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Time to pay up!
Following the unprecedented step of the European Commission tabling legislation for the Financial Transaction Tax, David Hillman explains why taxing the financial sector has never been so important and why success may only be a few months away.
Left blocked
Los indignados: the emerging politics of outrage

health »

Healthy alternatives
Colin Leys looks at how Scotland and Wales have rejected marketising the NHS
Making sense of the ‘pause’ in the health bill
The worst fears confirmed
palestine »

Breaking the silence
Michael Pooler discovers how former IDF soldiers are opening up about life in the occupied territories.
Palestine’s wandering poet
After the flotilla
media »

A glasnost moment?
There is great potential for a real transformation in the British media and politics, writes Sarah-Jayne Clifton
Political designs for our times
Activism 3.0
cuts »

The assault on public services – how can the unions fightback?
Canadian trade unionists Michael Hurley and Sam Gindin propose new strategies for a labour movement facing new challenges.
Organising ourselves
Big Society brings little aid

Bristol: Chameleon skin, seditious heart
Bristol has a progressive social fabric that sustains radical thinkers, artists and activists. Dan Iles shows us round
Copenhagen: Something radical in the state of Denmark
Radical road round Dublin

books »

It’s possible, it’s necessary
Antonio David Cattani reviews Ours to Master and to Own by Immanuel Ness and Dario Azzellini (eds)
The pursuit of the good
In the revolutionary warm-stream
film »

Crowd allowed
Siobhan McGuirk on the way inspiring new documentary Just Do It was made
Film review: Unwrapping the drugs debate
From kitchen sink to fish tank
in pictures »

Bangladesh: Forty years free
Photographs from Bangladesh’s 1971 struggle for independence
Kanaval: Mardi Gras in a Haitian town

Refounding the politics of labour
Ed Miliband's speech had little to say on the unions. Hilary Wainwright urges the Labour leader to embrace a newly political trade unionism
Jeremy Hardy thinks… about Ed Miliband
Being led by Ed

science »

Audio: Science roundtable
Listen to Red Pepper’s roundtable on science, corporates and democracy.
Out of the laboratory
Jeremy Hardy thinks… about genes
africa »

South Africa: Power to the people
Bobby Peek tells how the struggle for environmental rights is intertwined with the one over access to energy
Voices from the Tunisian Revolution
Dispatches from Tunisia
law »

Ritz justice
A bill going through parliament threatens to make access to justice a right available only to the rich. Jon Robins reports
Justice as rough as ever
Big Society brings little aid

We are winning – so what do we want? More reflections from a Wall Street Occupier.
“Walking off the job is the only way to express our anger” An electrician explains why he and his colleagues feel so angry about the imposition of new contracts.
Thoughts of a Wall St. occupier With the occupation of Wall St now in its third week, occupier Yotam Marom shares his thoughts

red hot

this week's most-read

latest by...

Hilary Wainwright
Refounding the politics of labour

Mike Marqusee
This is what Swazi democracy looks like

Jeremy Hardy
Jeremy Hardy thinks… about Ed Miliband

Edible treasures: foraging for food
Forget plastic packaging – foraging can be sustainable and fun, writes Sophie Haydock

The bankers’ friend
Who controls the taxpayer-owned bailed out banks? Michael Moran and Karel Williams investigate

and more

Miles Barter's union blog for Red Pepper

Red Pepper is a magazine of political rebellion and dissent, influenced by socialism, feminism and green politics. more »


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Cocaine Unwrapped
The War You Don't See