See all Show me
42. Nobody Can Predict The Moment Of Revolution
25 days ago
41. Silently Yellow
3 months ago
39. Ivaasks : Felix
3 months ago
38. Ivaasks : Mary Loudin
4 months ago
37. Ivaasks : Salt Lake
4 months ago
35. Ivaasks : TINY
4 months ago
32. Ivaasks : The Flamingo
6 months ago
31. Ivaasks: Sandra
6 months ago
29. Thread
8 months ago
27. Ivaasks: Saimon
8 months ago
26. Ivaasks: Judith
9 months ago
25. Ivaasks: NENE ALI
10 months ago
24. Following Crickets
10 months ago
23. Ivaasks: Nelson
11 months ago
22. Ivaasks: Ronnie
11 months ago
21. Ivaasks: Helge
1 year ago
20. Ivaasks: Leon
1 year ago
19. Ivaasks: G.H.
1 year ago
18. Ivaasks: CHUD
1 year ago
17. Ivaasks: Jan
1 year ago
(Check out the follow up video : vimeo.com/​30241489)

(on youtube: youtube.com/​watch?v=OwWInp75ua0 )

We want to share insights into the formation of a new social movement as it is still taking shape in real time. The video was shot during the 5th and 6th day of the occupation. This idea to occupy the financial district in New York City was inspired by recent uprisings in Spain, Greece, Egypt, and Tunisia which most of us were following online. Despite of the corporate media's effort to silence the protests, and Yahoo's attempt to to censor it in e-mail communication, the occupation is growing in numbers and spreading to other cities in the US and abroad.

Please forward our video to likeminded people via email, facebook, twitter - and make the voices of dissent circulate.

Find the latest news, learn how to participate and support:
  • The Film Artist plus 25 days ago
    Really well made, like reading those placards. The first time I heard of this, the beginnings of a middle eastern style revolution in the US. I think that many of us have lost the appreciation for the world we live in, the need to respect and serve the older generations whilst building a future for the next. The western economies rely heavily on consumerism maybe it’s time for everybody to readdress what is important to their economies to secure the future for their people. Financial centres are vital to the economy but in the wrong hands… The real challenge lies ahead when we near the depletion of our natural resources and reap the consequences of our damage to our home, planet Earth. [TFA30]
  • ivarad plus 25 days ago
    thank you for the support, its appreciated.
  • Paulo Jose 15 days ago
    Consumerism + credit = Debt and bankrupcy
    Production + savings = wealth for the people

    Stop consuming start producing and destroy the government!
  • Tom Chapple 25 days ago
  • ivarad plus 25 days ago
    thank you Tom! :)
  • begonia colomar 25 days ago
    Just sent it to friends in Spain.I will bike down there tomorrow.
  • ivarad plus 24 days ago
    thanks love!
  • fur alle falle 25 days ago
    nice video
    support from Spain
    keep join #occupywallstreet
  • Prudence 24 days ago
    Hey, thanks, please keep spreading, we have been facing incredible police brutality and want to communicate that we are a non-violent social movement!
  • Vikas Verma 24 days ago
  • mpared 24 days ago
    very very interesting its up at thecuriousbrain.com/​ :-)
  • ivarad plus 24 days ago
    thank you :)
  • Martyna Starosta 24 days ago
    Spread, spread, spread - Occupy Wall Street is in need of coverage and solidarity to amplify our voices of dissent!
  • fur alle falle 24 days ago
    linked to videocamping.cc/​referencia/​1212-nobody-can-predict

    #videocamping where we have lot of videos

  • ivarad plus 23 days ago
    thank you ! :)
  • The Aggregate 23 days ago
    This is absolutely amazing. The Aggregate whole heatedly supports this movement.

    We've got the video live on our channel, and site.


  • Backyard Auteur 24 days ago
    Very inspiring. Thank you!
  • Thank you! Glad to see some positive and quality footage of history in the making. Peace and love from the Rockies!
  • John Regalado 23 days ago
    great stuff. spreading the word.
  • Liam Leahy plus 22 days ago
    Great work, Iva. I wish I was in the city and down there...but this will suffice today. Keep doing ur thing!
  • AnEbO 22 days ago
    Stay strong. Don't let them keep us down. Supporter form Czech
  • Joey Dean 22 days ago
    They all seem to be confused over the actual reasons behind the occupation. Filming opinions in HD does not make them interesting opinions.
  • ps 20 days ago
    thank you for doing this.
  • getcloser.org plus 20 days ago
    well made, on the pulse
  • TIME to raise the Liberty Pole in Manhattan and ask the Lenape to return to set things straight, once and for once! en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​Liberty_pole
  • Diggable Monkey plus 19 days ago
    Reposted. Cheers!
  • ivarad plus 19 days ago
  • VaM 18 days ago
    Well done! We need more cities, countries and continents synchronized. Please allow to download this video. Best Regards
  • veriKami 17 days ago
    :-)) like the flow and the style
  • Manuel 17 days ago
    Great video! Thanks ivarad!
  • VideoBoem 17 days ago
    great job people. I have been following you from the day 1... respect and support from Bosnia and Herzegovina...
  • Stasha Tomic 17 days ago
    Keep up the great work Iva.
  • ivarad plus 17 days ago
    hvala Stasha! :)
  • Howard Barrett 17 days ago
    Good idea not to use YouTube or any other media exclusively. If shut down one place, your voice continues!!!
  • Terry plus 17 days ago
    Beautifully shot!
    Love the first person approach.
  • Vladimir Koncar plus 16 days ago
    Sjajno! Bas me zanima kako ce to sve skupa zavrsiti.
  • //ŁUKASZ KULA// 16 days ago
    great job guys! greetings from cologne/germany
  • Plastico-Plastico 15 days ago
  • TriumphMark 15 days ago
    Keep up the GOOD work!!!
  • weezerle 15 days ago
    Best wishes from germany!
    Stay peacefull!
    Great video message.
    I love to see people who are different to the picture of america wich is drawn to us by our media. Here in germany we havent heared much about you in the classic media so far. But now they are starting to cover your protests! So keep on, we are listening! I love to see that happening! Until these days we have just seen FOX news' tea-party-America. And i think its not a secret when i tell you that those tea-party-movements are freaking scary!
    So keep up, be strong and peacefull!
    Listen to each other and discuss respectfully what to do to help america and the world to become a better place for us all. We just have this one short life on this small vulnerable planet. Lets work together on our future, lets make it fair and with repect for the human rights of all!
    America can make a huge difference in this process, we count on you!
    Thank you!
  • ivarad plus 15 days ago
  • Pygmalion Karatzas 15 days ago
    solidarity from Greece!
  • Jenny Morgan 15 days ago
    thank you for your amazing work. it's beautiful storytelling. consider me your newest & most enthusiastic fan.
  • Kevin Bud Jones plus 15 days ago
    Really compelling work - excellent camera and editing.
  • Marcus Vinicius 12 days ago
    Congratulations, pretty good video, ivarad! I think these means of information, like altenative news websites, are essential to diffuse important facts all over the world that we don't use to know about through 'common' channels. I've to admit that I don't remember when I was happier, in a political sense, then I'm today seeing all these movements in Europe, Asia and USA. Hugs from Brazil!
  • rickflick 11 days ago
    Way cool.
  • Wow!!! thanx for your job
  • Genco Films 8 days ago
    Excellent work. Just tweeted it.
  • Fantastic, great camera work and editing!
  • Nice doc. Just posted on the Atlantic video channel:

  • Genco Films 7 days ago
    Had to revisit this piece. Regardless of what happens with this movement this film will be a vital document of its early days.
  • Adam Ben Harush 5 days ago
    What is the name of the font you did use for the "Nobody Can Predict The Moment Of Revolution"? (the yellow/black font) i wanna do a movie at a demonstration tomorrow in Berlin, lets use the same typo to connect the movements!
  • F Aguirre plus 4 days ago
    I'm with you.
  • Adam Ben Harush 3 days ago
This conversation is missing your voice. Take five seconds to join Vimeo or log in.



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