Rabbibrian's Blog

A Voice for Justice and Peace in Israel/Palestine

Understanding the Palestinian U.N. initiative

Posted by rabbibrian on September 20, 2011

How can we understand the PA’s initiative to declare statehood at the UN? How should US and the international community respond?  Will it advance the prospects for justice and peace in Israel/Palestine?

To explore these timely issues, Ta’anit Tzedek – Jewish Fast for Gaza is sponsoring a phone conference with Josh Ruebner, National Advocacy Director of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation on Thursday, September 22 at 12 pm (EST)

Ruebner is a former Analyst in Middle East Affairs at Congressional Research Service, a federal government agency providing Members of Congress with policy analysis. His analysis and commentary on US policy toward the Middle East appear frequently in media such as NBC, ABC Nightline, CSPAN, Al Jazeera, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, Huffington Post, Middle East Report, and more.

The US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation is a national coalition of nearly 350 organizations working to end US support for Israel’s illegal 43-year military occupation of the Palestinian West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip, and to change U.S. policy toward Israel/ Palestine to support human rights, international law, and equality.

Call-in info:

  • Call in number: 1-800-920-7487
  • Code: 92247763#

Participants in the call are encouraged to read one or more of the following articles:

Please join the call!

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments »

Join important conversation on the Arab Spring, Gaza and Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Posted by rabbibrian on May 17, 2011

On Thursday, Taanit Tzedek- Jewish Fast for Gaza, is sponsoring a very timely and important call with Nadia Hijab, a Palestinian American human rights advocate, on “The Arab Spring, Gaza and the Israeli – Palestinian conflict.”  With signs that the Arab Spring has now spread to Palestine, the Hamas/Palestinian Authority Unity agreement,  the President’s speech on Thursday night, Netanyahu’s visit to the U.S., the aftermath of Nakhba Day, this call offers an opportunity for a serious conversation about current developments.  I encourage you to join us and please pass the word on to others who may be interested.

Details about the call:

To participate in the call:
Thursday, May 19 at 12 noon EST

Dial the Access Number: 1.800.920.7487
When prompted, enter your Participant Code: 92247763#
There will be a question and answer period during the call.

Nadia Hijab is a  prominent Palestinian writer and human rights advocate. She is the co-director of the Palestinian Policy Network, has served as co-chair of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, and is a past president of the Association of Arab American University Graduates. Hijab is a renowned human rights advocate, media commentator, writer and speaker.


You can find  several articles by Hijab on the Taanit Tzedek  website and encourage you to read them:

1) The Arab revolutions and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
2) Understanding Obama’s Settlement Posture
3) The Palestinian Narrative: Then and Now


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An Open Letter to our Rabbinical Colleagues

Posted by rabbibrian on April 15, 2011

An Open Letter to Our Rabbinical Colleagues

Rabbi Brant Rosen and Rabbi Brian Walt

This past week, rabbis across the country received a request from the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism to sign a public rabbinic letter to Congress that urged our Representatives and Senators not to cut any foreign aid to Israel as part of the FY2012 budget. The request was co-signed by the rabbinical leaders of four major American Jewish denominations.

As rabbis who received these appeals for our endorsement, we would like to voice our respectful but strong disagreement to the letter. We take particular issue with the statement:

As Jews we are committed to the vision of the Prophets and Jewish sages who considered the pursuit of peace a religious obligation. Foreign Aid to Israel is an essential way that we can fulfill our obligation to “seek peace and pursue it.”

We certainly agree that the pursuit of peace is our primary religious obligation.  Our tradition emphasizes that we should not only seek peace but pursue it actively.  However we cannot affirm that three billion dollars of annual and unconditional aid – mainly in the form of military aid – in any way fulfills the religious obligation of pursuing peace.

This aid provides Israel with military hardware that it uses to maintain its Occupation and to expand settlements on Palestinian land. It provides American bulldozers that demolish Palestinian homes. It provides tear gas that is regularly shot by the IDF at nonviolent Palestinian protesters. It also provided the Apache helicopters that dropped tons of bombs on civilian populations in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead, as well as the white phosphorus that Israel dropped on Gazan civilians, causing grievous burns to their bodies – including the bodies of children.

In light of Israel’s past and continuing military actions, how can we possibly affirm that our continued unconditional aid fulfills the sacred obligation of pursuing peace?

We also take exception to this assertion:

U.S. foreign aid reaffirms our commitment to a democratic ally in the Middle East and gives Israel the military edge to maintain its security and the economic stability to pursue peace.

In fact our ally, the Netanyahu administration, has even rebuffed mild pressure from the US government to comply with the longstanding US position against new settlements in the West Bank. If we believe that any peaceful settlement requires the end of the Occupation and Israel’s settlement policy, how will massive and unconditional foreign aid – and the support of hundreds of rabbis for this aid – promote a negotiated peaceful settlement of the conflict?

An Israeli government that continues to settle occupied territory with impunity will not change its policy as long as it is guaranteed three billion dollars a year.  With every other ally, our government pursues a time-honored diplomatic policy that uses “sticks” as well as “carrots.” We believe the cause of peace would be better served by conditioning support to Israel on its adherence to American and Jewish values of equality and justice.

We are also mindful that the Arab world itself feels under assault by the US when it witnesses Palestinians regularly assaulted with American-made weapons. With the vast and important changes currently underway in the Middle East, we are deeply troubled by the message that this policy sends to Arab citizens who themselves are struggling for freedom and justice.

We know that many of our colleagues who have signed this statement have taken courageous public stands condemning Israel’s human rights abuses in the past. We also know it is enormously challenging to publicly take exception to our country’s aid policy to Israel. Nonetheless, we respectfully urge our our colleagues to consider the deeper implications represented by their support of this letter.

Unconditional aid to Israel may ensure Israel’s continued military dominance, but will it truly fulfill our religious obligation to pursue peace?

In Shalom,

Rabbi Brant Rosen and Rabbi Brian Walt

Posted in Israel, Jewish Ethics, Judaism, Palestinians, Rabbis | 7 Comments »

Young Jews, Zionism and the new Jewish activism

Posted by rabbibrian on February 10, 2011

In November last year, several young Jews disrupted the speech by Prime Minister Netanyahu at the General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America.  Their courageous action focused attention on a generation of young Jews who think very differently about Zionism, Israel and their Jewish identity.

I am delighted that on Thursday next week, Taanit Tzedek  fast day,  will be hosting a conference call at 12 noon with young Jewish activists, including two who participated in the action in November.  All the details are below.  It should be an amazing call and I hope you can join.  Also please share with others, especially with young people you think may be interested.   For more information about Young, Jewish and Proud and the action last year click here.

We would appreciate it if you could share it with friends and others who may be interested.

Ta’anit Tzedek  – Jewish Fast for Gaza

invites you to join a phone conversation on

Young Jews, Zionism and the new Jewish Activism

with three remarkable young Jewish activists and leaders

Rae Abileah and Mirit Mizrahi


Young, Jewish and Proud, the group that disrupted Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech at the General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America


Michael Deheeger

Young Jewish Professional and Community Organizer

Thursday, February 17 at 12 noon EDT

To participate in the call:
Dial the Access Number: 1.800.920.7487
When prompted, enter your Participant Code: 92247763#
There will be a question and answer period during the call.

More Information:  Taanit Tzedek – Jewish Fast for Gaza  www.fastforgaza.net and www.fastforgaza.net/node/172

Young Jewish and Proud: www.youngjewishproud.org

This call is co-sponsored by Jewish Voice for Peace and Shomer Shalom.

Posted in Israel, Jewish Ethics, Judaism | 1 Comment »

Beyond Liberal Zionism

Posted by rabbibrian on February 7, 2011

In 1987, I delivered a Yom Kippur sermon, “A Generation of Occupation,” about the corrosive moral effects of twenty years of Occupation on Jews and Judaism. This sermon cost me my first position as a congregational rabbi. Back then, as a liberal Zionist, I saw the injustice to Palestinians within Israel and under Occupation as moral perversions of the progressive Zionist vision — “warts” that needed correction.

Over the twenty-three years since then, I have seen many disturbing instances of blatant discrimination against Palestinians and my view has fundamentally changed. I have seen a Palestinian home being demolished and have stood on the demolished ruins of Palestinian homes. I have walked down streets restricted to Jews in what was once a bustling Palestinian neighborhood. I have replanted trees uprooted by settlers knowing they would be uprooted again. These and many more disturbing personal encounters with discrimination led me to the painful understanding that political Zionism, at its core, is a discriminatory ethnic nationalism that privileges the rights of Jews over non-Jews.

This is an excerpt from an article of mine, Reflections of a Liberal Zionist, just published by Tikkun magazine.  To mark their 25th anniversary, Tikkun asked many of their authors to share a short article about their thinking and social activism that was most relevant to the next generation and to Tikkun‘s goal of helping heal, repair, and transform the world.  In Reflections of a Liberal Zionist I articulated very briefly how my own faith as liberal Zionist/Jew has been transformed over the past 23 years since I gave that Yom Kippur sermon.

The critique of liberal Zionism is painful as from the time I was very young I have seen myself as a progressive Zionist/Jew.  It was the world I lived in and defined the work that I did.  In many ways it still is.  Many dear colleagues, friends and family are dedicated liberal /progressive Zionists.   I also have such a deep spiritual and emotional connection to Israel and my many friends there.   Most of my colleagues and friends don’t see the contradiction that I believe lies at the heart of liberal Zionism and the impossible goal of building a democratic Jewish state.  They also don’t agree that some of the actions of  liberal Zionist/Jewish organizations prolong the injustice in Israel/Palestine at the same time as claiming to be clearly opposed to this injustice.  It is my hope that the article opens a dialogue and conversation and I invite your response or questions.  You can read the complete article here.  I also recommend the many important articles published as part of the 25th anniversary of Tikkun.  Tikkun has been an important part of my own journey and understanding and I encourage you to subscribe and support the magazine.

Posted in Israel, Jewish Ethics, Judaism, Palestinians, Rabbis | 16 Comments »

Free all the Prisoners!

Posted by rabbibrian on January 3, 2011

My friend and fellow blogger, Richard Silverstein, just shared this poster created by Michael Levin.  The singular focus in Israel and the American Jewish community on the release of Gilad Shalit is profoundly problematic.  Why is this one person’s imprisonment more important than the thousands of Palestinian prisoners from the West Bank,  including over 300 children minors held in Israeli prisons?  Gilad Shalit should be freed just as the Palestinian prisoners should be freed.  The families of the Palestinian prisoners face enormous obstacles visiting their loved ones held behind bars.   I encourage you to share the poster with others.


Abdullah Abu Rahmeh is a leader of Palestinian non-violent resistance on the West Bank;  Ameer Makhoul is an Israeli Palestinian citizen, an advocate for the rights of Palestinian citizens of Israel.

You can find  statistics on Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails here.

Posted in Israel, Palestinians | 15 Comments »

The second anniversary of Operation Cast Lead: Lift the Blockade!

Posted by rabbibrian on December 22, 2010

“As an American, I do not want my tax dollars to enable Israel to behave in a manner that is so clearly counter to moral conscience, human rights and international law.  Please call upon the Israeli government to end its blockade of Gaza immediately.  I urge you to use all diplomatic means at your disposal – including the cessation of military aid – to ensure that Israel complies.”

This coming Monday, December 27, will be the second anniversary of the first day of Operation Cast Lead.  Now, two years later the people of Gaza still live in an “open air prison” subject to a blockade by Israel.

Now is the time for us, as American citizens, to call on our President to take bold action to end the blockade.  Taanit Tzedek – Jewish Fast for Gaza, a project that I co-founded with Rabbi Brant Rosen, is calling on American citizens to send a letter to the President calling on him to take bold action,  to end the blockade  of Gaza.  I invite you to participate in this campaign.

Here is the text of the letter:

Dear President Obama,

I am writing to urge you to do everything in your power to end Israel’s four and a half year blockade against Gaza.

The human toll of this blockade has become utterly intolerable. Israel’s limits on export and import has destroyed Gaza’s economy.  According to international and Israeli human rights organizations, 80% of the Gazan population is dependent on international aid.  61% of the population is food insecure and more than 10% of Gaza’s children are chronically malnourished.

Israel’s blockade has also had a devastating effect on freedom of movement in Gaza.  Gisha, a leading Israeli human rights organization, has documented that the closure of Gaza’s borders has drastically impaired family life and the ability of Gaza’s residents to gain an education and receive medical treatment.

Since “Operation Cast Lead,” 78% of homes that sustained major damage have not yet been rebuilt and scores of Gazans are forced to live in tents or other temporary quarters.  Due to the damage sustained by Gaza’s water purification plants, 50 to 80 million liters of untreated or partially treated sewage are released into the sea every day.

As an American, I do not want my tax dollars to enable Israel to behave in a manner that is so clearly counter to moral conscience, human rights and international law.  Please call upon the Israeli government to end its blockade of Gaza immediately.  I urge you to use all diplomatic means at your disposal – including the cessation of military aid – to ensure that Israel complies.

I acknowledge that Hamas poses a security threat to Israel – but the collective punishment of Gaza will not bring Israel the security it seeks. True security will only be achieved through direct negotiations between Israel and all relevant Palestinian parties, including Hamas.

In your inspiring 2009 Cairo speech, you stated, “the continuing humanitarian crisis in Gaza does not serve Israel’s security…  Progress in the daily lives of the Palestinian people must be a critical part of a road to peace, and Israel must take concrete steps to enable such progress.”

Now is the time for you, as President, to make these words a reality.


To participate in this campaign, click here.

Taanit Tzedek needs your support to continue.  Please click here to make a contribution.

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Palestinians, U.S. Middle East Policy | 1 Comment »

Operation Cast Lead: 2 Years Later

Posted by rabbibrian on December 9, 2010

Rabbi Brant Rosen and I have just organized the next monthly conference call for Taanit Tzedek – Jewish Fast for Gaza.  It will take place 11 days before the 2nd anniversary of Operation Cast Lead.  I have posted information about the call below.  I have learned so much from these monthly calls and often feel so relieved and inspired to be in the presence (at least by phone) of courageous individuals who have spent time in Gaza.   I encourage you to make every effort to join us.

Last month’s call with Congressman Brian Baird was just extraordinary.   With the news this week of the utter collapse of the President Obama’s ineffective effort to move the “peace process” forward, the candor and honesty of Congressman Baird about what impedes American politicians in regard to peace in Israel/Palestine, are even more important.  You can listen to the audio of the call and/or read tue transcript here.

I hope you can join the call on Thursday next week and that you make the time to listen to the call with Congressman Baird.  I would be happy  to read your comments about either call.

Here is the information about the call next week.

Taanit TzedekJewish Fast for Gaza

invites you to join a phone conversation on

Operation Cast Lead: Two Years Later


Jared Malsin

Young American Journalist reporting from Gaza, who was deported by Israel this year.

Thursday, December 16 at 12 noon EDT

To participate in the call:

Dial the Access Number: 1.800.920.7487

When prompted, enter your Participant Code: 92247763#

There will be a question and answer period during the call.

This conference call is scheduled on the monthly fast day of Taanit Tzedek – Jewish Fast for Gaza.  For more information and to join our fast, visit www.fastforgaza.net

Additional Information about Jared Malsin

A 2007 graduate of Yale University, Jared Malsin is a young, independent American journalist who has reported directly from Gaza since October.  Prior to living in Gaza, Malsin, who is Jewish, spent two and a half years in Bethlehem working for Maan, a Palestinian news agency.

In January 2010, while returning from a vacation in Prague, the Israeli government detained him at the Tel Aviv airport after questioning him about his allegedly “anti-Israeli” political views, Palestinian contacts, and news articles authored “inside the territories” He spent a week in jail before he was deported to the US.   His deportation was condemned by the head of the International Federation of Journalists as “an intolerable violation of press freedom.”

As an independent journalist Malsin has also contributed to The Electronic Intifada, Open Democracy, The Huffington Post, Mondowiess, The New Haven Register, and other publications. He has appeared on Al-Jazeera and as a speaker on college campuses.

He has written extensively about Gaza.  You can read his articles here.

“… As a journalist your natural inclination is to give voice to people who don’t have a voice. There’s nothing like being on the ground and seeing what’s happening with your own eyes. You can read about the settlements and the wall. It’s another thing to be in Bethlehem, the city I lived in for two and a half years, and see how the wall cuts across the main road to Jerusalem and wraps around the gas station and then cuts between two house and through an olive field and has just completely mangled the city. Something about being there, and seeing it with your own eyes — there’s truth to it that you can’t argue with. The challenge is to get that across in reporting, in writing, in photography or whatever medium you’re working in.”

Jared Malsin in interview with Christopher Lyden.  Click here for complete interview.

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Palestinians | Leave a Comment »

After the Elections: U.S. Policy, Israel and Gaza – A conversation with Congressman Brian Baird

Posted by rabbibrian on November 12, 2010

On Thursday, November 18, at 12 noon Eastern Time, Ta’anit Tzedek-Jewish Fast for Gaza will sponsor a  a conference call, “After the Elections: US Policy, Israel and Gaza” – A Conversation with Congressman Brian Baird.

Here’s the call-in info:

Dial the Access Number: 1.800.920.7487
Participant Code: 92247763#

Congressman Baird is the outgoing Representative for Washington state’s 3rd District. Prior to being elected in 1998, Congressman Baird practiced as a licensed clinical psychologist in Washington state and Oregon. He also worked in state and Veterans Administration psychiatric hospitals, community mental health clinics, substance abuse treatment programs, and institutions for juvenile offenders.

Congressman Baird is also notable for being one of the few members of Congress who is willing to openly advocate for Palestinian human rights. He has visited Gaza on three separate occasions and had this to say after his visit in February 2009 (immediately following Israel’s Operation Cast Lead):

The amount of physical destruction and the depth of human suffering here is staggering… Entire neighborhoods have been destroyed, schools completely leveled, fundamental water, sewer, and electricity facilities hit and relief agencies heavily damaged. The personal stories of children being killed in their homes or schools, entire families wiped out, and relief workers prevented from evacuating the wounded are heart wrenching – what went on here, and what is continuing to go on, is shocking and troubling beyond words.

After his third visit to Gaza in February 2010, Baird called on the US to break Israel’s blockade of the strip to deliver humanitarian aid. He was also one of the few members of the House to vote against a bill that “unequivocally opposed any endorsement or further consideration” of the Goldstone Report. (Click the clip above to watch his passionate defense of report on the House floor.)

During our conversation, we will ask Congressman Baird to discuss his experiences in Gaza, to comment on current efforts to lift the blockade and to share his views on the search for a just peace in Israel/Palestine in light of the recent midterm elections.

Congressman Baird will also address the wrongful death trial, brought by Craig and Cindy Corrie against the Israeli government, for the death of their daughter Rachel (who was crushed by an Israeli bulldozer in Gaza in 2003). As the Corrie’s congressman, Rep. Baird has long supported the Corrie family in their quest for justice and personally testified in the trial last May.

The call this coming Thursday, November 18 will be at 12:00 noon.

Call-in info:

Dial the Access Number: 1.800.920.7487
Participant Code: 92247763#

I encourage you to join the call and spread the word.

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments »

Young Jews challenge Netanyahu

Posted by rabbibrian on November 11, 2010

On Monday this week, five courageous and inspiring young adults interrupted the speech by Bibi Netanyahu at the  General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America and Jewish Council on Public Affairs.   At this meeting of leaders of the Jewish community at which they launched a 6 million dollar campaign to fight the “deligitimization” of Israel by activists of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, these young people interrupted the Prime Ministers speech with banners that said YoungJewishProud.org and one of the below-

The Settlements Delegitimize Israel

The Occupation Delegitimizes Israel

The Siege of Gaza Delegitimizes Israel

The Loyalty Oath Delegitimizes Israel

Silencing Dissent Delegitimizes Israel

What a brilliant action of resistance to the clever tactic of the Israeli government and American Jewish leaders to silence resistance to Israeli policies by using the term “deligitimization.”

These young people are part of Jewish Voice for Peace which has recently established a Rabbinic Council of which I am a proud member.  They also released a poetic, powerful statement that I encourage you to read and sign the petition in support of their action.   This statement is an inspiring prophetic statement that gives us hope for the Jewish future.

Lastly, the crowd was not so enthusiastic about their interruption and reacted strongly including dragging them out of the hall.  One man held one of the protesters in a choke hold.   They elicited the intense hostility that lies just below the surface to anyone in the Jewish community who challenges Israeli policy.   I encourage you to see the video.

It seems to me that this event is another critical event in the growing resistance to Israel’s policies in America and in the American Jewish community.  When asked about the erosion of support for the government Netanyahu this week said we still have complete support, “We may have lost Tom Friedman, but we haven’t lost America.”  I believe Tom Friedman responded by reassuring Netanyahu that he still is as strong a supporter of Israeli policy as ever.  The point is that even Friedman is beginning to lose his patience with Israeli intransigence.

In traditional Judaism there are prophets, priests and kings.  This week these young people assumed the role of prophet challenging the Israeli Prime Minister who we have allowed to arrogate the role of High Priest  and King.  Their prophetic courage gives us hope for the future.  I hope many more young Jews join them and that we follow their lead.  The times they are a changing!

Posted in Israel, Jewish Ethics, Judaism, Palestinians | 1 Comment »


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