The Steve Jobs Market Bottom

  • Posted by on October 6th, 2011 at 1:39 am
  • Comments: 11

It’s just a bummer right now for sure.

BUT…the US markets will open tomorrow. Products will ship and America will begin to anoint the next Steve Jobs because that’s what America does. America has the shortest memory and the best sense of humor. We are hated for it.

No doubt Steve was in pain and had to hate being so sick for so long, but he won. He won big.

He makes #winning seem dumber than ever. I can smile about that.

I can smile at a tweet that says ‘The Winklevosses say the created Apple’. That’s just funny as shit all the time.

Making fun of and hating Bank Of America is still ok too.

When Osama was finally blasted, we had the ‘Osama’ top. The market went straight down for a few months…just maybe in hindsight to remind us about the pain that that motherfucker caused.

It makes sense that we have a Steve Job’s bottom. He stood for optimism, comebacks from the brink, innovation and beating giants (he cheated a bit and was a Mutt…totally American).

It’s now up to someone else to take on Goldman Sachs.

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