HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual is an Israeli human rights organization whose main objective is to assist Palestinians of the Occupied Territories whose rights are violated due to Israel's policies.

This site contains information relating to these human rights violations. It gives the texts of Israeli laws and regulations, including those of the Military Government; international conventions; petitions to the Israeli High Court of Justice; claims for compensation for damages; decisions by Israeli and other courts; and other official documents and reports.
Respect for the Dead

Israel continues to violate Israeli law and international humanitarian law: withholding bodies of dead Palestinians for negotiation purposes

Timeline: 1967 until today


Family Unification in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

"Ceased Residency"

Between 1967 and 1994

Israel revoked the residency
of 140,000 West Bank Palestinians 

Residency in Jerusalem – 1967 until today
The HCJ issues an order nisi in two of HaMoked's petitions, and clarifies: reliance on "classified material" requires a certificate of privilege
Withholding detainee information: the security forces continue to do what they will and violate the basic rights of OPT residents
HaMoked petitions the HCJ: the interior ministry's stipulation that stay permits, issued through the family unification procedure, do not constitute work permits – infringes on the basic rights of Palestinians
Following HaMoked's intervention: West Bank Palestinians who live in Israel in the framework of the family unification procedure, will be allowed to participate in vocational training courses and exams of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor
HaMoked and Yesh Din petition the HCJ: the procedure for processing requests to review MIU investigation materials, violates the basic rights of OPT residents
All Updates

mail@hamoked.org.il (02) 627 1698   (02) 627 6317

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