there’s a word for this

so there’s this and that

Occupy L.A. Speaker: “One of the speakers said the solution is nonviolent movement. No, my friend. I’ll give you two examples: French Revolution, and Indian so-called Revolution.

Gandhi, Gandhi today is, with respect to all of you, Gandhi today is a tumor that the ruling class is using constantly to mislead us. French Revolution made fundamental transformation. But it was bloody.

India, the result of Gandhi, is 600 million people living in maximum poverty.

So, ultimately, the bourgeosie won’t go without violent means. Revolution! Yes, revolution that is led by the working class.

Long live revolution! Long live socialism!”

Crowd: [Cheers.]…


occupate we much

( * )

Finish your assignment! »

ah, found the official COWS* plan & list of demands

Phase 1: collect underpants
Phase 2: …
Phase 3: Travel to the moon. Become immortal. (unintellligible) Have sex with animals or whatever.

Wait, what ?!

Hey, must be sumpthin‘ to it.
I mean, Sawyer says it’s goin’ on in a thousand countries (@ 0m:10s).

* Commies Occupy Wall Street

tonight’s food it’s what’s for dinner n stuff

Someone gave us Spam

…Among the movement’s supporters, Mr. Hintze said, are “people that know where the good Dumpsters are.”

“As I’m sure you know, people just get rid of stuff,” he said. “And that’s great for us.”…

todaze celebrity D’oh D’uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…..

Russell Simmons: Getting rich is so simple

Russell Simmons, business mogul, activist and best-selling author, has a message for small business owners. He’s a small business owner, too, and getting rich is a lot easier than people think.

That might be hard for most to believe. Simmons, the founder of Def Jam Recordings and the Phat Farm clothing empire, successfully sold those companies for more than a hundred million dollars apiece years ago. He now heads up Rush Communications, a holding company for his financial, media and fashion businesses.

The mega entrepreneur’s net worth is reportedly $340 million.
Despite this, Simmons still views his current businesses as small. UniRush Financial, Inc. offers financial products, such as prepaid debit cards, aimed at the low-income and middle-income market. His Simmons Lathan Media Group is a media firm focusing on hip-hop and urban content. Simmons American Design Group is a company focusing on fashion for Macy’s, Wal-Mart and retail trading group Li & Fung…

Simmons says

todaze free stuff

ps: anyone have any spare sleeping bags?

( * )

‘member when stuff made you happy?

No, I mean reeeeeeally happy.

~ vid ~

Okay, but not always.

a no-bull prize

Nobel Prize for Economics

The Nobel Prize for Economics goes to two Americans who have separately exposed the flaws in government stimulus spending. For a Keynesian president, it’s the Anti-Peace Prize.

All in all, the judges honored economists who’ve shown what the public knows well:
Obamanomics is a failure.

greatest cultural ref. ever re: Occupy Wall Street

Now, go do … that voodoo economics … that you do … so we-ellllllll !

An arrrmy of the worst dregs ever to soil the face of the West …
Bounty hunters
Indian agents
Mexican bandits
Horse thieves
Bull dykes
Train robbers
Bank robbers
Ass kickers
Bush kickers
And hippies, did I mention hippies?

Should we repeat that, sir?

Inspired by Alan in comments (1)

today’s cultural ref. quiz

Hmm, now in which famous movies have we seen these scenes before?
(What? Yes, they’ve allll seen ‘em.)

Answers BTF (no peeking)
Toga party! Open thread time.
Finish your assignment! »
2001 a Space Odyssey @0m:30s
Bringing Up Baby @2m:30s

1027 to 1

Israel and Hamas have reached a prisoner exchange deal that will secure the release of abducted Israel Defense Forces soldier Gilad Shalit, officials at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said on Tuesday…

Wait, what? Would much you repeat that?

~ vid ~

We’re here to give everything [rinse, repeat] from the people from whom you stole everything.”
— Van Jones, outed Commie and fellow of the Al Sharpton School (grammar much?).

Finish your assignment! »
Nope, no waving of hands, Van.
Just this.

When Life gives you Lemons; make lemonade

when your friend gives you lemons — you’re all set!

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! Yummmmmmmmmm!!!!!

photographic memory

( * )

God bless them…

An online “Occupy Threat Center” created by ListenLogic says the company’s analysis of “over one million social media posts” indicates a significant increases in all of the following:

-Social media activity from Occupy supporters and activists promoting physical destruction and violent action
… “there’s an increase in ‘let’s kill’ them. We see ‘eat the rich,’ ‘kill the wealthy.’ There are images circulating of senior executives being decapitated, images of blood…

Occupy Wall Street demonstrators will be on the move Tuesday, taking part in a “Millionaire’s March” to the homes of some of the wealthiest CEOs in the city…

… “The Tea Party had guns,” the Reverend Al Sharpton said. “The Tea Party was spitting on members of Congress. Whereas these people are not a mob. This is democracy.”…

today’s protests from around the world

Protesters targeted the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Monday night, asking that it give more money to end homelessness in Puget Sound.

About 150 people slept on the sidewalk in the driving rain outside the foundation to highlight recent government funding cuts that have forced the closure of several shelters. Most spent the night wrapped like mummies in plastic tarps…

…the Foundation has donated more than $100 million to programs around Puget Sound.

Fwants Flees

from ketchup

“France must be an example to the world in the quality of its food, starting with its children,” said Bruno Le Maire, the agriculture and food minister, in regards to the new policy… [banning] school cafeterias serving ketchup…

…there are also undertones of cultural preservation in the decision: … France has a tendency to look down on ketchup as an inferior intruder on French cuisine, and it’s not too far off to consider that the ketchup ban may also be an attempt to help children get in touch with their traditional roots …

Well this is going to do nothing for World Culture.

today$ Ki$P fun fact$

As the protest on Wall Street enters its fourth week, police officers are keeping their posts around the perimeter of the park at the center of it all. And with no end in sight, the cost of constant police surveillance will continue to rise at a time when Mayor Michael Bloomberg has ordered citywide budget cuts.

The New York Police Department already has spent $1.9 million, mostly in overtime pay, to patrol the area near Zuccotti Park, where hundreds of protesters have camped out for several weeks. Though cold weather is on the way in, protesters don’t plan on leaving anytime soon. They’re prepared to stay put for the long haul…


…As of 2:36 p.m. ET, the Dow Jones Industrial Average soared 276.10 points, or 2.49%, to 11379.06, the Standard & Poor’s 500 jumped 33.66 points, or 2.91%, to 1188.96 and the Nasdaq Composite leaped 75.75 points, or 3.06%, to 2555.12. The FOX 50 gained 24.01 points, or 2.85%, to 867.88…

New York City’s securities industry could lose nearly 10,000 jobs by the end of 2012, according to a report by New York state’s comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, the Wall Street Journal said.

In a report due for release on Tuesday DiNapoli also said bonuses were likely to shrink this year, reflecting lower profits on Wall Street, the WSJ reported.


read this on an iPad while sitting in Zuccotti Park