Social Movement Prisoners

Social Movement Prisoners are prisoners who we support who were actively engaged in the work or advancement of social struggle before their capture by the state. For the majority of these prisoners, these actions are what led to their capture by the state. In some instances, members of our social movements end up in prison for other actions, but still have our support. This list is updated as often as possible. If you have any updates to addresses, suggestions for prisoners we should list, please contact us.

Anarchist Movement Prisoners

The Cleveland 4


Tinley Park 5

(Addresses and case information in link)


The Holy Land Five


Black/New Afrikan Liberation

Angola Three


Nebraska 2

New York 3

Cuban Five

Green Scare/Earth Liberation

Indigenous Prisoners

Puerto Rican Prisoners of War

United Freedom Front

Other National Liberation

Virgin Island 5

War Resisters

35 Responses

    • Greetings! It’s Anthony from South Chicago ABC. Please send me your complete mailing address and I’ll send you zines from our distro. Take care! @nthony

  1. [...] you are ready to support anarchist political prisoners, the Denver Anarchist Black Cross has a comprehensive database of political prisoners in the United States. There are also several useful websites with tips for writing to political [...]

  2. Hi guys
    Can you add our man from the UK to your database : Elija Smith, been on remand for 14 months for decommissioning the EDO/ITT military factory . currently in
    HMP Lewes, Brighton Rd, Lewes BN7 1EA .UK A3186AM
    Thanks Bob

    • This database doesn’t include any prisoners held outside of the US prison system, and I think the collective wants to keep it that way. Maybe some day we’ll add a page for other countries.

      • Actually I see one out of US prisoner- Mandy Hiscocks (she is in Canada).
        Canada should be added to the end of the mailing address for letters to get to her, plus the postage costs more if they are writing from the US.

  3. [...] Elmwood. Thanks for all your support. If you’re itching to write to a prisoner, stop by the Denver Anarchist Black Cross for some ideas and addresses. And, most importantly, keep your eye out for the tensions where you [...]

  4. I’m curious why the collective would choose to keep it only Americans?

    • While we will organize support for various cases internationally, our focus is on prisoners in the U.S. because we have limited resources, and with nearly 100 prisoners in the U.S. that are identified as political/pow, and with another 2 million social prisoners, we have our handsful with the support we are providing and the agitation and organization we are supporting amongst the general prison populace.

      However, we did make a decision to have an international listing on our site, which should be in existence in the coming months. The only problem with this is dealing with keeping our site fully updated with changes of addresses, releases, transfers, etc. It’s a multiple hour process each week to keep track of those situations in the U.S. Keeping an international listing updated is going to be super consuming of time and resources. But if you or anyone is willing to help keep us updated on moves and changes of address, that would be a real help!

  5. Jail address until Nov23rd 2010 sentencing:

    David Japenga 153760
    950 Second Avenue
    Pittsburgh, PA 15219

  6. [...] Herman Wallace #76759 Elaine Hunt Correctional Center Unit 5 E-Tier PO Box 174 St Gabriel, LA 70776 [...]

  7. [...] original birthday list and Denver Anarchist Black Cross for keeping up with the ever changing addresses of US political Prisoners. We now have pdfs of almost all of the posters so far (except february 2010) on our recently [...]

  8. [...] original birthday list and Denver Anarchist Black Cross for keeping up with the ever changing addresses of US political Prisoners. We now have pdfs of almost all of the posters so far (except february 2010) on our recently [...]

  9. [...] about imprisoned North American Revolutionaries, Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War visit   or [...]

  10. [...] Es común que las y los presos políticos, siempre y cuando no se mantengan en aislamiento total,  ayuden a los presos jóvenes, den clases de diferentes tipos, promuevan el desarrollo de una consciencia social y ayuden a resolver problemas entre pandillas en las prisiones.  En varios casos, el hostigamiento contra ellos ha aumentado durante el año pasado, como en el caso de Leonard Peltier, quien ahora está en el ‘hoyo’, y  Jalil Muntaqim, recientemente trasladado a Ática donde ahora le fabrican una acusación de “pandillerismo”. En el caso de Mumia Abu-Jamal, las autoridades han aumentado sus esfuerzos para lograr su ejecución. Se espera una decisión de la Suprema Corte en su caso próximamente.; [...]

  11. justin solondz and david japenga are missing from the list

  12. Howdy Front Rangers,

    I’ve been working on a similar website: You could really flesh out this database with some of these sites.

  13. What about Andrew Mickel; an anarchist arrested, convicted and sentenced to death for assasinating a police officer.

  14. [...] var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s); })();ABC We have collected many different political prisoner lists and followed up with each one to ensure [...]

  15. [...] month.  The DABC also keeps an updated database of political prisoners you can check it out at: Share this:TwitterFacebookLike this:LikeBe the first to like this [...]

  16. Does anyone know the current situation of SLA prisoner Joe Remiro?

  17. [...] Mark Neiween, Christopher French and Sebastian Senakiewicz. Please take a moment of your time to write them a letter or support or use information available to plug into other support efforts. Share [...]

  18. [...] (1 ) Denver Anarchist Black Cross has compiled a great list and connections for mailings to these our hero’s and and sheros. See HERE. [...]

  19. [...] to keep writing to Matt! How about a weekly get-together with your friends to write to Matt and other prisoners? 10 minutes out of your day could make a world of difference for someone locked in a cage! Share [...]

  20. Anyway you could make this into a printable list? That would really help with disseminating this information…thanks!

  21. Hello! Would you be able to add Sergey Yefimobich Turzhanskiy to the list? He is being held on suspicion of firebombing a squad car.
    His address is:
    Sergey Yefimobich Turzhanskiy #768738
    11540 NE Inverness Dr,
    Portland OR 97220

  22. Thanks for building this list. I’m looking exclusively for a list of political prisoners who are opposed to violence, specifically those who abide by the non-aggression principle. Does this list meet that specification? I’ve nothing against anyone on this list personally, but I’d like to promote such a list with people who only support the non-aggression principle. Cheers and thanks for your hard work!

  23. [...] Here is a link to a Social Movement Database, write to some Political Prisoners: [...]

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