Welcome to WordPress for webOS
We’re very excited to give you a new way to blog. If you have a HP TouchPad you can download the app…
WordPress for webOS is built around Sliding Panels that enable you to easily switch between creating, editing and managing your content.
Sliding Panels make it easy to quickly move between new and existing content. Just tap what you want to manage to see a list of your latest comments, drafts, posts or pages. Tap any item to drill down further.
WordPress for WebOS is the first Open Source WordPress app to have a full visual editor, making it easier than ever to format your text, add links or embed media into your posts and pages.
WordPress for webOS uses the platform's innovative "Cards" feature, which allows you to quickly switch between managing, editing, and browsing content. Tap an email address or website URL within the app and a new card is launched and stacked for easy navigation.