USA: Wall Street rocked by anti-capitalist protests – time to build a labor party!

Written by Alan Woods Thursday, 06 October 2011

USA: Wall Street rocked by anti-capitalist protests – time to build a labor party! Photo: bogieharmondYesterday Wall Street was rocked by a mass demonstration of over 15,000 people protesting against “corporate greed.” The crowd jammed the square and stretched for blocks along Broadway. This unprecedented protest was a manifestation of the mood of anger, bitterness and frustration that has been accumulating for years in American society, which had already previously erupted in the big demonstrations and walkouts in Madison, Wisconsin, culminating in the occupation of the Capitol.


Iran: Massive strike of more than 6000 petrochemical workers

Written by Hamid Alizadeh Thursday, 06 October 2011

Since Sunday, September 25th more than 6000 casual workers at the Bandar Imam petro-chemical complex – Iran’s 14th largest company, based on reported sales – in the south eastern part of Iran have been on strike. In solidarity with them, workers from at least four other petrochemical plants in the “Petrochemical Special Economic Zone” (PETZONE), housing some of the largest petrochemical complexes of Iran, have been involved in the conflict.


[Audio] Erik Demeester on Soviets, councils and workers' power

Written by Erik Demeester Thursday, 06 October 2011

Erik Demeester of Vonk (Belgium) speaking on Soviets, councils and workers' power at the recent World School of the IMT.


India: Power Loom Worker's Strike Back in Punjab State

Written by Major Singh Wednesday, 05 October 2011

On 3rd October, striking Power Loom workers from various areas of Ludhiana gathered to demonstrate in front of the Labour Department offices for a second time to increase the pressure on local officials to get their demands met. This was the 12th day of the workers’ struggle to get a pay increase to offset the recent rises in inflation and to have labour laws enforced that are part of the Indian constitution. These have yet to be accepted by the employers who are trying their best in order to ignore the plight of the workers.


Pakistan: Imperialism and the All-Party Circus

Written by Lal Khan Wednesday, 05 October 2011

As if the catastrophic effects of terrorism, flooding, violence, the dengue plague and other innumerable disasters were not enough, the ruling elite and its brash media has hyped up the empty imperialist provocations and vague threats, adding to the mental trauma the masses were already suffering in Pakistan.


[Audio] Jorge Martín on the Spanish Revolution

Written by Jorge Martín Wednesday, 05 October 2011

Jorge Martín speaking on the Spanish Revolution at the recent World School of the IMT.


USA: Youth Hit the Streets; Labor Must Join Them!

Written by John Peterson in the USA Tuesday, 04 October 2011

USA: Youth Hit the Streets; Labor Must Join Them! -“Enough is enough! We are the 99%!” This is the sentiment being expressed by the brave youth now occupying Freedom Plaza in New York City, just a few feet away from Wall Street. This is the pent-up feeling of millions—no—billions of people around the world. Enough unemployment! Enough war! Enough poverty! Enough discrimination!


1936: The Battle of Cable Street

Written by Sam Ashton Tuesday, 04 October 2011

1936: The Battle of Cable Street - www.marxist.comThe 4th October marks the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Cable Street, a momentous event in which the working people of London united to deliver a decisive blow against the menace British fascism. In this article we commemorate the brave stand of those workers who fought the fascists while seeking to expose the real nature of fascism and drawing lessons for today's struggles against the English Defence League (EDL) and the British National Party (BNP).


Ireland: UNISON Health and Education strike: All out on the 5th

Written by Fightback Industrial (Ireland) Tuesday, 04 October 2011

UNISON Health and Education strike: All out on the 5thThe 24 hour strike by UNISON members to defend Health and Education Services in the North is an indication of the scale of the crisis in the public sector. But its also the most significant trade union struggle to hit the North since the onset of the current economic crisis.


Indonesia: Stop complaining! – a sober look at the September 30th Movement

Written by Ted Sprague Monday, 03 October 2011

Indonesia: Stop complaining! – a sober look at the September 30th Movement - www.marxist.comThe September 30th anniversary commemorating the “failed” 1965 “G30S coup” has come round once again. It was a dark day that changed the fate of the Indonesian toiling masses. The Good Book says, “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.” (Matthew 20:16). The same fate but in reverse befell the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) that was reduced from being the largest Communist party outside the Soviet Union and China to a handful surviving in the underground and in exile. It is no exaggeration to say that the collapse of the PKI transformed the world political order in Indonesia.


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Lucha de Clases - nueva web

Written by Thursday, 06 October 2011

Lucha de Clases - nueva webNos complace anunciar la nueva página web de Lucha de Clases en el Estado Español, publicada por  un grupo de militantes de Izquierda Unida que comparten los análisis políticos de la Corriente Marxista Internacional.


México: VI Encuentro Continental en Solidaridad con Cuba: Un espacio para fortalecer la lucha antiimperialista

Written by Carlos Márquez Wednesday, 05 October 2011

El 7 de octubre debe salir en libertad condicional René González después de estar preso durante 13 años en las cárceles estadounidenses. Él es uno de los 5 antiterroristas cubanos presos por el imperialismo estadounidense. Su libertad no se debe a razones humanitarias ni a la benevolencia del gobierno norteamericano: la única razón es que ya ha cubierto su condena aunque le quedan 3 años de libertad condicional. La saña con la que el imperialismo ha actuado contra estos compañeros es una venganza hacia el pueblo cubano y su revolución por atreverse a dirigir sus propios destinos sin obedecer los dictados imperialistas y empezar a construir una sociedad socialista.


Sorpresa sorpresa: “Los gobiernos no gobiernan el mundo, lo gobierna Goldman Sachs”

Written by Jorge Martin Tuesday, 04 October 2011

Sorpresa sorpresa: “Los gobiernos no gobiernan el mundo, lo gobierna Goldman Sachs”En una entrevista que dejó atónita a la presentadora de BBC News, un “broker independiente”, Alessio Rastani, dio su opinión muy francamente acerca de las perspectivas para la economía mundial. “Esta crisis económica es como un cáncer, si simplemente esperas y esperas esperando que se vaya el cáncer crecerá y será demasiado tarde”, dijo, añadiendo que los gobiernos no serían capaces de recomponer sus economías.


Multitudinarias marchas en la huelga general: ¿Quiénes son los aliados de los indígenas?

Written by El Militante (Bolivia) Monday, 03 October 2011

Multitudinarias marchas en la huelga general: ¿Quiénes son los aliados de los indígenas? - www.marxist.comPronunciamiento de la Corriente Marxista Internacional frente al rotundo éxito de la huelga general del miércoles, sobre las tareas de la COB y las perspectivas del movimiento indígena en esta convulsiva coyuntura.



Written by Miguel Jiménez - Responsable Organización IU Puerto de la Torre (Málaga) Friday, 30 September 2011

UN OTOÑO DE MOVILIZACIONES. CÓMO AVANZAR EN LA LUCHA - Foto: arribalasqueluchanEl estallido del Movimiento 15-M ha representado la entrada en la escena política de una generación de jóvenes que no participó en la llamada Transición, en los años 70. El consenso político y social que se alcanzó en la misma, a través de su Constitución, de sus pactos sociales,…, sellado con la llegada del PSOE al poder en 1982, con Felipe González (hoy consejero de la multinacional Gas Natural), objetivamente, está en cuestión hoy en día.



Written by Pepe Blanes. IU Vitoria Friday, 30 September 2011

¡¡O ELLOS O NOSOTROS !!"Hay que optar entre: nuestros intereses, los de  quiénes con nuestro trabajo diario producimos la riqueza o el de ellos, la ínfima minoría de empresarios, banqueros y capitalistas que acaparan la riqueza del país y que continúan imponiendo su receta de más y más recortes, con el único y egoísta objetivo de mantener sus privilegios. O ellos o nosotros" Artículo central del extra de Octubre de Lucha de Clases


La crisis griega: Europa al borde de un precipicio

Written by Alan Woods Thursday, 29 September 2011

The greek crisis: Europe on the brink of a precipe - Foto: Jeff McneillEuropa está al borde de un precipicio. Este es el juicio, no sólo de los marxistas, sino de los estrategas más serios del Capital. Apenas seis semanas han pasado desde el último paquete de rescate griego, y ya se está desmoronando. Ahora hay una crisis general de confianza en las filas de la burguesía internacional. El pánico, que se refleja en los giros salvajes de las bolsas de valores, se ha extendido rápidamente desde Europa a América. Es una especie de contagio mortal que ha infectado a todos los grandes países de la zona euro.

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