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The Future of Learning, Now

Upcoming Course Enrollments:

The Mises Academy (founded 2010) is the online teaching service of the Ludwig von Mises Institute (founded 1982), designed for students of all ages. Drawing on the Mises Institute’s expert faculty, and long experience in curriculum design and classroom administration, the Academy advances the scholarship and teaching of liberty using digital media. Classes have an economics focus, but cover history, philosophy, law, politics, literature, and more.

Classes include forums, readings, video and audio, study questions, quizzes, forums, chats, live interaction with the professor, office hours, grading, transcripts, and more (tests and grading are optional). Students enjoy access to blogs and class-specific forums, providing opportunities to get to know fellow students. Papers can be uploaded, corrected and commented upon. Students have permanent access to their records. A complete support staff is here to help you. See this video introduction.

Very few classes have really changed my life dramatically, actually only 3 have, and all 3 were classes I took at the Mises Academy.” ~ Marc Abela, student

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