Izbet Tabib (15/07/2006)
Protest against the wall, Bil'in (07/01/2011)
Action against bulldozers, Al-Walaja (04/08/2010)
Palestinian farmers prevented from harvesting their land, Saffa (27/06/09)

In the past two years, Anarchists Against the Wall has been subject to a growing wave of assaults on anti-occupation activists in  Israel and the West Bank.

In order to sustain our work and provide legal representation to arrested activists, we have issued an urgent appeal for  regular supporters to help us raise $1500 by the end of each month.



Requiem for the Fence

bilin 28 june 2011bilin 28 june 2011

 Marking the beginning of the end of the fence in Bil'in

This week, after a nonchalant four year delay since the Supreme Court
deemed it illegal, the state began to dismantle the fence in Bil'in. Next
week, we are promised, we will have the privilege of demonstrating in
front of the new wall, which also annexes much of the village's
agricultural and other land, against the decision of the International
Court of Justice in The Hague – only this time with a seal of approval
from the judges in Jerusalem.

Their tower is down

After nearly 7 years of demonstrations in Bilin and after more than four years since the high court decision to do so the Israeli army has finally began to dismantle the fence in Bilin. On June 22nd it dismantled the camera tower which was used to spy on the village and demonstrators.

tower down june 22 2011- activestillstower down june 22 2011- activestills


Freedom Theater in Bilin

bilin 17 june 2011bilin 17 june 2011


We fight for freedom & dignity Basem Tamimi's court statement

This is a statement made by Basem tamimi to the soldier-judge who is deciding his case in Ofer Military court. As Joseph Dana reports the judge did not even allow him to finish his statement. Tamimi is one of the organizers of the popular resistance at his village of Nabi Saleh.

Basem Tamimi Ofer Military Court

Basem Tamimi Ofer Military Court

Beit Umar Saturday demonstration report

The weekly  peaceful demonstration in Beit-Ummar set off as almost every week in the last  few weeks outside the village on the walkway up to the agriculture zone near the settlement Carmei-Zur.In the march took part approx 15 Palestinians,

beit umar june 11 2011


Biddu Farmers demand access to their lands

The people of Biddu demonstrated against the army's prevention of farmers access to the land. The demonstration was joined by Israelis and internationals. This demonstration is one is a series of demonstrations started after the last Gaza war when the army toughened its policy and created further bureaucratic hurdles preventing farmers from accessing their lands.

Biddu June 10 2011Biddu June 10 2011

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