Featured Stories

Hamas and Fatah. Reconciliation?

It has been a momentous week. Events that one may witness a few times in ones’ own lifetime appear to have converged and compressed into a mere seven days. A royal wedding. The death of the most wanted man in the world at the hands of a highly trained American SEAL team, and now, reconciliation [...]

OmarJoseph Nasser-Khoury @ The Mosiac Rooms

London Fashion Week offers a rare glimpse into art and culture with a firm Palestinian heritage: To mark London Fashion Week, the Mosaic Rooms will showcase a new collection by one of the most promising young designers to recently emerge from the Arab world, OmarJoseph Nasser-Khoury. Silk Thread Martyrs was conceptually inspired by the history [...]

The Palestine Papers

Liberal Democrat life peer Lord Andrew Phillips OBE will be the Chair at a seminar titled ‘The Palestine Papers Under The Spotlight’ organised by Middle East Monitor and the Federation of Students Islamic Societies on the leaked Palestine Papers. The papers, which were previously secret, were jointly released in January by the Guardian and Al-Jazeera [...]

Eye on Palestine 25/07/2011

25 September 2011

Palestine’s bid for statehood at the UN: where are we at now? The Guardian reports that the Palestinian leadership is to press for a vote as soon as possible on its demand for full statehood at the UN security council as President Mahmoud Abbas returned to Ramallah to declare before cheering crowds that the “Palestinian [...]

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Why Britain Should Recognise a Palestinian State – Jonathan Fryer

22 September 2011

Tomorrow, the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, is expected to ask the United Nations Security Council for the world body to recognise Palestinian statehood. At least 130 of the 193 members of the General Assembly have already indicated that they will be voting ‘Yes’ if the issue goes there, which it could, if [...]

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Palestine: in the shadow of the Arab Uprising – what role should Britain play?

16 September 2011

Medical Aid for Palestinians, the New Statesman and Liberal Democrat Friends of Palestine are jointly presenting a Fringe Meeting at the Liberal Democrat Conference in Birmingham. The venue is the  Novotel Hotel, Burne-Jones room. Monday 19 September 6.15 – 7.30 pm Chair – Mehdi Hasan (New Statesman) John McHugo – Liberal Democrat Friends of Palestine [...]

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LDFP Annual General Meeting

16 September 2011

Our annual AGM is being held on Monday 19 September at 2.30 pm in the drawing room of the Hyatt Regency Hotel at the party’s autumn conference in Birmingham. (This is a non-secure zone: no pass required) all those who have been members for one year are free to put themselves forward for election to [...]

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Eye on Palestine: Update on Palestinian Statehood Bid

26 August 2011

As the Israeli government has undermined peace negotiations to such a degree (as particularly experienced by the US government), the Palestinian Authority is planning to gain recognition as a state, within 1967 borders, at the UN General Assembly next month. Successful application for membership in the UN requires both a 2/3 majority in the General [...]

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Eye on Palestine: 31/7/2011

31 July 2011

Thousands have protested in Israel over house prices and low salaries. Demonstrations in 12 cities including Tel Aviv and Haifa have prompted Binyamin Netanyahu to consider cancelling Israel’s parliamentary recess. Amira Hass also commented on the financial crisis in the PA, discussing Raja Khalidi’s point of view that this crisis: “is in the status quo [...]

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The Gaza Monologues, North Wall, Oxford 22/7/2011

28 July 2011

A guest post. On 22nd July I was privileged to see one of the two UK performances by some of the young writers and performers of the Gaza Monologues, who had come all the way from the Ashtar Theatre in Gaza/Ramallah to Oxford. The visit was organised by Oxford residents along with the Pegasus Theatre. [...]

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Eye on Palestine: 17/7/2011

17 July 2011

Sheikh Raed Salah: released on bail A Palestinian detained on the orders of the Home Secretary Theresa May, after flying into Britain to speak to politicians was freed on bail on Saturday by a High Court judge, pending the outcome of legal challenges. Palestinian statehood plan: backed by Arab League The Arab League has endorsed [...]

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Eye on Palestine: 10/7/2011

10 July 2011

Update: Sheikh Raed Salah On Tuesday 28th June, Sheikh Raed Salah, leader of the Islamic Movement in Israel, was arrested in London under a travel ban, and is expected to be deported. He had spoken in Leicester, and was due to speak in the House of Commons, having been invited by Labour MPs Jeremy Corbyn [...]

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Eye on Palestine: 3/7/2011

03 July 2011

News Update for LDFP mailing list: Greek coastguard forces Gaza ‘freedom flotilla’ vessel back to port: An attempt by one of the Gaza-bound “freedom flotilla” ships to defy the Greek government and escape from port was thwarted on Monday when armed coastguard officials caught up with the vessel and forced it back to shore. Palestine Advances [...]

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