The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia
Established in February 1995
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Jean Schneider  CNRS/LUTH - Paris Observatory


Update : 17 October 2011    

Latest news : 
 22 September  :  KIC 10905746 b and KIC 6185331 b: first Kepler planetary candidates detected by PlanetHunters (Fischer at al.)
 15 September  :  Kepler-16 (AB)b: first circumbinary transiting planet (Doyle et al.)
 12 September  : 41 new HARPS planets among which 16 Super-Earths - Mayor et al.) and 23 new WASP planets.
HD 97658 b is a transiting planet (Henry et al.).
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  Update : 11 December 2010     Update : 12 July 2004
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  Update : 13 October 2011   693 planets     Update : 29 March 2005
Searches for Extrasolar Planets        Theory Work
  Update : 11 October 2011     Update : 02 September 2011
Bibliography   Other sites
  Update : 17 October 2011     Update : 02 September 2011
  Update : 11 October 2011