Two interesting articles

March 10th, 2011, posted by Admin

The historian Ben Elton has published a paper making an orthodox Jewish case for orthdox rabbis attening Limmud. Read it here.

Keith Kahn-Harris has published an essay ‘On Engagement’ that discusses the boundaries and limits of engaging with the other.

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Dialogue session at Limmud

January 5th, 2011, posted by Keith Kahn-Harris

I organised and facilitated a diallgue at Limmud between David Newman and Gerald Steinberg. Both of them are UK-born Israel academics who, in recent years, have often been on different sides on debates about Israeli politics. The aim of the session was to encourage them to ‘talk about talking’ , to talk about the tone [...]

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Announcement of New Jewish Thought dialogue project

December 22nd, 2010, posted by Keith Kahn-Harris

For the last 18 months, my wife Deborah and I have been hosting and facilitating a series of confidential dinner parties to promote greater civility in the Anglo-Jewish community particularly in reference to public debate about Israel. We have hosted dinners with senior communal professionals, lay leaders, journalists, rabbis and politicians.
I have published an article [...]

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Houses of Prayer

July 20th, 2010, posted by Admin

A post for Tisha B’Av from Stephen Handley

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Dialogue on Gaza Flotilla Crisis

June 20th, 2010, posted by Admin

The Jewish Dialogue Group in the US has, with impressive speed, put out an agenda for dialogues on the Gaza flotilla crisis.

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New York event on Israel

June 18th, 2010, posted by Admin

Following Peter Beinart’s well-publicised recent article that  argued that young US Jews were being ‘lost’ by the Jewish establishment, through being forced to chooose between liberalism and the support for Israel, it’s interesting to see this event being organised in New York:

Love, Hate and the Jewish State 3.0:
What’s Jewish about a Jewish State?
Thursday, June 24 at [...]

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A civil letter on Islamic fundamentalism in Europe

March 5th, 2010, posted by Admin

Stephen Handley, who has written on this site before, has allowed us to publish a letter he wrote to a fellow member of his schul on the divisive question of Islamic fundamentalism in Europe. The letter is a good example of how to have a civil dialogue about a difficult issue. We reproduce it here prefaced by Stephen’s intro to the letter.

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An American Jewish resolution on civility

February 25th, 2010, posted by Keith Kahn-Harris

The American Jewish Council of Public Affairs, adoped a resolution on civility in discussions within the Jewish community at their 2010 plenary. In my view it’s a far-reaching statement which, if taken seriously, would have a real impact on Jewish communal discourse. Of course, the question is how far people will pay attention to it. Here’s what it says:

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Dialogue between settlers and Palestinians

January 22nd, 2010, posted by Keith Kahn-Harris

Haaretz has an interesting article on an initiative to build dialogue between settlers and Palestinians – 2 groups where you might think dialogue would be impossible. The article doesn’t suggest that this dialogue is easy, or that it is very common. But surely if protagonists in a terrible conflict can talk to each other then [...]

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On Torah and democracy

January 22nd, 2010, posted by Admin

By Stephen Handley
Matamim is a weekly sheet of divrei torah produced in Israel, which I have seen appearing in England, usually in Hebrew, but they are now beginning to be published in English. This piece is my response to the Matamim on Parshat Vaeira.
Matamim’s dvar torah ends with a lesson drawn from the fact that [...]

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