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We provide links to articles we think will be of interest to our supporters, informing them of issues, events, debates and the wider context of the conflict. We are sympathetic to much of the content of what we post, but not to everything. The fact that something has been linked to here does not necessarily mean that we endorse the views expressed in it.

Listen again

Fiona Wright in conversation with Abeer Baker and Anat Matar, editors of Threat: Palestinian Political Prisoners in Exile (Pluto Press).


Palestinians make themselves sovereign through BDS

Yet another lively political event at an American synagogue when a large audience came to discuss – and oppose – BDS (see post below). For the Israelis on the panel, the idea and practice of BDS made Palestinians both their leaders and their brothers in the struggle for Palestinian liberation

Could BDS destroy Israel, and do Palestinians want it to?

Richard Silverstein weaves his way between those who hope or fear the BDS campaign will bring about the destruction of Israel to look at what long-term polling shows about the attitudes of Israeli Palestinians to Jews and to Israeliness

Boycott, protest or defend: responses to Israel’s policies

Ynet publishes an alarmist report of the success of the BDS campaign written by Giulio Meotti, who has written a book on Israel’s victims of terrorism. An interview with him about the book is posted 2nd. 3rd is a report of the protest at the Proms on Thursday night, and lastly a piece written before the Proms protest by Jewish classical music blogger Jessica Duchen arguing for boycotting the Israel Philharmonic

Israel’s reality makes its brand unsellable

Gary Wexler, marketing expert, asks why companies conceal the origin of Israeli products in the USA and concludes that they know what Israelis won’t face: Israel’s name reflects practices that consumers won’t buy. A selection of comments is included at the end

Can Palestinians tell solidarity movements what to do?

In a lengthy, detailed and critical review Glen Pine argues that Omar Barghouti’s new book on the BDS movement inflates the potential of this tactic to unite Palestinians and their supporters in an effective drive against Israel’s economic and political bodies. At issue is the extent to which local supporters’ groups could and should follow Palestinians’ lead in their own liberation

Each Israeli action creates support for BDS – a strategy, not a goal

Nadia Hihab is co-director of Al-Shabaka, the Palestinian Policy Network and is on the advisory board of US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation. The BDS campaign, initiated and led by Palestinian civil society, is the best alternative to ‘a sterile, U.S.-Israeli led process’ and a means for Palestinians to work together. All can support it, she argues, as a means to Palestinian self-determination

‘The BDS vision is for the Palestinians – not the Israeli Jews’

All his life, this refusenik saw his country in terms of the democrats, which included all Palestinians, and the right wing. That has changed with the BDS movement which makes him feel like an impotent cheerleader for others’ actions.

Palestinian response to boycott law: makes Quartet irrelevant

The PLO says the boycott law ‘turns settlements into sacred places’ and makes the Quartet irrelevant; below, a press release from the Palestinian BDS national committee, saying the law consolidates Israel’smove towards an oppressive, apartheid regime

We don’t look for passion, we don’t look for tears. We just look for actions.

Young Palestinians see the BDS campaign as the key to a mass movement at home and links with people abroad. The campaign against apartheid South Africa is their inspiration, yet the home-grown leadership of the BDS work is vital

More on the University of Johannesburg boycott decision


Discussion about the University of Johannesburg’s decision to break off it links with Ben Gurion University rumbles on. We report on a debate on the topic held at UJ in mid-May and an exchange of letters in its aftermath, publishing relevant contributions to ensure they get a full airing. [Posted 8 June; updated with minor changes on 11 June]

Founder of Linux cancels Israel trip in order to speak to Palestinians


Richard Stallman, a creator of free software system Linux, chooses to speak to Palestinians (who invited him) and forego a speaking tour in Israel

Scottish council accused of being on verge of Jewish book-burning


After Israel’s attack on Gaza in Operation Cast Lead, West Dumbarton Council voted to boycott all products made in Israel, including books bought for its libraries. But not to boycott books by Israelis printed elsewhere, or books by Jews as such, or any books sold in bookshops. Opponents claimed otherwise. The statement by the council is at the end of this posting.

Americans more strident for Israel’s exceptionalism than Israelis are


If Israel’s existence depends on racial exclusion and inequality, what does that say about Israel and its US supporters asks Omar Barghouti?

BDS campaign attacked as ‘delegitimizing’ Israel


An extensive survey by Forward of the campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions on campuses in the US suggests few practical results but an increase in debate – and an organized onslaught on the movement from Occupation defenders

Forbidden Fruit: The Israeli Wine Industry and the Occupation


A new report from Who profits? demonstrates that ALL of the major Israeli wineries use grapes from occupied territory in their wines.

It also provides a comprehensive account of the incentives of the Israeli wine industry to cultivate grapes and to develop wineries in occupied territory.

Covent Garden beautified as Ahava moves out


The Jewish Chronicle reports that the UK branch of Israeli cosmetics store, Ahava, is moving from its central London shop after years of demonstrations highlighting its role in supporting the illegal occupation of Palestinian lands.

Update on Brandeis


Pressure grows on the Brandeis Hillel Student Board (BHSB) to reconsider their ban on Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP). On the latter’s web site it states,” Hillel at Brandeis University provides a rich and vibrant Jewish life on campus“. A thousand students and faculty members have petitioned the BHSB to reconsider but till now unavailingly. The author’s tip to JVP: get yourselves elected to the governing body of BHSB. (There was a previous posting on this theme on 10th March.)

University of Johannesburg to boycott Ben Gurion University


The University of Johannesburg took the momentous decision last week to break off institutional relations with Ben Gurion University. We posted materials on the debate around this issue last October. In this posting there is a news report on the decision and immediate reactions to it, John Strawson’s Engage posting critical of the decision; and Ran Greenstein’s reflective analysis of some issues around the academic boycott, sparked off by this recent decision.

Boycotting the occupation bites again


G4S in Denmark, via its Israeli company Hashmira, supplies baggage scanning equipment and body scanners at major checkpoints on the West Bank. No more. A response to public pressure, following on the work of the Coalition of Women for Peace, and its monitoring project “Who Profits?”, for exposing the realities.

Israeli artists speak out


Israel Prize laureate David Tartakover, singer Rona Kenan, poet Meir Wieseltier and others have have joined a struggle organized by the Coalition of Women for Peace against the bill punishing Israel boycotters. This bill will cover such things as people calling for a consumer boycott on settlement products, and artists refusing to perform in Ariel, beyond the Green Line. A letter to the Knesset speaker and members on behalf of 53 organisations says: “Instead of holding a democratic discussion on issues which are on the Israeli public agenda, this bill is being used to silence political rivals and block the possibility of a public discourse.”