonstrating – item 4. Jewish groups in Britain independent of the British or Israeli states are more likely to welcome the initiative. JfJfP associates itself with the statement from Independent Jewish Voices, 1. The new group Yashad, 2, also welcomes the bid. The American Jewish Voice for Peace, 4, is divided but opposes the US’s use of its veto in the Security Council

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New sound of acclaim for Abbas, NY to Ramallah and Jerusalem

Rare and immense applause for Mahmoud Abbas’ speech at the UN is reported, along with some diplomatic repercussions, in the NY Times, Al Jazeera, AFP, and New Middle East News. Last, the manifesto for a Palestine state, signed so far by over 80 leading Israelis

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Support for LPO 4 rolls in

The suspension of 4 members of the LPO – see Musicians punished for public criticism of Israel, this page – has shocked many in the cultural industries in particular. Posted here the letters that have been printed – 1 Daily Telegraph, 2 The Times, 3 & 4, Guardian, 5 JfJfP The Independent

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Protest at the Proms, what will the public think?

What did the Proms protest achieve? First, two blogs from Zionist Federation co-chairman Jonathan Hoffman (who was ejected from the concert for waving an Israeli flag) then a hard-argued debate between the editor of Israeli Occupation Archive and critics including Tony Greenstein

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Petition to support social justice in Israel

On September 3, 1 million Israelis are expected to march for social justice, democracy and equality- all devastating lacks in today’s Israel. The New Israel Fund has launched a petition of support – letter of invitation 1), preamble and petition 2). Jewish Forward on NIF support for the protest, 3)

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Sign up for Palestinian statehood

JfJfP signatory Dan Judelson has lodged a petition on the new government website calling for the UK government to recognize Palestine as a state and support its admission to the UN in September. If you are a British resident or citizen, please e-sign the petition.
Thursday 18th August, 6.00pm: this petition is supported by The Amos Trust, City Circle, The Green Party, Jews for Justice for Palestinians, Labour Friends of Palestine and the Middle East, One Voice, Liberal Democrat Friends of Palestine and Unison

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Each Israeli action creates support for BDS – a strategy, not a goal

Nadia Hihab is co-director of Al-Shabaka, the Palestinian Policy Network and is on the advisory board of US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation. The BDS campaign, initiated and led by Palestinian civil society, is the best alternative to ‘a sterile, U.S.-Israeli led process’ and a means for Palestinians to work together. All can support it, she argues, as a means to Palestinian self-determination

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European Jews condemn Israel’s harassment of peace activists

European Jews for a Just Peace – of which JfJfP is a member body – has issued this statement supporting the activists making for the West Bank and Gaza by sea and air, a legal exercise of freedom to travel, and condemns the efforts of Isaeli authorities to stop them

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Governments unite to block the people’s flotilla

Israel has the myth – all is well in Gaza – and it has the military power to persuade European and US establishments that the floitila must not sail. As this stance does not accord with fact or popular sentiment, it may be self-defeating suggests Miri Weingarten in this extensive review

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Flotilla 4: flotilla sets sail on Thursday despite sabotage of Irish boat

The Stay Human flotilla to Gaza has either set sail or is about to depending on when you read this. Here there is an article about the threats to its departure, a piece from flotilla veterans of the Free Gaza movement which cites a Palestinian civil society petition, and the petition itself with its many signatories at the end of this post

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JfJfP defends free speech and protests to Home Secretary at arrest of Sheikh Salah

Britain’s Border Agency has arrested Sheikh Raed Salah, leader of Israel’s Islamic Movement. Jews for Justice for Palestinians has protested to the Home Secretary and here we publish the letter, followed by press releases from Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Middle East Monitor, both objecting to his arrest and querying the reasons for it.

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All start mobilising NOW for the UN in September

Palestinians have one tremendous resource in their fight for independence says Jeff Halper. This is civil society – at home, in the Palestinian diaspora, amongst the millions abroad who support their cause. The Palestinian Authority should treat us, not the US, as their greatest ally

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Freedom Riders of Gaza flotilla prepare for tough voyage

Author Alice Walker talks with Ali Abunimah about her impending passage on the ‘Stay Human’ flotilla and the echoes of the US’s Freedom Riders – and presidential indifference. Below, we publish the letter of American passengers on the ship Audacity of Hope, named in reference to Obama’s own 2006 book

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Rafah crossing lets through filtered trickle of people and goods

Gisha, the Israeli centre for freedom of movement, publishes ten reasons why the opening of the Rafah crossing, though valued, does not afford Palestinians the right of free movement or access to material necessities

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We don’t look for passion, we don’t look for tears. We just look for actions.

Young Palestinians see the BDS campaign as the key to a mass movement at home and links with people abroad. The campaign against apartheid South Africa is their inspiration, yet the home-grown leadership of the BDS work is vital

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