B'Tselem USA

Recognizing the central role of the United States both in terms of its historic alliance with Israel and its efforts to facilitate a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, B’Tselem has established an American presence to inform the political and public discourse in this country and to ensure that human rights are a centerpiece of both the bilateral relationship as well as diplomatic efforts.


US Office Highlights

The discussion will be hosted by Americans for Peace Now, Foundation for Middle East Peace, Churches for Middle East Peace & B'Tselem USA. Wednesday, September 21, 12:00- 1:30 pm, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Choate Room, 1779 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC.

Jessica Montell

Following the recent announcement of B’Tselem’s Public Council, B’Tselem USA announces the formation of its influential Advisory Board. The board consists of leaders of the American Jewish community, policy think tanks, academia and foundations.

"B'Tselem plays a crucial role, a brave and honorable role of calling Israel to live up to the words in its own Declaration of Independence, to be a state that will pursue freedom, justice and peace."

"Beyond Goldstone: A Truer Discussion of Israel, Hamas and the Gaza Conflict"
By Jessica Montell, B'Tselem Executive Director, The Washington Post, 5 April 2011.

"Partial Acquital"
By Uri Zaki, B'Tselem USA Director, Foreign Policy, 6 April 2011.