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Front Page The best stories of the day, chosen by you.

Why I Uninstalled OpenBSD

By Trollaxor in Op-Ed
Thu Oct 06, 2011 at 10:27:29 PM EST
Tags: BSD, OpenBSD, Theo de Raadt, Trollaxor (all tags)

I uninstalled OpenBSD the other day after using it since version 3.1 came out nine years ago. I had grown used to it and contributed too, following the OpenBSD mailing lists and even submitting code a couple of times. But when I began thinking seriously about security, things began to change.

(From http://www.trollaxor.com/2011/10/why-i-uninstalled-openbsd.html)

Full Story (10 comments, 567 words in story)

Who Will Win the Upcoming "Class War" in America?

By N0574 in Meta
Wed Sep 21, 2011 at 01:11:40 PM EST
Tags: MLP, taxes, class warfare, plutocracy (all tags)

When I heard news of Obama's "tax the rich" plan my first thought was "is it even legal to tax the rich in the USA today?" During the Bush Administration the wealthiest 5% of Americans got a $580 billion tax cut, live far more luxurious lives than the normal citizens, and have gotten a free ride for so long it's almost inconceivable...tax them? Hard even for Democrats to imagine it appears, since the last thing Obama said was look ""This is not class warfare. It's math." This is playing into the American right's anti-government rhetoric, and I believe the President made a serious blunder by putting it that way.

Instead, Obama should try to make it very clear what exactly his plans really are and why we need the rich to pay for these programs. Even if he does, chances are the current band of extremely anti-state conservatives in congress will do everything in its power to block the increases. OTOH, if he succeeds Obama might well get re-elected: killing a $1.3 trillion deficit largely inherited from the Bush administration's reckless spending is an epic "war" indeed.

Full Story (93 comments, 449 words in story)

9/11 + 10: America still impotent, rapidly forgetting

By krkrbt in Meta
Sun Sep 11, 2011 at 09:52:05 PM EST
Tags: hot shit, mojo, gangrene, energy viagra, box cutters, horsecock (all tags)

Ten years and a day ago, on September 10th 2001, America was hot shit. Our military maintained bases across the planet, and our fleets of supercarrier-backed battle groups maintained our dominance across the world's oceans.

Then 9/11 happened, and the world learned that Big Stud Uncle Sam was completely impotent. Just like a body-builder whose testicles shriveled up from decades of steroid use, America's trillion-dollar-a-year defense industry was completely flaccid when we were attacked with 19 box-cutters.

No matter how many brown people we kill in the Forever War, America will never get its mojo back.

However, 10 years has given us enough perspective to say one thing for sure: while an impotent bodybuilder can take a blue pill to perform, not even Energy Viagra can help with gangrene of the nation's horsecock.

Full Story (31 comments, 308 words in story)

Fuck the 9/11 First Responders

By Zombie Tyler Durden in Culture
Sun Sep 11, 2011 at 04:16:01 PM EST
Tags: (all tags)

Sunday will commemorate the 10th anniversary of the horrific 9/11 terrorist attacks. The day will undoubtedly be filled with sorrow, remorse, contemplation, and remembrance for those who lost their lives. Personal stories will touch all of us. And there will come a time where we will be told we must hold praise for the 9/11 first responders - dead and alive - for risking their lives heroically that day.

I confess, my thoughts will not lie with the 9/11 first responders that day.

Full Story (17 comments, 352 words in story)

Michael Calls Lucy

By messybuu in Fiction
Fri Sep 09, 2011 at 12:44:39 AM EST
Tags: Warp Life, Strippers, Conversations, Delusions, Soon to be Nonfiction (all tags)

Not one person on the bus could avert his eyes from Michael's massive member as it strained the seams of his chinos, but his own eyes were affixed to the cocktail napkin graced with the phone number of Lucy, his new friend from the Pink Poodle. After weeks of conversation in which Michael detailed his glorious past, he finally developed the courage to ask her for her number. Not only did she write down her number, but she even drew a heart next to her name. Clearly she found him attractive, and why shouldn't she? He was a successful developer and talented keyboardist, and though she was but a college dropout forced into the cruel world of stripping, she was unique among her peers in that she had intelligence. While his so-called friends criticized his every action, she saw the genius of his work. "Those ignorant mother fuckers are going to feel like fools when I tell them this!" he shouted to nobody in particular.

Full Story (15 comments, 731 words in story)

When Should You Shoot A Cop?

By Zombie Tyler Durden in Politics
Wed Aug 10, 2011 at 12:43:30 PM EST
Tags: (all tags)

Plagiarized from here.

When Should You Shoot A Cop

That question, even without an answer, makes most "law-abiding taxpayers" go into knee-jerk conniptions. The indoctrinated masses all race to see who can be first, and loudest, to proclaim that it is NEVER okay to forcibly resist "law enforcement." In doing so, they also inadvertently demonstrate why so much of human history has been plagued by tyranny and oppression.

In an ideal world, cops would do nothing except protect people from thieves and attackers, in which case shooting a cop would never be justified. In the real world, however, far more injustice, violence, torture, theft, and outright murder has been committed IN THE NAME of "law enforcement," than has been committed in spite of it.

Full Story (24 comments, 1585 words in story)

London Calling

By Wen Jian in Culture
Tue Aug 09, 2011 at 02:32:23 PM EST
Tags: riots, police, shootings, race relations, craziness (all tags)

I'm not sure why, but I went into work today. And for a while that seemed almost a normal thing to do. But the last three nights now have been the most chaotic thing I've ever seen. It has got to the point where seeing 50 or a hundred youths having a ding-dong battle with the police is kind of an anticlimax, because while they're doing that they are at least not torching fucking everything. A tiger seems to have been released from London Zoo, last spotted in Primrose Hill -what we Brits lack in firepower, we make up for in ingeniuity. (Note, this is now confirmed a hoax - too good to let go, though).

Full Story (61 comments, 1508 words in story)

Getting to know Anders Behring Breivik

By Vampire Zombie Abu Musab al Zarqawi in News
Sun Jul 24, 2011 at 02:49:51 PM EST
Tags: assholology (all tags)

By now it's known that the Norwegian bomber/shooter responsible for the loss of more than 80 lives 'probably wasn't' a Jihadist after all, but rather a white, blond aryan type. Right-winger, most definitely, and even self-proclaimed nationalist, but not quite the Neo-Nazi one would expect. He's from the 'nice' part of town, and a bona fide Freemason. The last few years, he's been quite active at the Norwegian xenophobic 'Islam critical' discussion site document.no, who kindly collected his musings in one big html file (everything in Norwegian). The site is currently not responding.

It should be noted about document.no that it's not at all a racist hangout, in that it obsesses about 'culture' rather than 'race', and also has a policy of kicking out racist hate speech. Then again, what is racism, other than an ideological and pseudo-scientific attempt at rationalising and defining one group's inherent superiority vs others? And how does the modern day culture warrior differ? The difference is of course in levels of political incorrectness, in that racists have no credible public voice, whereas the culturalists can and do try to change society at large through participation in political debate. Racism is offensive; culturalism almost PC. That also means that in contrast to racists and Neo-Nazis, it's not a group you'd expect extreme violence from. Neither would document.no, I suppose, and I'm certain that they do not support Behring Breivik's actions. His last comment is from October 2010.

Full Story (24 comments, 893 words in story)

the story of my subincision

By subincis in Meta
Thu Jul 14, 2011 at 12:32:15 PM EST
Tags: stories (all tags)

This is the story of a journey that took 30 years before reaching completion:

how I started with piercing the fraenum, then eliminated the fraenum, then went into a meatotomy to end up with a full subincision.

Full Story (19 comments, 4193 words in story)

Ask-K5: The Michael Crawford-o-thon

By mirko in Op-Ed
Fri Jun 03, 2011 at 12:07:47 AM EST
Tags: gayformdc, gayforcrawford, horsecock, k5isdying (all tags)

Once in a while, a community has to reflect upon its own values and choose to help its member in order to strentghten itself.

Yesterday, it came to our attention that Michael David Crawford's web sites are slowly expiring and it would be about time that we reflected upon how we could give back to MDC, the man some learnt to hate to love, but nobody ever loved to hate, the attention he's been giving away.

Full Story (40 comments, 683 words in story)

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o yes 37%
o no 10%
o only to idiots that watch: 35%
o fox 17%
o msnbc 11%
o nbc 11%
o abc 11%
o cnn 12%
o australian broadcasting corp 14%
o BBC 10%
o BBC4 lol 12%
o CBC 10%
o it has always been this way 21%
o and it will continue 19%
o but it was more... colourful in the 1700's. 33%

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Front Page

Tuesday, May 3rd
o Osama bin Ladin; gone but not forgotten. (20 comments)

Wednesday, April 6th
o Gnome 3.0: an early review (19 comments)

Wednesday, February 23rd
o Sex Diaries of an Ogg Frog Developer (23 comments)

Wednesday, January 12th
o Judiciary Abdicated. Republic Dead. All Hail Emperor Obama! (45 comments)

Monday, December 20th

Sunday, December 5th
o The New York Times Editorial Board Should Be Executed For Treason (49 comments)

Wednesday, November 24th
o Our lunatic Military (23 comments)
o Dear Prudence (5 comments)

Monday, October 18th
o The continuing minor intellectual impact of kuro5hin.org (26 comments)

Wednesday, October 13th
o Death, Facebook and Cognitive Dissonance (28 comments)

Thursday, September 2nd
o Cocoa Memory Management: the 7 Step Program (17 comments)

Monday, June 28th
o Salaryman's Bank Performance Report (20 comments)

Thursday, June 24th
o Booting Up with Salaryman (18 comments)

Sunday, June 13th
o Why I Almost Gave OpenBSD $100,000--But Didn't (51 comments)

Friday, May 21st
o What Really Killed K5 (106 comments)

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NetBSD: Designed to Fail
by Trollaxor

Class Warfare My Ass
by Nimey

Civilization And Its Enemies
by QuantumG

Where Keynes Failed: An Empirical Analysis Of A Praxeological Conclusion
by LilDebbie

In Memoriam: Victims of Child Rape at the Hands of the Belief Institute
by Zombie Tyler Durden

Crawford Cliff Notes
by Zombie Tyler Durden

mumble's k5 comment watcher
by mumble

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reddit shutsdown /r/jailbait
by McNugent

Apple is doomed!
by messybuu

Nerd Rage: Platform Wars Part XII
by Lexx Core

Richard Stallman trolls world, Kuro5hin fails it
by HackerCracker

I Just Fixed My Ubuntu 11.04 Booting Problem
by Zombie Jesus Christ

All you RonPaul bum boys are going to love this
by Wen Jian

Ask K5: Game Strategy
by United Fools

mini-tower update
by Marvin Suggs

Even Reuters think Messybuu is a fucktard
by Wen Jian

Taking a Ghetto Linkdump
by N0574

Attn: LilDebbie
by Morally Inflexible

Squee! Squee! Squee!
by Pnarp

"Steve Jobs was just a salesman!"
by messybuu

Story Fail: Fuck Steve Jobs!
by Lexx Core

fat bottom girls sure do rage a lot...
by Del Griffith


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