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Sun October 16, 2011
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AP: Obama administration abandons plans to keep US troops in Iraq after end-of-year withdrawal • But embassy staff will swell from 8,000 to 16,000 with private army of 6,000 to protect diplomats • Obama is about to impose sanctions on Iran's central bank • DEBKAfile: US banks scarcely interact with Iranian banks whereas a ban on international banks could cripple Iranian economy and would be deemed an act of war by Tehran • Yemen: Al Qaeda in Arabia's media chief Ibrahim al-Bana and six others killed in US air strike in S. Yemen • Among them son of Awkali too • Gunmen retaliated by blowing up Yemeni export pipeline • Syrian on brink of civil war, says UN official estimating more than 3,000 dead in seven months of Assad crackdown • Assad orders panel to frame new constitution within four months • Israel terrorist victims' representative Almagor petitions High Court against release of 1,027 jailed Palestinians • First Palestinian names to be released Saturday night • Israel expects prisoner exchange to take place Tuesday • UN Secretary Ban criticizes Israeli plans to build 2,610 new apartments as Gilo extension in S. Jerusalem • Four insurgents killed attacking US base in E. Afghanistan with RPGs and explosives-packed vehicle • Demos in London, Rome after Occupy Wall Street movement called for 24 hours of global protest • Rome policed charged 200,000 demonstrators with tear gas, water cannon •
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report October 14, 2011, 2:17 PM (GMT+02:00)
Cafe Milano - intended assassination scene

The motivation for the foiled Iranian-instigated plot to murder the Saudi ambassador to Washington at his favorite eatery, Café Milano in Georgetown, is revealed by debkafile's Iranian sources as a bid by a super-radical faction at the top of the Iranian regime to draw the United States into a limited military clash. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei approved the plot when his son and heir Mojtaba, 42, and the Al Qods Brigades commander Gen. Qassem Soleimani presented him with their "grand plan."

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The Assassination Plot Came from the Top
Khamenei's son Mojtaba and Al Qods Chief Soleimani.
Obama Opens Two anti-Tehran Fronts
By removing Hamas from Iran's orbit and putting the Saudis on the offensive.
US Wants Israel to Tackle Iran at Sea
But Israel hangs back from striking Iranian Red Sea warships.

US on global alert for Iranian reprisal that may jeopardize Shalit release
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
October 12, 2011, 10:52 AM (GMT+02:00)
Tags:  US   Iran   Saudi ambassador   Gilad Shalit   Hamas   Israel 
Iranian-American Mansour Arbabsiar caught redhanded

A worldwide advisory published in Washington Wednesday, Oct. 12, warned UScitizens to beware of Iranian-instigated terrorist attacks following the uncovering of an Iran-directed plot to assassinate Saudi Arabian ambassador Adel Al-Jubeir and bomb the Saudi and Israeli embassies. The US holds Iran accountable for its actions, said Attorney General Eric Holder, following which Tehran accused the US of warmongering. Iran believes the Shalit deal will start cutting it out of Palestinian affairs and may act to torpedo it.

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Hamas will snatch more Israelis until all 8,000 Palestinian terrorists freed
DEBKAfile Special Report
October 12, 2011, 5:40 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags:  Gilad Shalit   Israel   Hamas   Terrorists   Gaza 
Khaled Meshaal still on the warpath

 Tuesday night, Oct. 10, the Israeli cabinet approved the accord with Hamas for the release of Gilead Shalit  by a majority of 26. Three ministers opposed the deal – Avigdor Lieberman and Uzzi Landau of the Israel Beteinu party and Moshe Yaalon of Likud. To buy the Israeli soldier's freedom – probably next week – Israel will hand over 1,027 Palestinian terrorists so cutting short the multiple life sentences of 280 mass murderers responsible for hundreds of Israeli deaths. Hamas leaders pledge more kidnappings until all 8,000 jailed Palestinians are freed.

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Breakthrough for Gilad Shalit's release outcome of US deal with Hamas
DEBKAfile Special Report
October 11, 2011, 9:40 PM (GMT+02:00)
Gilead Shalit on his way home

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu asked the full government Tuesday night, Oct. 11 to endorse deal with Hamas for bringing Gilad Shalit home within days although the price agreed is heavy: 1,000 jailed Palestinian terrorists, including 60 convicted for multiple murders. debkafile discloses that deal was the outcome of a secret accord between US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and, Hamas' Khaled Meshaal providing for the Hamas bureau's transfer from Damascus and gradual withdrawal from ties with Tehran.


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Sinai militias cut Egypt-Israel trade ties amid declining security
DEBKAfile Special Report
October 10, 2011, 9:09 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags:  Egypt   Israel   Sinai   Sinai Bedouin   Copts 
Egyptian armored vehicles torched in Cairo

The claim Friday by Field Marshall Mohamed Tantawi, head of the military junta ruling Egypt, of "complete security on the Sinai Peninsula" was belied Monday, Oct. 10, by the Israeli Counterterrorism Bureau's warning against travel to Sinai for Sukkot. As Cairo lets Sinai security go by the board, the Netanyahu government leans over backwards to pretend business with Egypt is back to normal – even after armed Bedouin cut the trade route between Egypt and Israel through Sinai three weeks ago.

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Moscow reaches out to Syrian opposition to head off Western military action
DEBKAfile Special Report
October 10, 2011, 9:15 AM (GMT+02:00)
Tags:  Syria   Russia   Bashar Assad   US   Turkey   Iran 
Bashar Assad parades his army chiefs

Five days after defeating a Western-backed UN Security Council resolution condemning Bashar Assad's savagery against his opposition, Moscow turned the heat on him by inviting an opposition delegation for a visit Monday, Oct. 10 and offering to host talks between the Syrian government and the opposition umbrella Syrian National Council.  Syrian Foreign Minister Wallid Moallem threatened unspecified "tough measures" against any countries recognizing the council, fearing a repeat of the Libyan rebel NTC exercise which toppled Muammar Qaddafi.

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US: Assad must go. Five killed at funeral for assassinated Syrian Kurdish leader
DEBKAfile Special Report
October 8, 2011, 6:11 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags:  Bashar Assad   Kurds   Syrian uprising   Turkey   US   Russia 
Slain Syrian Kurdish leader Mashaal Tammo

Targeted assassinations now dominate Bashar Assad's savage confrontation with the popular opposition to his rule. The White House finally told the Syrian ruler to step down for the first time as 50,000 Syrian Kurds clashed with security forces at the funeral of the popular Kurdish leader Mashaal Tammo, 53, slain  by masked men at his home in Qamishli, northern Syria Friday, Oct. 7. debkafile: The killers were members of the Syrian Air Force Intelligence Directorate acting on direct orders from Assad.

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Turkish military exercise on Syrian border. Assad threatens Tel Aviv if attacked
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
October 4, 2011, 5:03 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags:  Syria   Bashar Assad   US   Leon Panetta   Israel   Tel Aviv   Turkey 
Syrian troops facing Turkey

War tensions between Turkey, NATO and Syria shot up again Tuesday, Oct. 4, with the announcement from Ankara that Turkey embarks Wednesday on a 10-day "mobilization" exercise in the southern province of Hatay along the Syrian borderwhere 7,000 Syrian refugees are sheltering. A visit by the Turkish prime minister is also expected. Earlier, debkafile reported exclusively that Bashar Assad had been threatening for three months to destroy Tel Aviv within six hours of an attack on Syria.

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Turkish warships harass Israeli freighters. Israeli missile boats off Cyprus
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
October 2, 2011, 11:10 AM (GMT+02:00)
Tags:  Turkey   Israel   Cyprus   Greece   NATO   Oil gas war   Mediterranean 
Israel F-15 warplanes react to Turkish harassment

Turkey's assertiveness has raised the concern of NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen and its fellow allies. Since Thursday, Sept. 29, Turkish warships have been harassing Israeli merchant vessels in waters off Cyprus, debkafile's military sources report, ordering them to change course in a bid to assert Turkish mastery in the eastern Mediterranean. Israel has sent warplanes to fly over the areas of the incidents.
Western naval sources say the situation is getting explosive enough to spark a major confrontation.

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Egypt uncovers Libyan SA-24 anti-air missiles and sea mines bound for Gaza
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
September 26, 2011, 2:14 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags:  Hamas   Hizballah   Israel   Iran   Libyan rebels   arms traffic 
SA-24 infrared missile from Libya to Gaza

Helped by highly sophisticated contraband weapons smuggled out of Libya, Iran and Hizballah are getting the Palestinian Hamas equipped for another round of hostilities with Israel. debkafile's military sources report that Sunday, Sept. 25, Egyptian security forces homed in near Ismailia on a large half-empty cache of advanced Libyan SA-24 anti-air infrared missiles (a version of the US Stinger). They grant Hamas high-, medium- and low-altitude capabilities. Many of the empty crates had also contained sea mines.  

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DEBKA-Net-Weekly    A sampling from past issues
Turkey Seeks Rule over Six Seas
DEBKA-Net-Weekly  #509
September 16, 2011
Tags:  Turkey   Israel   Greece   Cyprus   Mediterranean   gas   oil 
Barbarossa Hayreddin Pasha

Turkey's Operation Barbarossa aims to establish a naval and air force presence on six world seas while making a grab to wrest oil and gas from Israel and Greek Cyprus (Jews and Christians). DEBKA-Net-Weekly's military experts note that the Turkish Navy has 19 frigates, 14 submarines, 7 corvettes, 75 navy aircraft and 108 fast attack craft, manned by a total of 48,600 personnel. They are not up to challenging the US and European Mediterranean fleets and would be outmatched qualitatively even by Israel's much smaller navy ...

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Mid East Muslim Brothers Tested by Syrian crisis
DEBKA-Net-Weekly  #509
September 16, 2011
Tags:  Muslim Brotherhood   Egypt   Syria   Bashar Assad   Russia   China   Erdogan   US 
Bashar Assad

The Muslim Brotherhood's role in post-revolt Arab capitals – sought by Barack Obama – faces counter-pressure from Russia, China and Iran – particularly in Damascus. Not just Iran, but Russia and China too have stepped up their arms consignments to the regime, loath to see fundamentalist Muslim power reigning in any Middle East capital. In Damascus, Moscow has set up a military-diplomatic headquarters.

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Libya's Rebels Promise NATO Backers Hefty Oil Stakes
DEBKA-Net-Weekly  #507
September 2, 2011
Tags:  Libya   Muammar Qaddafi   Libyan rebels   oil   France   UK   Italy   US   NATO   Nicolas Sarkozy 
Nicolas Sarkozy and David Cameron

The lion's share is promised France of Libya's oil reserves with smaller stakes for Britain, Italy and Qatar. But the rebels may be counting their chickens too fast. First, the war is not yet won and the promises may stay on paper and second, only the US has the advanced technology for getting the oil out of the ground.

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US and Pakistan near military clash. Islamabad blames US Afghan "disarray"
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis
September 25, 2011, 5:53 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags:  Pakistan   US   Terrorists   Afghan War 
Pakistani army, intelligence chiefs

Amid spiraling Pakistani-US tensions, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani Sunday, Sept. 25, recalled Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar from New York shortly after she warned the US against "hot pursuit" of terrorists on Pakistani soil. Pakistan's army chief Gen. Ashfaq Kayani held a "special" meeting of top commanders "to review the security situation" – exacerbating the sense of crisis. debkafile: Pakistan appears to be steeling itself for a possible military clash with US soldiers after being accused of harboring and running terrorists.

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Israeli-Greek defense pact invoked versus Turkish naval and air movements
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
September 15, 2011, 10:51 AM (GMT+02:00)
Tags:  Israel   Greece   Turkey   Oil gas war   Mediterranean   Cyprus 
Turkish warplanes

Israel and Greece have invoked their new, secret mutual defense pact to counter heavy Turkish sea and air movements in the eastern Mediterranean. debkafile discloses that Israel may gain the new advantage of a military presence at Greek bases following a long phone conversation Wednesday night Sept. 14 between the Israeli and Greek prime ministers. They also agreed to share intelligence. Israel's expanded cabinet of eight was called into session over the Turkish threat to its off-shore oil and gas rigs.

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Erdogan drives toward armed clash with Israel. Oil and gas at stake
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
September 9, 2011, 12:04 AM (GMT+02:00)
Tags:  Turkey   Erdogan   Israel   Mediterranean   oil   Gaza blockade 
Tayyip Erdogan wants war with Israel

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan this week coolly moved his country towards an armed clash with Israel – not just over the Palestinian issue, but because he covets the gas and oil resources found opposite Israel's shores. He has ordered Turkish warships to enter the eastern Mediterranean in the belief that by breaking Israel's Gaza blockade, he will win kudos as the first Muslim leader to challenge Israel militarily on behalf of the Palestinians and Arab acclaim as the big shot of the region.

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DEBKAfile Exclusive: Qaddafi is hiding in Targan Oasis, Sahara
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
September 7, 2011, 12:14 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags:  Libya   Muammar Qaddafi   NATO   Libyan rebels   Sahara 
A typical oasis in Libyan Sahara

In a world exclusive, debkafile's intelligence sources reveal that Muammar Qaddafi, two of his sons and several thousand fighters have gone to ground at Targan. This dot on the vast Saharan map lies several hundred kilometers southwest of the remote desert town of Jiffra which, too, is more than 1,500 kilometers from rebel-held Tripoli. At Sirte and in a large enclave between this town and Tripoli, his loyalists are still holding out against Libyan rebels.

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